Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2144: Liu Jiaying (6 more)

"Ding! The game will be closed in five minutes. Players are asked to be ready to go offline. Players in the mission can pause the mission."

Suddenly, when the game reminded it to be offline, Su Mu and Huang Quan looked at each other.

Because the two of them said that sentence in unison just now, they all knew this woman. So, taking advantage of these five minutes, Su Mu and Huang Quan wanted to learn more, but the woman suddenly went underground. , Which makes Su Mu and Huang Quan even more weird.

When he was reminded of being offline, the Duke briefly talked about going online at night on the team channel, and then everyone started to go offline.

Because of the thick fog, no one can be seen more than two meters away. Su Mu and Huang Quan stood there, but Huang Quan finally said, "Do you know her?"

Su Mu zongzong his shoulders smiled and said, "I was an old friend a long time ago."

Huang Quan was startled, then nodded and said, "See you tomorrow."

"see you tomorrow."

Since Huang Quan had already determined Su Mu's identity, Su Mu said that her friend from a long time ago naturally knew that it was Su Mu when she was still the shadow of God.

So she didn't ask too much, because she knew Su Mu would not say it.

However, Su Mu and Ling Tian said hello and went offline. Su Mu himself never thought that a copy could not be completed in one day. After all, it is a world-level copy. It is already possible to reach the eighth level in one day. It's a good process.

After offline, it is six o'clock in the morning.

As soon as Su Mu walked out of the bedroom, he saw Wenren Zihan sitting in the living room in a daze. Wenren Jiujiu seemed to be going to school, so there was no one in Wenren's family except Wenren Xiangdong.

Hearing Su Mu's footsteps, Wenren Zihan turned around slowly, and then barely smiled.

She is dressed in simple home attire, looks very mature and has the charm of a mature woman, which makes Su Mu more tremble than five years ago.

Walking to her, Su Mu hugged her in his arms and smiled: "I'm back, there is nothing to worry you about."

Wenren Zihan in his arms nodded slightly, then hugged Su Mu and said, "Also, there is something else..."

"Huh? What's the matter?"

Wenren Zihan paused for a while and said, "Today, the Liu family will come to welcome my relatives..."

"Welcome? Nine-nine?" Su Mu let go of Wenren Zihan when he heard the words. Which Nima came out? I have been away for five years, is this Kyoto still the Kyoto I know? Wen people are bankrupt!

Seeing Su Mu's surprised expression, Wenren Zihan didn't know how to answer. She could only lower her head and said, "I'm sorry..."

Su Mu vaguely felt that things were a bit troublesome, and Wenren Zihan didn't want to say and didn't dare to say it made him more worried.

But at this time the door of another bedroom opened, and Wen Ren Xiangdong said while wearing his coat: "It's not my sister who is married, it's my sister who wants to marry."

Su Mu's eyes widened, Wen Ren Zihan is going to marry?

Wenren Zihan turned around at this time, and then sat on the sofa.

At this time, Su Mu looked at the two brothers in a daze.

Wen Ren said to the host: "Sister she dare not say, I will explain to you, come, sit down and say."

Su Mu was quite dazed, but still sat on the sofa waiting for Wenren Xiangdong's explanation.

Wen Ren Xiangdong first glanced at Wenren Zihan, and then looked at Su Mu after seeing that she had no intention of stopping: "The second year you disappeared, Wen Ren’s family was suppressed by Kyoto except the Long’s family, and later Picked things up..."

Wen Ren pointed to the sky and Su Mu nodded. He knew what Wen Ren Xiangdong's finger meant, and Wen Ren Zhiyuan's identity was there. Therefore, if Wen Ren's family could be destroyed, he was naturally the one above.

"After that, in the third year, my family had no choice but to sell the shares of God Domain in order to maintain their livelihood and bankruptcy. At this time, the Liu family had a large number of acquisitions. By the time we found out, they had already occupied 32% of the shares. Therefore, God’s Domain suddenly became a member of the Liu family, and because of this, the Halls of Gods were disbanded and scattered throughout China. Some established small guilds, and some disappeared. In short, the Halls of Gods were dissolved like this, including Zero also disappeared without a trace."

"Later, that is, a year ago, Wen was completely in decline, and even my grandfather's medical expenses could not be paid. Jiujiu had to go to school, and the eldest sister was unable to run God's Domain alone, and the development of Ziyang Guild That’s why it’s a bit difficult to cash out, and because of the Liu family, although my sister still has 31% of the shares in her hands, she can’t cash out because we all know that Liu’s home is unpredictable, so these 31% of the shares have never dared move……"

Wen Ren Xiangdong said helplessly, "Then Wen Ren's family is in the current predicament, and Ziyang can cash out the same money. Therefore, afterwards, I discussed with my sister and secretly transferred the funds from God's Domain, but later Still failed..."

"In the end, my grandpa was critically ill. My sister not only had to pay the debts, but also paid grandpa's large amount of medical expenses. In the end, the Liu family came to the door and wanted to buy the 31% of the shares... At first, my sister didn't agree, but later my grandpa's condition worsened. The more serious it gets, so sister went to the Long's family to borrow money..."

Su Mu frowned.

Wen Ren Xiangdong continued: "The dragon disappeared, and the Long family closed doors to thank the guests. I don’t know if it was the Liu family’s deception or because the Long family has forgotten your existence. I don’t want to instigate your relationship with the Long family, but this is the case. After that, I didn’t borrow a cent in Kyoto...Of course, Ling Jie sent 5 million, but that was only Ling Jie’s savings. She wanted to support Wen Renjia and wanted to pay grandpa’s expensive medical expenses. , These five million are just a drop in the bucket."

Wen Ren Xiangdong sighed and continued: "Later, there was no alternative. Grandpa owed more than 30 million yuan in medical expenses, and Wen Ren's debt problem. After selling the apartment in Haitian City, he barely made up half of it. , But it's still half way..."

"In the end, Sister, he could only get a loan, and it was the Liu family who took the set. The borrower was obviously not the Liu family, but in the end he became the Liu family. At that time, the money was already in hand, but the Liu family embarrassed her and finally owed the contract. , If you don’t pay it back within a year, then your sister will marry Liu’s Liu Zhi! This is probably the case.”

After speaking, Wenren leaned back on the sofa and stopped talking.

Su Mu was at a loss, feelings, so many things have happened over the years.

Wenren Zihan was serialized, and the ultimate goal was to marry Wenren Zihan.

"During this period, Mei, Ling, and people with Remnant Soul haven't been here?" Su Mu didn't believe that people who heard Remnant Soul would not let the people who heard it become like this.

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