Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2145: A big picture (7 more)

Su Mu's question caused Wen Ren Xiangdong to sneer: "Remnant Soul? Are you Remnant Soul taking care of yourself now?"

"What do you mean?" Su Mu frowned again. He had seen Zero before, and Zero said nothing.

At this time, a faint voice came: "The new leader of the remnant soul is called Dead Moon."

Su Mu and the others turned their heads abruptly, and then they saw Ling standing in the corner of the living room with both hands reporting to his chest.

At this time, Ling walked towards Su Mu and said: "Deadyue succeeded as the leader of the remnant soul, and ruled the war soul. After that, Mei and I were dominated by the dead moon, and then I, Mei, Lan and others left the war soul and were in debt. 3.2 billion."

Su Mu's eyes widened, Zhuge Muyue? Why is she doing this?

Ling walked up to Su Mu and continued: "I investigated with Mei et al. We learned that Dead Moon had united with certain forces in Eastern Europe and had a great relationship with Liu's family in Kyoto, and Wen Ren's bureau should be her and The purpose of Liu Tiannan's joint establishment is to bring down Wenren's family and at the same time, bring down Wenren Zihan."

Su Mu shook his head.

"I know you don't believe it. You can find Mei and Lan to confirm this matter." Zero's tone is still faint, not like a person with hundreds of millions of debts.

Wen Ren Xiangdong smiled and said, "So, in today's situation, we all pay respects to your old lover."

Su Mu looked at Wenren Xiangdong and said, "So, now God's Domain is completely owned by Liu Family?"

"Is this to say? The debt owed by my sister can completely offset the 31% of the shares in God's Domain. You must know that sister borrowed usury instead of ordinary debts. Wangyue and Liu's family had already designed it and swallowed God's Domain. !"

Su Mu couldn't be more surprised. In the past five years, what happened shouldn't be too big!

Wenren Zihan lowered his head vaguely at this time: "I'm sorry...I am not optimistic about God's Domain..."

Su Mu felt a pain in his heart, then walked to Wenren Zihan's side, hugged her again, and then smiled and said, "Isn't it just a God's Domain? Why don't I let it go? As long as you are fine, everything will be fine!"

Wenren Zihan sobbed silently, the more he didn't blame herself, the more she blamed herself. This was inevitable.

Su Mu comforted Wenren Zihan for a while, then looked towards Ling and said, "Call both Mei and Lan."

"Already on the way back to the country, tomorrow should all arrive in Kyoto."

"Also, is there any contact with the Austrian Bill family?"

Zero nodded and said: "Mr. 2 has been found. If nothing else, he will return to China for the first time in seven days to meet with you, but..."

"When did you become hesitant?"

Ling frowned and said, "On the second, he is still a member of the Remnant Soul, and he is still under Dead Moon."

Su Mu waved his hand: "It's okay at this point. Also, where is Dead Moon?"

"In Eastern Europe."

"Can you contact?"


"Let her return home!" Su Mu shouted coldly.

This sentence is cold, but it is more like a command. Although Zero knows that Dead Moon has ruled the battle soul and remnant soul, at this time, the return of Su Mu is the variable. Even if the power of the dead moon is greater, he must consider it. Su Mu's identity and ability.

Zero nodded, and then quickly disappeared into the living room.

At this time, Wen Ren Xiangdong sighed helplessly: "Don't talk about anything else, the Liu family will come to borrow my sister soon, what are you going to do?"

"What can you do?" Su Mu sneered.

The Liu family, although they don't know how the Liu family planned, but today this incident has violated Su Mu's bottom line. The acquisition of God's Domain has already made Su Mu intolerable, and now, he still wants to marry Wenren Zihan?

Isn't the Liu family tired and crooked, or feels this remnant butcher is old? !

"Don't mess around, the Liu family will definitely come with the contract, and everything will follow the process. If you really use force to solve this matter, I'm afraid it won't work in Kyoto." Wen Ren Xiangdong knows Su Mu's Identity, so naturally knows Su Mu's ability, but violence can not solve anything, especially related to the few big families in Kyoto.

Wenren Zihan also shook his head at this time: "Su"

"It's okay, I don't use force." Su Mu said.

The siblings looked at each other, not using force? Then how to stop the Liu family from marrying Wenren Zihan?

Su Mu's eyes became gloomy.

It started three years ago.

Because of his disappearance, Dead Moon became the leader of the battle soul and part-time the leader of the battle soul. This is not so easy to do. It is not so simple to be able to sit on the leader of the battle soul under the eyes of Zero and Charm and replace himself. There must be even greater conspiracies and plans.

Then he returned to China and jointly acquired Su Mu with the Liu family. In fact, destroying Wenren's family is only the first step. The real goal is probably to control God's Domain!

When Su Mu left the earth, it was the arrangement of the country, and it was also the arrangement of Su Tianwen. Then, the god's domain without a leader, is it the beginning of the whole plan?

But now it seems that things are far more terrible than I thought, and it is even harder to see!

Being able to let the Long Family stand by, and even more imperviously remove their rights and financial resources, and make all the relationship between Su and Mu lose the ability to help Wen Ren's family. In this way, Wen Ren's family has to give in, Wen Ren Zi What can a woman do? The only thing she can do is to protect the inheritance left by Su Mu, but she also wants to protect Wen Ren's house, so at this time, she can only step into this super conspiracy step by step.

Until now, five years later, Wen Ren's family finally couldn't turn around, God's Domain was finally completely ruled by Liu's family, and the Remnant Soul finally lost Su Mu's control!

All of this is not just a conspiracy in China, but a conspiracy involving the entire world. Otherwise, it would be enough to bring down Wenren's family, so why bother to zero them?

Su Mu's yin-han face couldn't help but sneered. That's okay, since some people want to play, then play with them!

At this time, the sound of a motor suddenly came from outside the apartment, and cars stopped at the door of the apartment, and they fired several cannons, which really meant to welcome relatives.

Wenren Zihan looked out the door, Wenren Xiangdong looked at Su Mu, and said, "Here."

Su Mu stood up and said, "What about it?"

"I said brother-in-law... don't mess around, the Liu family is not an ordinary family in Kyoto, he is about..."

"It's about the Su family, isn't it?" Su Mu said lightly.

Wenren Xiangdong heard the words for a moment, and then stopped talking. Since Su Mu understands this, there is no need to say more, because the Su Family and Su Mu have a great relationship. This is no secret.

The heavy snow outside hadn't melted yet. The moment Su Mu walked out the door, the cold wind was fierce, watching the black cars parked at the door, Su Mu couldn't help but sneered.

Grab my god's domain, rob my woman, this Liu family is a bit interesting.

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