Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2147: Return of the second daughter

The atmosphere at the door of the apartment instantly lowered, and Su Mu exuded a compelling chill, even Wenren Zihan standing beside Su Mu felt his whole body tremble.

Liu Zhi's words really violated Su Mu's bottom line and made Wenren Zihan gritted his teeth.

However, the current Wenren family cannot be compared with the current Liu family at all, so at this time Wenren Zihan can only hold Su Mu's arm to signal him to calm down.

However, Liu Zhi who was standing at the door saw Su Mu standing still and sneered: "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Su Mu turned around and looked at Liu Zhi and said, "If you say so, isn't your mother the old torn shoes who have been asleep for decades?"



Wenren Zihan and Wenren Xiangdong thought that Su Mu couldn't bear to take action, but no one thought that he would actually say such a sentence, which made their brother and sister can't help but laugh.

The cold color on Wenren Zihan's face also slowly eased, but Wenren Xiangdong nodded with a smile: "That's right."

"You!" Liu Zhi's face was green. There was nothing wrong with these words, and he couldn't find a reason to refute for a while.

So Liu Zhi could only turn around at this time, and then shouted: "I see how hard your mouth will be, don't think I don't know that Ziyang is fine now, haha."

Su Mu nodded and looked at Liu Zhi's back and said: "Well, God's Domain is not doing well right now. I hope that your father and son can hold the sign of God's Domain. Don't give up the power before you hold the heat."

"Don't worry, Lao Tzu will not create God's Domain with one hand like some people do and lose it, huh!"

When the car left, Su Mu stood there and slowly let go of his fists. In fact, Su Mu really wanted to take a shot just now, but after thinking about it for a while, Su Mu finally didn’t do it. Liu Zhi is just a clown, even if he kills now. Without any effect, Su Mu had to meet Liu Tiannan and Wangyue.

Back in the apartment, Wenren Zihan went to prepare breakfast. Su Mu and Wenren Xiangdong sat in the living room to discuss Ziyang's pulling to the Huangtianzhou area. Now that God's Domain is gone, Su Mu can only use Ziyang if he wants to start from scratch. Wenren Xiangdong is still in Ziyang, so Wenren Xiangdong did not hesitate at this point, and directly agreed to Su Mu to bring Ziyang to Huangtianzhou District.

Ziyang was originally created by Su Mu. Even now Ziyang still has many members who followed Su Mu at the beginning, so there is nothing to worry about even if Ziyang is handed over to Su Muwen, Xiangdong.

After eating breakfast, Su Mu and Wenren Zihan went upstairs to rest, and the two naturally lingered for a while.

In the afternoon, Wenren Zihan went to the nursing home, so the entire apartment was left with Su Mu and Wenren Xiangdong. In the evening, Wenren Zihan called and Chen Xiaoruan and the others had arrived in Kyoto, so Su Mu prepared a bit.

Su Mu couldn't help smiling after hanging up.

After five years, Su Mu really doesn’t know what they have become now. However, Su Mu is quite impressed with what Chen Xiaoruan will look like five years later. Xiaoruan met.

Five o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Mu stood at the door of the apartment, and then saw a taxi stopped at the door.

The first thing that got off was a pair of red high heels, and then a pair of snow-white calves and thighs. It stretched to the thigh to see a dress with pink petals. The waist was exquisite, the chest was surging, the curly hair on one end, the white collarbone and The skin on his chest was exposed in the air, so Su Mu couldn't help swallowing, plus the stunning red lips, smile, and the hot expression...

A few degrees below zero in Kyoto, this woman actually wore a dress, and there was no one. You don't need Su Mu to see her face to know who this woman is.

She looked at Su Mu with a smile on her face, but Su Mu just stood there without moving.

After that, another girl walked off the taxi.

Snow-white sneakers, jeans, and long slender legs fully display her figure, and then there is a small white down jacket, very cute, plus that straight ponytail, the whole person feels like a A young and mature girl.

Two girls stood at the door of the apartment, one with tears in the corner of their eyes and the other with a hot and charming smile.

Su Mu turned his head and smiled, then opened his hands.


The sound of high heels sounded, and the woman in the dress walked directly to Su Mu's, but stopped in place, and then saw the jeans girl rush into Su Mu's embrace.

"Brother Su...oooo..."

Chen Xiaoruan in her arms is still so soft, and still so pure and sunny. Although she is now in her twenties, she still feels like Su Mu is not much different from five years ago. The change is that Zhou Wenling, who stands behind, looks more mature and charming.

Su Mu hugged Chen Xiaoruan, touched the long hair on her head and smiled: "Why are you crying?"

Afterwards, Su Mu looked at Zhou Wenling on the opposite side and said, "Don't you come for a hug?"

Zhou Wenling giggled, and then walked to Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan. At this time, Chen Xiaoruan slowly let go of Su Mu, and then saw Zhou Wenling hug Su Mu directly, and then saw the woman hugged directly. Su Mu's head suddenly kissed.

Su Mu was caught off guard by Zhou Wenling's heat, but then Su Mu enjoyed it. This is Zhou Wenling, this is Zhou Wenling who is as unruly as the empress!

The two embraced and kissed each other. After a while, Su Mu released the woman and said, "Is it cold?"

Zhou Wen nodded zero: "But, is this dress good?"

After speaking, I saw Zhou Wenling turning around directly in place, and the pink floral dress immediately floated, Zhou Wenling's big long legs were directly displayed in front of Su Mu's eyes.

Su Mu nodded: "Yes, I am mature again."

"Are you saying that my sister is getting old?"

"I didn't say that."

"But that's what you mean."

"Stop making trouble, come in quickly, wear so little for so cold."

Zhou Wenling giggled, then dragged Chen Xiaoruan and followed Su Mu into the villa, pouting as he walked, "I don't want you to shine when you first meet someone? I don't understand romance, big Desperate!"

"Yes, Big Brother Su, Sister Ling has prepared a lot of clothes for seeing you this time. Only Xiaoruan put on this suit and got on the plane..."

Su Mu walked to the living room with a girl in one hand, then smiled and said, "Xiao Ruan looks good in jeans."

"Look, elder sister, am I right? Xiaoruan is better to follow the pure route, elder sister, me, old, the fancy thing is not better than yours."

"Sister Ling..." Chen Xiaoruan flushed slightly.

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