Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2148: Did nothing

In the living room, Zhou Wenling sat on the spot to pour tea to Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan, while Chen Xiaoruan, flushed at this time, was hugged by Su Mu on his lap and sat. Su Mu just held Chen Xiaoruan’s little hand. She kissed the faint scent of Chen Xiaoruan's body, and Su Mu still missed this feeling.

After Zhou Wenling poured the tea, he glanced at the greasy Su Mu and Chen Xiaoruan and smiled: "Are you enough? Sprinkle dog food for the old lady here?"

Su Mu laughed, then patted his thigh and said, "I can still accommodate you here."

"Hey, my old lady always likes to eat alone." Zhou Wenling smiled disdainfully, making Chen Xiaoruan's face even redder.

The three chatted for a while to ease the emotions they had just met, and then Su Mu said, "Have you not played games in the past five years?"

Chen Xiaoruan was a little uncomfortable sitting in Su Mu's arms at this time. After all, Zhou Wenling was still around, but she slowly raised her head when she heard about the reincarnation, "Big Brother Su, sister Ling flew all over to find you. All over the world, yesterday I received a call from Sister Zihan and came back overnight, so..."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, my old lady is going on a trip." Zhou Wenling waved his hand. These things were not for claiming credit after Su Mu came back. There are some things that can be done without telling them.

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling, then grabbed her hands and said, "Thank you..."

"Now that I'm back, what are you going to do? You know everything, right?" Zhou Wenling directly changed the subject, looking for Su Mu, a heavy topic, Zhou Wenling didn't want to mention it again.

For five years, every time he went to a place where he could not find news of Su Mu, Zhou Wenling would always despair. For five years, Zhou Wenling would even suspect that Su Mu had left this world, but Huang Tian paid his attention. Now he is finally back. Just come back. Just fine, all the hard work is worth it.

Chen Xiaoruan walked down from Su Mu and said, "You talk, I'll prepare dinner for you."

Su Mu nodded, then looked at Zhou Wenling and said, "The Gods' Domain is now entirely owned by the Liu family, so I plan to pull Ziyang into the Huangtianzhou area and reinvigorate it."

"Starting from Ziyang?" Zhou Wenling was a little surprised. Ziyang was their only base. If Ziyang failed to start, then there would be no place for them in the entire Samsara.

And Su Mu nodded and said: "If I can build a gods from scratch, then I can build a **** from scratch!"

"Shenzhen Guild?" Zhou Wenling was slightly startled when he heard these two words, and then said: "So, Ziyang is just a cover?"

"No, Ziyang must go to the Huangtianzhou area. Now our goal is to gather the God's Domain Guild."

In fact, Zhou Wenling already knew what it meant. Since God's Domain was ‘cheated’ by Liu’s family, Su Mu had to take it back upright, and the only way to get it back was to attack God’s Domain and merge with God’s Domain!

Zhou Wenling knows Su Mu's temper, so she doesn't say anything more at this time, she said: "Since you have decided, then do it. I'm afraid we can't help you much."

Su Mu glanced at Zhou Wenling, then took her little hand directly to her arms, Zhou Wenling whispered for a while, but still sat on Su Mu's body, and then directly hugged Su Mu's neck and looked at Su Mu with a condescending smile. Said: "Five years, have you missed your sister?"

"Five years, my sister is heavier again..."

"Fuck you, how old can you not grow meat? Besides, does one hundred and two count? Sister, I am nearly one meter tall."

"Haha, neither heavy nor heavy, very light."

"Hey, what you said is against your intentions, you, the big carrot, come back, are you going to sleep together again?" Zhou Wen was jealous for a while.

Wenren Zihan, Chen Xiaoruan, plus a raging storm that is coming back soon, plus himself, Su Mu, is going to be terrible again.

The two of them hugged, chatted, snorted, and laughed. The living room was full of laughter, especially Zhou Wenling’s sweet smile, which attracted Chen Xiaoruan to look at them from time to time, and Chen Xiaoruan also had a face. Smile, the atmosphere is harmonious.

Su Mu and the four of them had dinner in the evening. Wen Ren Zihan wanted to stay in the nursing home, while Su Mu told Zhou Wenling the cause of Heyang's death. This woman was not as surprised as Su Mu imagined, but rather calm and calm. It looked like Chen Xiaoruan was a little surprised and couldn't believe it.

However, in the end, when Su Mu said that He Yang was not dead, Zhou Wenling's pretty brows wrinkled slightly.

She glanced at Su Mu and said, "Since I'm not dead, why not show up?"

Su Mu also slid his shoulders and said: "Maybe you hate to hear people."

"Then you brother didn't do it?"

"Perhaps." Su Mu sometimes thought, since He Yang is not dead, why should he be against him? Could it be that He Yang angered himself because he and Wenren Zihan got better? This reason is not valid at all. After all, when he met with Heyang, he always called Wenren Zihan his sister. From this point of view, Heyang still appreciates Wenren Zihan’s care during those years. Therefore, there must be some Su Mu did not investigate the matter.

After eating, Su Mu looked at Zhou Wenling and Chen Xiaoruan with a smile: "Two beauties, can you enjoy the room for a while?"

"Hey...Bad boy, my sister is going to see Grandpa Wenren, you should go find Xiaoruan." Zhou Wenling pursed his lips and chuckled.

Chen Xiaoruan's face flushed, and she stammered as she cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks: "Brother Su and Su, we haven't come to Kyoto for half a year, so let my sister and I go to see Grandpa Wenren..."

"Zhedi, are you all leaving me?" Su Mu patted his forehead.

"What is the monkey anxious? You will suffer after they all come back in a few days." Zhou Wenling stood up, then took the suitcase in the living room and walked up to the second floor. There is no need to ask, but I have to change clothes. It is a few degrees below zero outside. , This woman definitely can't stand a dress.

Chen Xiaoruan had to go upstairs after cleaning up the dishes, but Su Mu held her back. The little girl lowered her head slightly, and said, "Brother Su...Xiaoruan...Xiaoruan can't do it today." ..."

"Something happened?" Su Mu was startled.

Chen Xiaoruan's face was flushed to the bottom of her ears, but she still nodded slightly.

Su Mu was speechless, he couldn't get through the red light, so he could only let Chen Xiaoruan go upstairs.

At this time, Wenren sitting in the living room turned his head to look at Su Mu and said, "Brother-in-law, is it a bit too much for you to linger with other women in front of your brother-in-law?"

"go away!"

"Cut, don't let me say it yet."

"You kid hurry up and move Ziyang to Huangtianzhou District."

"I see, why do I feel that you are my brother-in-law?"

"I don't have a sister." Su Mu couldn't help but laugh, and it was indeed a bit reversed. It is probably only Su Mu who molested other women in front of his brother-in-law.

Seeing Wenren heading eastward, Su Mu sighed helplessly, yes, nothing can be done, go online.

Su Mu frowned when he thought of reincarnation, because when he was offline yesterday, he met a person in the Taoist Temple of the eighth pass...a person who made Su Mu very curious...

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