Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2167: Goodbye dead moon

People come and go, there are three tables outside the door of a cafe on the pavement bricks of the street, one of them, a man and a woman sitting in front of each other.

With long hair, white skirt, and fair skin, the girl slowly picked up the coffee and took a sip, then put it on the table and stirred it with a small spoon for a few times before raising her head to look at Su Mu and said: "It's been a long time. "

"Five years and five months." Su Mu said.

The other party smiled slightly: "It's 165 days in five years."

Su Mu frowned slightly, Zhuge Muyue remembered so clearly, plus Su Mu's feeling, she shouldn't have done such a thing, but why? Why disband the original members of the Remnant Soul, and even unite with the Liu Family in Kyoto to target God's Domain?

Su Mu didn't directly ask. At this time, the two of them felt more like the predecessor meeting his predecessor. This reminded Su Mu of a movie he saw many years ago... the predecessor's strategy!

"How are these years?" Su Mu took a sip of coffee, but didn't know whether it was sweet or bitter.

The other party nodded: "It's okay, it's no different from before. I heard that you are going to start from scratch again?"

"Yes, I always start from nothing..." Su Mu smiled.

"No, at least there are gods and gods behind you, God's Domain, sooner or later it will be yours, will it?"

"Well, this is true. The seeds that are planted and the fruits that grow out will not change."

"Yes, what you have done is always done and will not change. The Hall of the Gods is your past, and it is what you paid for..."

There seemed to be stories that they didn't want to tell, both in and out of the conversation, but no one pierced the window paper first.

Silence, but not embarrassment, perhaps, this is the biggest common topic between lovers...

The two were silent for a long while, she picked up to fly, and then looked at the sparse pedestrians on the street with a charming smile: "Are Zihan and Xiaoruan okay?"

"Everything is fine, thank you."

"no need thank me?"

"Thank you for not smelling bad."

Zhuge Muyue was startled when he heard the words, then chuckled, then shook his head slightly and said, "Su Mu, do you need to ridicule me like this?"

"I mean it."

"Well, Quandang you are sincere, but don't you blame me for the remnant soul?" Zhuge Muyue looked at Su Mu seriously, as if this issue was very important to her.

But Su Mu didn't dare to look into Zhuge Muyue's eyes. He also looked at the pedestrians on the street and a car that happened to pass by, and said, "What's so strange? Besides, you have your responsibility, I have mine. We can’t blame anyone for the bottom line."

"Five years no see, when did you become a philosopher?"


"Hehe, kidding, by the way, how are you going to run the gods' guild? Would you like Zhuge's family to help? Big brother has always felt owed to you."

"Zhuge Xitian?"


"What does he owe me?" Su Mu smiled and shook his head.

But Zhuge Muyue smiled and said at this time: "Because he feels that I am sorry for you, he always feels that the Zhuge family owes Wen and the Su family. If you agree, the Zhuge Guild can be directly assigned to your name."

"Do you think I will agree?"

"People just ask you."


"Oh what? I haven't seen you in five years, and I can't talk to girls anymore?"

"No, it just feels good like this..."




Looking at the snow-white figure, Su Mu felt like she was in her heart. Five years ago, she would be crazy about asking Su Mu in Kyoto, but five years later, she felt like a familiar stranger.

Su Mu stood there blankly. At this moment, behind him, a black figure stood there and said, "Don't you ask her why?"

"Why ask, she won't say if you ask." Su Mu said lightly.

Regarding the remnant soul matter, Su Mu has absolute trust in Zhuge Muyue. No matter what happened, Su Mu felt that Zhuge Muyue had difficulties in doing this. Therefore, it is better not to ask if you ask. This will allow Su Mu to have A glimmer of anticipation.

It was better than she said something Su Mu didn't want to hear directly.

Ling glanced at Zhuge Muyue's back and said, "This year, I am no longer her opponent."

Su Mu was dumb, looking back at Ling and said, "When are you her opponent?"


"Sit down." Su Mu sat down and said.

Ling sat directly opposite Su Mu, then pushed away Zhuge Muyue's coffee cup, looking disgusted.

Su Mu laughed: "It's been more than ten years, do you still have no feelings for women?"

"I'm leaving." Ling stood up and left.

Su Mu laughed and said, "Where is Lan?"

"Said that I will be back in a few days and be with Mei." Ling Zhan said.

"Oh, it's okay, the day after tomorrow Zhuxian Conference, you go with me." Su Mu said.

Zero did not speak, he looked at the pedestrians on the street, and then suddenly said, "Xia Feng, maybe you can find him, and sister Qi Yun is also waiting for you in Haitian City. Do you need me to release a message?"

Su Mu put down the coffee and nodded, "Of course, I didn't ask you to be my light bulb if I called you today. In addition to this, I also need to know something about Guild Jade Dynasty."

Zero turned around, then sat down and took out his phone, and then handed it directly to Su Mu, "This is the message of the Nine Emperors."

Su Mu took a look, and when Su Mu saw the true face of the Nine Emperors, his eyes widened. He raised his head and looked at Zero. The latter said faintly: "It is also her who looked at me."

"This world is too small." Su Mu smiled bitterly.

After flipping the phone a few more times, and then saw the detailed information of the Nine Emperors, Su Mu said while looking at it, "I'm afraid you were surprised after investigating the news?"

"Yes, for this I deliberately sneaked into Zhu Xian's headquarters in Kyoto and saw her with my own eyes."

"She didn't see you?"


"If you haven't seen it in five years, your physical strength has risen."

Zero does not speak coldly, and if there is no growth in five years, will the members of the remnant soul still be the remnant soul?

Su Mu just saw Huang Quan's message when he was about to turn off his phone. He flipped through it and said, "Huang Quan, Meng Niang, Wu Changyan, Nine Emperors Tsk Tsk, these four ladies have come together."

"Aren't all the debts you owed back then? Humph!"

"Fuck, what does this have to do with me? Besides, they don't know that I am a person of remnant soul, right?"

"Now I know."

"So what?"

"No way."

"What do you mean by zero?"

"It's boring."

"Is it really boring to talk to you? Remember to go online the day after tomorrow, how many levels are you?"

"taller than you."

"...How did you talk to the boss?"

"Huh!" Ling stood up, then picked up the phone and left the cafe.

Su Mu looked at zero with a smile on his face. Things were more interesting than Su Mu had imagined, and even completely subverted Su Mu's thinking logic. In addition to the secrets of reincarnation, things in the real world also stimulated Su Mu.

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