Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2168: Gathering of masters (8th more)

Wenren Zihan called that day and said that he would stay in the nursing home for a few days, so the two old men Su Mu and Wen Ren Xiangdong were left in the apartment staring at each other. They didn’t cook. In the end, they had to order takeaway. The problem of losing dinner.

After going online, Su Mu was busy with the filling of the guild warehouse, and by the way met with old friends such as Qian's Shen Wansan. What left Su Mu speechless was that the current Shen Wansan was still a "poor ghost"!

This guy opened the Qian's auction abroad, and now there are more than one hundred in the world. This old guy even molested Su Mu and said that now withdrawing from the stock would give Su Mu 10 billion U.S. dollars and almost killed Su Mu.

Although the old stingy said there was no money, Su Mu still ‘extorted’ 10 million gold coins from his hands for urgent use. How to say the Gods’ Guild had just been established. It was just when a lot of gold coins were needed, so naturally, Shen Wansan could not be spared.

These things have been busy for a day, and when they went online the next day, Su Mu stood directly at the gate of the guild resident city, and then waited for Zero to arrive.

Wenren Xiangdong originally wanted to follow Su Mu, but Su Mu was assigned to the dungeon mission, so only Su Mu and Ling were the only ones going to the Zhuxian Conference.

Huangtianzhou District.

A area station city range.

Four A-level resident cities were opened in the entire Huangtianzhou area, one was occupied by Zhu Xian, and the other three were occupied by the Mythical Empire, God's Domain, and Sijiu Villa.

Because today is the Zhuxian Conference, there are players around Zhuxian Resident City. The enthusiasm of the players is far beyond Su Mu's imagination. There are nearly tens of millions of people watching. In addition to making Su Mu amazed, it also shocked the current game. The base of players is numerous.

Looking at the magnificent one-hundred-meter-high city wall, Su Mu stood outside and sighed: "A-level resident city."

Ling stood behind Su Mu without saying a word.

Su Mu took the invitation and handed it directly to the members outside the Zhuxian Industrial and Commercial Guild's resident city gate. Then someone took Su Mu and Ling to the direction of the headquarters hall of Zhuxian Resident City. Along the way, Su Mu saw countless players Standing on the side of the street, talking, watching the arrival of the big guild leaders in China.

To be honest, Su Mu was a little excited. There was no such force in God's Domain that could invite more than 80% of the super bosses in the entire China, but he did not expect that a woman-led Guild of Zhuxian would actually do it after five years. This has to be said about the achievements and power of the Zhuxian Guild.

Along the way, countless players cheered, because five years have gone through various national wars, MVP challenges, etc. At this time, China has also produced some dark horse masters, some veteran masters, etc. These people are full of China, so it is natural to come to Zhuxian Resident City. It has attracted the attention of players, but Su Mu and Ling Zou are neglected in the crowd.

Five years is too long after all. The words "Shadow of God" are slowly disappearing from players' minds. At the same time, the Gods Guild is just a newly established guild, so no one will pay attention to Su Mu and Zero's. Of course, there are also many guild leaders like Su Mu. After all, this is a matter of discussing national warfare, so as long as the Guild of Jade Dynasty is more than one million people will invite it.

"Hey, Brother Tu." At this moment, Bai Chong suddenly walked to Su Mu's side and shouted.

Su Mu was startled, then smiled slightly: "Are you here too?"

At this time Su Mu saw that Chen Yongqi and the crazy flying knife also came over, and the two looked at each other and greeted each other. Chen Yongqi didn't address Su Mu because he knew that Su Mu didn't want to be too swagger.

Su Mu smiled: "Old Chen, don't you bring Dongchen with you?"

"Dong Chen? He has gone abroad and cannot come back for the time being." Chen Yongqi smiled, it is rare that Su Mu still remembers his son Chen Dongchen.

At this time, the crazy flying knife was even more shocked. The strength of Tu Ying shown in the dungeon has surprised him, and now, he actually called himself the elder Chen? Nima, in the entire Huangtianzhou area, who didn't know that Chen Yongqi was a veteran player? Even some super guild presidents would greet President Chen politely when they met. This is the first time that the crazy flying knife heard the name Old Chen.

Moreover, looking at Chen Yongqi's expression, it seemed that he didn't care about Su Mu's name, which made the crazy flying knife curious about Su Mu's identity.

"Liu Suifeng! Liu Suifeng!"

Suddenly, the surrounding players burst into tears.

Su Mu and the others couldn't help but looked behind them.

At this time, I saw a team of players coming from the gate, and then the surrounding players began to cheer.

The leader of this team of players, an assassin, the whole body's strong outfit, looks like a sacred weapon, and this person has no expression on his face, and has no intention to say hello to the surrounding players. He walks towards the lobby of the resident city, and then Surpassing Su Mu and others, although they are not domineering, they give people a feeling of being superior.

Su Mu looked at Chen Yongqi, who smiled and said: "Last year’s personal MVP challenge, 15th in the world, small reputation, good strength, last year’s national warfare can be regarded as a force. President."

Su Mu nodded, but how did this name feel so familiar?

At this time, Chen Yongqi suddenly opened the sound transmission and said: "This name is just the same as that of Liu Suifeng in Time Reincarnation. At present, I have not found anyone in Time Reincarnation in the five years since I came back."

Su Mu suddenly realized that this name had appeared in Time Reincarnation, that is, one of Yin Fengyang's two subordinates, and another called Weak Young Master.

At this moment, cheers came again and Su Mu looked back again. How does Nima feel like the Avenue of Stars?

"Remnant! Remnant! Houhouhou!!"

"I love you, I love you! I love you, I love you!"

At this moment, he came over alone, holding a long knife in his arms, and no one behind him.

Chen Yongqi said: "Remnant, last year's personal challenge, the world's ninth paladin, ranger, no guild, never participated in the national war, but the solitary relationship is more popular with girls, ha ha."

Su Mu was dumbfounded, Huaxia had a lot of masters, and Zhu Xian was called over now, and it seemed that he was going to make a big move.

In addition, at this moment, another group of people came over. When this group came over, Su Mu frowned slightly. It was them? This team is the most curious and surprising of Su Mu, because Su Mu never thought that he would meet them on such an occasion. I can only say that the situation is tricky, but he did not expect that he has developed to where he is today. Can participate in such occasions as Zhuxian Conference.

Su Mu looked at Chen Yongqi with a puzzled face, while Chen Yongqi slid his shoulders and said: "You are strange and nothing. I was also strange at the beginning. No one thought he would reach this point."

[PS; Thank you (︶縶雨里殇ゐ) for the reward of 10,000 book coins. Today, two chapters have been added and eight chapters have been updated. Thanks to Lao Tie for his support! 】

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