Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2170: Ruthless Slap

Everyone laughed, Chen Yongqi and Bai Chong frowned, but Su Mu smiled slightly, then turned and walked towards the benches.

The players sitting at the long table are all big bosses of the super guild, so at this time they laughed, no one would care about anything with a small guild leader of only 200,000 people.

However, Liu Zhi smiled at this time and said, "This year's Zhuxian Conference is even bigger than in previous years. Dear friends, Liu Zhi, Vice President of the Gods Domain Guild, please give me more advice."

Some people on the long table nodded their heads, and some didn’t speak. God’s Domain Guild, they all knew, so at this time Liu Zhiguang didn’t feel anything at all, but Ling Tian sitting on the long table frowned slightly. When did Boss Su become so bearable?

Liu Zhi raised his eyebrows at Su Mu, and then said, "I don't know who can sit in this position this year. I guess he is also the boss of guilds like Forty Nine Villa and Shinhwa Empire? In previous years, Su Tian asked the president. Sitting here, but Su Tian asked the chairman to be empty after he retired."

Speaking of Liu Zhi, he looked at the top position at the end of the long table with great yearning.

This long table has 22 seats, and there are ten on the left and right. The top of the first place must be the position of the nine emperors, and the end facing the first place is naturally the strongest person, so Liu Zhi is also very yearning, a pity However, after Su Tianwen quit the Mythical Empire, no one would sit in this position anymore.

At this time, everyone laughed. Regarding that seat, it can only be said that no one can surpass Su Tianwen's position in Huaxia. Therefore, no one covets this position. Although he is longing for it, after all, it is necessary to respect the predecessors. The reincarnation, who can surpass Su Tianwen's position?

At this time, Zhu Xian's person finally appeared.

A woman came out of the conference hall, a **** woman wearing a cheongsam came out enchantingly, everyone looked sideways, many players coveted, of course, there are also people who dismissively, after all, this is just a leader of Zhu Xian That's it.

Meng Niang walked to the long table, and then looked at the people with a peach blossom face: "Welcome to this year's Zhuxian Conference, as in previous years, first introduce your identities and the guild."

The Zhuxian Conference is a routine every year, and it seems to be to demonstrate Zhuxian's strength. The Zhuxian Guild introduces the identity of the big brothers who came to participate in the Zhuxian Conference and the strength of the guild, which also proves that Zhuxian knows them well and is also a deterrent.

However, at this time, she saw Meng Niang suddenly looking at the opposite seat, and then she looked around and said: "President Su Tianwen has been out of the game industry for three years. Someone should have taken this seat. This year Zhu Xian decided not to let him. This seat is vacant, so let me introduce Meng Niang to invite someone for this seat?"

"Of course, this seat should have been taken long ago." Liu Zhi instantly became excited.

In terms of qualifications, Liu Zhi is not a novice in Samsara. In addition, he is the vice president of God's Domain, so even sitting here is not too much. Of course, Ling Tian and Bai Heshang have a greater chance.

Originally, some players, such as Liu Suifeng, were pretending to be lofty, but at this time they all showed expectant eyes. After all, this seat represents the meaning of the second largest guild besides Zhu Xian, so at this time they naturally Want to sit in this position.

At the same time, everyone looked at Meng Niang, but Meng Niang left the first place at this time, and then walked on the edge of the long table and said, "Everyone should know that this seat is not only a high-level player representing China. , Is also a symbol of strength and power. Although Guild Jade is afraid to say that sitting in this position must be a super master of China, Guild Jade will definitely not let this seat condescend. Surely everyone should be clear?"

"Haha, who didn't know that Zhu Xian's message came from Poppy, we all serve it."

"Yes, no matter who sits on it, we will take it."

"Yes, Zhu Xian decided to do it."


The players on the bench began to agree with Zhuxian. The boss and vice president of these small guilds naturally had no chance, so at this time they could only hold a handful of Zhuxian.

Liu Zhi also stood up at this time and said, "Meng Niang, you can decide. Your information comes from poppy, which is naturally authoritative, so no matter who sits in this position, we are convinced."

"Really?" Meng Niang's wafting smile aroused everyone's heart.

"Of course." Liu Zhi smiled and looked at Meng Niang's red lips and thighs.

Meng Niang nodded, and then continued walking along the long table and said, "As for the power of the guild, besides Zhuxian, it is the mythical empire, so it stands to reason that Baiheshang should be sitting in the meeting."

"The old man dare not." At this time, an old man in the middle of the long table waved his hand.

Meng Niang smiled: "Except for the power of the guild, those sitting on the court should have the strongest personal ability as'Xie Tianyou'. Last year, the Assassin ranked seventh in the world in the individual challenge. In addition, Xie Tianyou also singled out last month. The 199th-level supreme **** boss, we deserve to be the most powerful person in the field."


"Xie Tianyou killed the boss of the ancient Hualong?"


"Tsk tut!"

At this time, everyone couldn't help looking at a young man on the left side of the first.

This person’s face was solemn, he looked very strict, and when Meng Niang spoke of him, he did not see his mood swings, so everyone couldn’t help but sigh, Zhu Xian’s message was indeed terrifying, and the people present were there. There seemed to be no secret in Zhu Xian's eyes.

Last month, there were countless guilds investigating which guild the ancient Hualong killed. I didn’t expect Xie Tianyou to single-handedly kill it. If Zhu Xian didn’t tell the news, no one would know.

Meng Niang's smile still remained. She walked to the position at the end of the long table and said, "However, since everyone trusts Zhuxian so much, Zhuxian decides the candidate for this position, so no matter who sits here, I believe Everyone will agree, right?"



"Of course I am convinced!"

Everyone agrees, who dares not accept it?

Meng Niang's smile hasn't been heard since she appeared, so at this time she walked to the bench on the left side of the long table, and everyone couldn't help showing surprised expressions. Nima, isn't it the person here?

The more the people sitting on the bench, the weaker the guild, especially the last few rows, which is almost the guild leader who was able to participate in the Zhuxian Conference. What did this Meng Niang do when she came here?

Because they were sitting, everyone could clearly see Meng Niang’s long, white legs dangling, waiting to come to Su Mu, Chen Yongqi and others, Meng Niang stopped, and then slightly bowed: "Tu President, please."


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