Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2171: Su Mu Ni Lin

Meng Niang's long legs stopped by Su Mu's side, and then slightly bowed to make a gesture of asking: "President Tu, please."

Everyone is shocked!

At this moment, everyone in the audience opened their eyes wide, and everyone looked at Su Mu and Meng Niang incredulously. Did they make a mistake? But this person is Zhuxian's Mengniang, and she presides over the annual Zhuxian conference, so there should be no mistakes.

Because Liu Zhi deliberately made trouble for this man named Tu Ying before, everyone at the scene also had a little impression of Su Mu, but no one thought that the person Meng Niang invited was him! A 142-level player, a mini-guild with only over 200,000 people, what is this?

As far as the strength of the guild is concerned, as far as the strength of the individual is concerned, this person is not the same. Why should he be invited to sit?

Liu Suifeng, Xie Tianyou, Zui Jian and the others all stared with eyes widened. Thirty Xie Tianyou didn’t care about this seat, but he couldn’t help frowning when he saw Meng Niang inviting this person to go up. It’s not just a seat issue, but Is it humiliating everyone present?

Of course, there were also smiles in the audience.

For example, Ling Tian, ​​such as Long Xueji, such as Chen Yongqi, they all know the identity of Su Mu, and they know the power of Zhu Xian, they will definitely know the identity of Su Mu, so at this time, please ask Su Mu to go up. It is completely expected. Let me ask, the entire game industry. , If Su Mu is present, who else is older than him? Who else is stronger than his personal strength?

Can Xie Tianyou, the seventh assassin in the world, be on par with the shadow of God who has been standing for seven consecutive years? It's not on the same level at all.

Liu Zhi's eyes widened. He didn't believe that Zhu Xian's people would ask Su Mu to go up. This is simply impossible. Liu Zhi's father told him offline, even if Zhu Xian knew Su Mu's identity. To be clear, because this is Zhu Xian hitting himself in the face, this matter will never be made public, so Su Mu sitting in this position, how does Zhu Xian explain?

Also, the shadow of God has disappeared for five years, and Su Mu is no longer the shadow of God at the time, he is just a rookie!

At this time, Su Mu smiled bitterly.

Zhu Xian is not holding himself, but killing himself. There are so many people on the scene, everyone is incredible, and some experts such as Xie Tianyou will naturally hate him, after all, Meng Niang deliberately is too tall for them, But the person who invited me in the end was me. Isn't this what you are doing?

Zhu Xian was deliberate, Su Mu knew better than anyone else, especially after knowing the identity of the Nine Emperors, Su Mu was more certain.

At this time, Su Mu smiled slightly, then stood up, without even saying no, because Su Mu knew that as long as she spoke, Meng Niang would have a lot of words waiting for herself, and she would even throw out her identity as the shadow of God. It was impossible for Su Mu to end up at that time.

So at this moment Su Mu simply stood up, and then smiled at Meng Niang slightly.

Although Meng Niang was smiling, she was shocked in her heart. She didn't expect that Su Mu was really as difficult to deal with as the elder sister said. There was still something to say, but Su Mu had nowhere to say what she said. , So I can only invite Su Mu into the seat.

At the end of the long table, Su Mu directly sat down.

"Brother." Ling Tian sat on the edge and greeted Su Mu. Su Mu nodded and then saw Long Xueji blinking at Su Mu not far away, as if watching a good show.

Su Mu was speechless. This woman was afraid that things weren't big enough, so she had expected Meng Niang to reveal her identity for a long time.

At this moment, Meng Niang stood behind Su Mu, and then leaned on Su Mu's bench and said, "Okay, you guys should have no opinion?"

Everyone, look at me, look at you. Before, they said they were convinced one by one, but now they have invited a person they hardly know to sit here, so they didn’t say it or didn’t, for a time, the entire memory table All stunned.

Meng Niang smiled, then walked to the top of the long table, and stood in the same place: "I think everyone knows the rules of the Zhuxian Conference. Today's Zhuxian Conference is still about national warfare, so if you have nothing special If something happens, then there will be the Nine Emperors, Chairman Zhuxian."

"Wait a minute!" At this moment, Liu Zhi suddenly stood up and looked at Meng Niang and said, "Why is he sitting here?"

Everyone looked at Meng Niang, and finally there was a bird in her head. This time, let's see how you explain Zhu Xian!

Is the president of a guild of 200,000 people, a rookie player with only level 142 sitting in a position where everyone can't afford to sit? Isn't this hitting them in the face?

At this time, Meng Niang smiled and looked at Liu Zhi and said, "Liu Gongzi, you were very in favor of Meng Niang’s decision before, but now Meng Niang has made a choice, but you don’t agree? We, how can a manly man tell Take it back?"

Liu Zhi glared, and said, "Meng Niang, we all respect Zhuxian, otherwise we won't come here to participate in the Zhuxian conference in our busy schedule, but in this position, only President Su Tianwen had sat there. Now Su Tianwen will meet. Long left the game, at least it is the chairman of Baiheshang, right? Even if it’s the Sijiu Villa, I don’t have a problem. Now you actually let a little 142nd guild leader sit here? What do you mean? Look down on us guilds. is it?"

Everyone slandered Zhuxian in their hearts. This was the rhythm of despising people, but no one spoke, and all were waiting for Meng Niang to explain.

However, just as everyone imagined, Zhu Xian was the unreasonable Zhu Xian, a Zhu Xian led by a woman who everyone couldn't provoke. You expect her to reason with you?

So Meng Niang smiled directly: "This is Zhu Xian's decision. If Liu Gongzi is not satisfied, he can keep it for himself. Zhu Xian will not change any of the decisions he made. Do you have any questions?"

"You!" Liu Zhi was speechless. This is the oppression of the forces. They just did this. What can you do? Not satisfied? If you don't accept it, just endure it. Besides, everyone won't look good.

So Liu Zhi could only snorted and sat down at this time, while Meng Niang smiled and left...

Liu Zhi angrily, the bosses and vice presidents of the major guilds on the long table and the bench behind all looked at Su Mu, and Drunken Sword suddenly remembered something at this time, he suddenly asked: "Vice President Liu, no Have you gotten married in the last few days? Why is there no news?"

"Huh? Yes, it seems that you said that you got married a few months ago? Didn't you also say that you want to arrange a wedding in the game?" Liu Suifeng asked.

Liu Zhi was angry at the thought of this, plus the fact that Su Mu had been angry with him in the past two days, and the incident now, Liu Zhi was going to be angry.

He glanced at Drunken Sword and exclaimed: "That torn shoe **** that was crossed by someone, I look down upon him!"


In an instant, the atmosphere on the scene went cold, and Long Xueji, Ling Tian, ​​Chen Yongqi and others couldn't help standing up.

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