Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2173: Shocked

Su Mu suddenly started doing something that no one thought of. After all, this is the resident city of the Zhuxian Guild. No matter what, no one has dared to compete with Zhuxian for five years, and how could a Su Mu who was only level 142 dared to do it?

And Liu Zhi himself knows that this is Zhuxian’s resident city, so he is sure that Su Mu’s character will definitely be unbearable, so he will provoke Su Mu, and at the same time make Zhuxian’s people and Su Mu enmity, this will not only relieve him At the same time, it can also limit the relationship between Zhu Xian and Su Mu. It has to be said that Liu Zhi's move can kill two birds with one stone!

Huang Quan was repelled at this time. She looked at Su Mu in the middle and frowned, "Tu Ying, calm down."

Su Mu suddenly turned his head, then stared at Huang Quan and said, "Today, either let me kill Liu Zhi, or let me kill the three of you and then kill Liu Zhi!"


The players in the audience were surprised. Su Mu had already surprised them by doing something here, but now that he actually said such a sentence, I am afraid that no one rushed to the Zhuxian Resident City to be so arrogant...?

Meng Niang smiled and said, "Huangquan, it's useless to talk more, as long as you dare to make trouble in Zhuxian's Resident City, die!"




The offense of the three rushed up again, sprinting straight to Su Mu's position, and instantly activated the skills on the way to the charge!


Standing in place, Su Mu would break through the attack of these three women with a single jump, but Su Mu still ignored the characteristics of Rank 7 players, especially Huang Quan. A continuous jump directly blocked his way, followed by Meng Niang. And the upper and lower plates of Wu Changyan both attacked and fell at the same time.



The collision of the weapons directly caused Su Mu's whole body to fall to the ground, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The three commanders of Zhu Xian are notorious masters. If you can't handle even a 142-level rookie, don't call him Zhu Xian. Guild.

"Chairman Tu, please respect yourself!" Huang Quan finally frowned. In fact, in this scene, apart from people who knew Su Mu, Huang Quan was the last person who didn't want to fight Su Mu, because she knew that Su Mu was the shadow of God, and she knew it better. Su Mu is the shadow of God who has returned. If he loses here, it will definitely have a great impact on the Gods’ Guild. In the resident city of the Zhuxian Guild, no one can kill people like this unscrupulously. It was after leaving Zhuxian Resident City.

However, Huang Quan didn't seem to know much about Su Mu. At this time, Su Mu had completely given up explaining to Zhuxian's people, so Su Mu jumped again and split into two after he came into the air!

"Clone technique?" Meng Niang sneered, and then looked at Wuchangyan, who nodded slightly, and immediately saw the weapons in their hands flooded. After that, two huge skill special effects fell from the sky!


Su Mu and his avatar were instantly enveloped in it, and then they heard Meng Niang's surprise.

Huangquan was also involuntarily at this time, so she sighed in her heart and disappeared helplessly.

After reappearing, Huang Quan's figure had already come to Su Mu's back, and the dagger slammed into it!



A huge damage value emerged from the top of Su Mu's head. Su Mu staggered forward, and then saw the figures of Meng Niang and Wu Changyan coming straight!

The moves of the three super masters completely left Su Mu without the power to parry, at least the surrounding players looked like this.

So when Wu Changyan and Meng Niang's offensive charge came, they knew that the battle was about to end. Liu Zhi looked at Su Mu who was stuck in the middle with a triumphant smile, secretly stupid!


boom! ! !

A green halo fell, Su Mu only felt his whole body comfortable, and then he saw his health return to full value, and saw Long Xueji's figure in front of him.

"Oh, three people bully one, is it interesting?" Long Xueji looked at Meng Niang with a charming smile.

"Xue Ji!" Huang Quan frowned again. Su Mu was already embarrassing her. Now there is another Long Xueji. Isn't this sincere to make trouble?

Long Xueji’s bohemian character is a match for Zhou Wen’s uncommon character, so at this time Long Xueji can only stand in front of Su Mu and say: “Huang Quan, let’s have a friendship. I’m not embarrassed. You fight him. Leave these two to me!"

Huang Quan was startled, isn't this also an enemy of Zhu Xian?

"Huh! Blue Demon Fairy, ranked tenth in the world, really think that Zhu Xian dare not touch you?" Meng Niang snorted coldly.

"Blue Enchantress?!"

"Fuck, she is the blue enchantress?"

"The tenth-ranked blue enchantress in the world?"


"Dizzy... actually ranked tenth in the world? How many levels should it be? More than 400 levels?"

The surrounding players exclaimed, even though these people are big brothers from China’s major guilds, no one is yearning for the current ranking list, which is the global ranking list instead of China, so this time The exposure of Long Xueji's identity directly caused the players to discuss, even Liu Suifeng and Xie Tianyou couldn't help but look at Long Xueji more.

"Hehe, Zhu Xian really is Zhu Xian, I know a lot..." Long Xueji smiled, it seems that it is not strange that Zhu Xian knows her ID.


Long Xueji suddenly felt Su Mu holding her shoulder, and then heard him say: "This is my business, don't mix it up."

Su Mu directly pushed Long Xueji away, and then stood in front of Huang Quan's trio and said, "I'll just ask, let or not?"

Meng Niang made a cut and said, "You want to kill in Zhuxian's resident city? There has been no such rule in history. What kind of hatred is there. After the Zhuxian conference, you go out and kill yourself, otherwise you will be enemies with Zhuxian!"

Meng Niang knew that this person was good at fighting, and she also got this person's strength from Huang Quan, but even in this way, it is impossible for him to make trouble at the Zhuxian Conference. Besides, during the previous battle, Meng Niang clearly felt this person. It wasn't the opponent of the three of them at all. From Meng Niang's feeling, even a Huangquan was enough to deal with this person, so the words would naturally not be too concessional.

However, Su Mu sneered at this moment, then stood still and nodded slightly, then looked at Huang Quan and said, "In that case, I can only be sorry..."



"What about people?!"

In an instant, Su Mu's figure directly disappeared in place.

Bang! ! !



There was no sign at all, Meng Niang's body suddenly moved forward, as if someone from behind pushed her. The moment this action just appeared, a black shadow came, and Meng Niang suddenly appeared in front of her. The long sword!



White light appeared, within zero and one second, two attacks and two damages!

Huang Quan Na Meimu stared very wide, Wuchangyan, Liu Suifeng, Xie Tianyou and others, all caught their breath...

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