Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2174: A lot of face (6 more)

Everyone in the room caught their breath, because of the two attacks by Su Mu just now, they didn't see what was going on at all. That Meng Niang was killed without even making any reaction. This is the most terrifying place. .

Therefore, at this moment, the audience was quiet and terrible, especially when nearly 80% of China’s masters were present...

The beautiful faces of Huang Quan and Wu Changyan were already stiff at this time. Others didn't know Meng Niang's strength. They knew the best, so the two of them were the most shocked at this time.

Long Xueji reacted first, and then gave a helpless laugh. Indeed, who is he? Shadow of God, you don't need your own help at all. It seemed that Su Mu was beaten just now without the strength to fight back. It was just because Su Mu was keeping something, maybe he didn't want to fall out with Zhuxian directly.

"Huang Quan! You know who I am. Today, if Zhu Xian insists on blocking me, don't blame my ruthless men!" Su Mu stared at Huang Quan.

At this time, Huang Quan was stunned, and then took a step back, but Wu Changyan suddenly burst out and rushed up: "Looking for death!"


At this moment, the hunter's traps appeared from the air, and then directly came to Su Mu's waist. This is the unique natal skill of the seventh rank hunter, which can control the enemy in a short time...

This level of battle, even one second is enough for a lot of things to happen, so before everyone recovered from the shock, the trap had directly controlled Su Mu's body!


puff! puff!

The double daggers pierced Su Mu's temples instantly.


The white light rose, and everyone saw that Su Mu was killed in seconds, but what they didn't expect was that the damage value appeared on the top of Wu Changyan's head!



The damage value of up to three hundred and fifty thousand was astonished again. The people on the scene were all dumbfounded. They were all masters, and they understood what the battle at this level was. However, the battle between Su Mu and Zhu Xian was complete. It is a kind of crushing, as if a thousand-level master is playing three 400-level players!


Why isn't Wu Changyan shocked? Su Mu was obviously controlled and killed by herself, but suddenly a pain came from behind her, and then she saw a huge damage value. At this time, Wu Changyan had not made any response but she saw a long sword directly stabbed. To the position of her brow...

This speed!

Can't stop it!




White light rises, impermanence, and instantly killed!

And Su Mu's figure appeared at this time, standing directly in front of Huang Quan.

Huang Quan was sluggish, because at this time, Su Mu's long sword was at her throat, and only a slight movement of Su Mu could cause serious injuries, but Su Mu had not moved, and the shock in Huang Quan's heart was unparalleled.

Is this the power of the shadow of God? Is this the power of the shadow of God? Is this the shock of the shadow of God? !

Su Mu stared at Huang Quan and said, "I can ignore the matter of punishing the immortal today, but I will kill Liu Zhi!"

Huang Quan didn’t move. She couldn’t be Su Mu’s opponent. At least it is now. If Huang Quan felt the power of a battle when Su Mu didn’t kill Meng Niang and Wu Changyan, then Huang Quan has no confidence to start with Su Mu, because just now. Su Mu only used four attacks to kill Meng Niang and Wu Changyan in seconds, even without any defense, each kill was less than a second...

Huang Quan couldn't capture this speed at all.

"A lot of face! Don't care about Zhuxian?!" At this time, Xie Tianyou, standing in the crowd, suddenly walked over.

All the masters in the audience reacted at the same time at this moment, Zhu Xian's Meng Niang and Wu Changyan were killed? Just like this? They were killed without seeing what happened?

And the appearance of Xie Tianyou shocked the people at the scene. This is not the Zhuxian conference, but the personal MVP challenge, right?

At the same time, Bai Heshang, who was standing in the crowd, frowned slightly, and a young girl beside him whispered at this time: "Uncle Bai, do you want your subordinates to go out and assist Zhu Xian?"

Bai Heshang shook his head: "Do you really think that Zhu Xian is Huangquan and the three masters? Ha ha..."

The girl was startled, Zhu Xian seemed to be more famous than Huangquan Mengniang and Wu Changyan. These three people weren't the opponents of Tu Ying. Does Zhu Xian have any other masters?

Bai Heshang said softly: "If Zhu Xian can do what he is now with these three women, why didn't the mythical empire under Su Tianwen's leadership suppress Zhu Xian? This Zhu Xian is very mysterious. Watch the show. ."

In China, there is no shortage of hidden masters. In the so-called personal MVP challenge, only those who are eager for quick success will participate. Many masters are hidden in the major guilds and will not participate, and they do not bother to participate in such competitions.

The girl nodded slightly. It is true. If Zhu Xian is just the three of Huang Quan supporting the front, then all the Super Guilds here can find opponents like them, and it is impossible for Zhu Xian to reach the position of No. 1 in China. Continuing for three years.

Not only Bai Heshang, but the other guild bosses and vice-chairmen standing in the crowd at this time also had the same thought. Zhu Xian could not be the three masters of Huang Quan and the others. At the same time, although Su Mu's combat power made them shine, it still Not reaching the point where they were shocked, Zhu Xian would definitely stop this fight.

And this Xie Tianyou was obviously going to please Zhuxian, otherwise he wouldn't make a move at this time.

In fact, not so much Su Mu's strength was surprising, but it was Ling Tian that surprised these big guys. Chen Yongqi and others suddenly guarded Su Mu's movements. These things were what made them most curious.

At this moment, everyone suddenly frowned and heard Liu Zhi's laughter.

"Haha, making trouble in Zhuxian? I really haven't seen such a person. You have the ability to kill Lao Tzu. I want to see who dares to see in this Huangtianzhou area, in this Huaxia area. Making trouble here!" Liu Zhi looked at Su Mu with a sneer.

At this time, Su Mu could only stare at Liu Zhi, then looked at Xie Tianyou.

"Killing in Zhuxian Resident City? Friends, do you treat us as air?" Xie Tianyou stood in front of Su Mu with a look of disdain.

The seventh assassin in the world naturally has his pride.

Su Mu glanced at him: "Of course I dare not treat you as air."

Xie Tianyou sneered when he heard the words, just know.

"I treat you like a fart!!"


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