Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2183: Goodbye poppy

When all the players in the audience were really going to be cleared by Su Mu because of Liu Zhi, the death suddenly disappeared in place. Su Mu also raised his brows because the duration of the resurrection scroll was twelve hours. Only a few minutes?

The people standing on the walls of Zhuxian City also became curious and discussed.

Whether it is Baiheshang or Xie Tianyou and others, they are all very interested in Su Mu at this time. Su Mu’s combat effectiveness, coupled with Zhu Xian’s statement, all show that Su Mu himself is not an ordinary player, even though he is only level 142. What might this mean? Such a powerful strength is no ordinary person.

So the investigation began, and countless investigations on the Gods’ Association began one by one from reincarnation to reality.

However, just when everyone was about to go back and continue the Zhuxian Conference, suddenly the system in the Huangtianzhou District began to refresh.

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Paying Announcement: Liu Zhi: Tu Ying, you're **** awesome, tomorrow Lao Tzu doesn't give you the guild Tu Guang, Lao Tzu will not be named Liu! Fuck, Lao Tzu said what happened to that woman? You have slept with broken shoes for many years, there is a kind of you keep coming! I am waiting for you!"


The players in the entire Huangtianzhou area are boiling, what are they going to do? This caller is Liu Zhi, the vice president of God's Domain, right?

"By the way, I just heard that this year's Zhuxian Conference seems to have had an accident. Someone blatantly killed someone in Zhuxian's Resident City. It seems that he had a holiday with this Liu Zhi."

"Just kidding, who would dare to openly kill people in Zhuxian Resident City, and it's still on such occasions as Zhuxian Conference."

"It's true. If you don't believe me, go and ask others. The news just came out that Liu Zhi and the president of this gods guild have had sex. I heard that this gods guild has just been established and has less than 300,000 people. , Have you heard of Ziyang?"

"Who doesn't know about Ziyang? We are the veteran guild in the Huaxia region. Didn't it mean that the president of God's Domain, Mu Ying, was the founder of Ziyang?"

"Yes! This guild of gods was separated from Ziyang and entered the Huangtianzhou area directly!"

"Halo, then it's a bit fun. The two unions were still one five years ago."

"Who said no, in other words, who is the one who made trouble at the Zhuxian Conference? It's not Ziyang's, right?"

"It's him, Tu Ying, the president of this gods guild!"

"Tu Ying?!"


News spreads very quickly, especially in the game, it is more like a wildfire in the Huangtianzhou District. The entire Huangtianzhou District knows that there is a disturbance at the Zhuxian Conference within an hour, and this The matter has begun to spread to other regions. After all, the Zhuxian Conference is part of some super guild leaders across China, so this matter has spread like wildfire!

And now, at the south gate of Zhuxian’s Resident City, everyone looked at the payment announcement of Huangtianzhou District and smiled. This Liu Zhi is really a villain, and he even blatantly provoked this Tuying. It seems that things are not going to happen. It's over now.

Just as they imagined, Su Mu at this time is still out of breath, but the angry laugh is real. Seeing the shouts of the Huangtianzhou area, Su Mu also remembered that this scroll of life extension is a node for ten minutes and can be free. Choose the resurrection point to resurrect, so at this time Su Mu went directly to the location of the resident city in area B.

"Ding! Huangtianzhou District Paying Announcement: Wenren Xiangdong: I will only speak with Tu Ying, Liu Zhi, killing you to zero today is just the beginning, stand your legs straight, don't tremble!"

The players exclaimed again, sure enough, Ziyang Guild has changed its name. These two were one five years ago, and now they have become hostile guilds!

Some players followed Su Mu, while the Zhuxian Conference continued. This matter is at best killing Liu Zhi and returning to zero.

Therefore, Area A of Huangtianzhou District has begun to cool down, but area B is becoming lively. Countless people watching the excitement follow Su Mu, they want to see what Su Mu is going to do.

At this time, when everyone saw Su Mu directly walked into the resident city of the Poppy Guild, they immediately understood that there was a good show, this Tuying must be looking for news from Poppy...

Outside the poppy resident city, Su Mu was directly intercepted by the poppy guild.

Guild resident cities like Poppy will not be open to outsiders. They are mainly guilds selling news, so they are not open to the public like Zhu Xian’s guild resident cities.

So Su Mu's desire to enter the poppy is not as simple as he thought.

"The Poppy Guild is not open to the public, please leave!" The two poppy members intercepted Su Mu.

Su Mu sneered, "Get out of the way!"

The two gatekeepers were startled when they heard this. The poppy has been open for so many years, and no one has dared to openly trespass into the poppy guild. Even the people of Zhuxian have to be notified by the subordinates. Zhuxian is powerful, but not Dare to offend this kind of news guild easily, Poppy, is Huaxia, a legend in the game industry.

Therefore, the two gatekeepers couldn't help but sneered at Su Mu and said, "My friend, once again, the poppy is a place where you can't trespass, otherwise, don't blame the brothers for being polite!"



In an instant, a dozen poppy masters appeared at the gate of the city, and the onlookers were once again amazed. Isn't this Tuying really crazy?

I just called out to kill Liu Zhi to return to zero, and now he is blatantly trespassing on the poppy. I heard that Liu Zhi was killed at the Zhuxian Conference before. Is this really crazy?

Although the news spread quickly, no one knew that Zhu Xian had openly apologized to Su Mu, and this matter might have been brewing for a long time before it broke out.

But at this moment, a woman came out from the poppy guild...

A woman that all Huangtianzhou districts want to see but can't see.

Somnus with half a peacock golden mask!

The president of Poppy!

Somnus walked out of the resident city with a smile, and the members who intercepted Su Mu watched in surprise as their president personally walked over. What is this going to do?

The two goalkeepers hurriedly let the way open at this time, and then let Somnus walk out. The onlookers were also surprised at this time...

I saw Somnus smile slightly at Su Mu and said: "Long time no see."

"Don't talk nonsense, add friends, I want to know Liu Zhi's specific location all day long." Su Mu said coldly. This time, Liu Zhi completely offended Su Mu. In the game, Su Mu can bear anyone insulting him, but absolutely Liu Zhi is not allowed to openly humiliate Wenren Zihan, or even say words that make Su Mu intolerable. This Liu Zhi, the zero level who does not kill, will never stop!

Somnus didn't talk any nonsense, and directly added a friend to Su Mu and said: "Liu Zhi has now been teleported to Panguzhou area through the jump point, but it seems that for some reason, he did not enter the town, nor did he enter the Guild Resident City."

Su Mu sneered, can he get in? This continuation scroll seems abnormal, but it also has a side effect, that is, it is impossible to enter towns and resident cities!

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