Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2184: Two female gangsters

Teleportation point in Panguzhou area.

Swish white light rose, and the players in Panguzhou area passing by the resurrection point couldn't help but wonder, what happened today, what happened to this teleportation point? Thousands of people suddenly appeared to teleport. Could it be that something big happened?

However, all the players who were transferred were the ID of the Huangtianzhou District Guild, which made the players in Panguzhou District curious.

And Su Mu, at this time, rushed out of the city in the crowd, and then went straight to the wild.

At this time, a large number of players who came from the Huangtianzhou area also followed up. In the reincarnation, teleporting scrolls are no longer rare items, so some people who watch the excitement do not hesitate to spend the teleporting scrolls to follow Su Mu from Huangtianzhou. The district was teleported to Panguzhou district in order to see how this person killed Liu Zhi to level zero.

As a result, this matter spread instantly in Panguzhou District. Countless players couldn't help but become curious after hearing about the incident in Huangtianzhou District. In the current reincarnation, the average player level has reached level 300, and they want to kill a player. At level zero, it is almost impossible to kill 300 times. Who will kill you 300 times in one day?

Therefore, the players in Panguzhou District couldn't help but began to inquire about the Huangtianzhou District. Soon, a large number of players began to gather.

At this time, at a teleportation point at the North Gate of the Wilderness in Panguzhou District, Liu Zhizheng stood in place and walked back and forth. He is now talking to his father Liu Tiannan about what he was used by Su Mu. He has been resurrected after his death. You can’t enter towns and resident cities yet, you can only teleport and resurrect back and forth at the resurrection point in the wild, so Liu Zhi seems to be scolding the street with Su Mu, but in fact he is very nervous, you know, it was just a dozen minutes before Su Mu. Killed Liu Zhi hundreds of times, and now Liu Zhi is almost below the 200th level.

Liu Tiannan’s suggestion was to let Liu Zhi escape, as long as he avoided Su Mu. Su Mu’s personal ability Liu Tiannan was naturally very clear, and his son’s combat effectiveness was also very clear to him, so he could only escape and avoid these twelve hours. If Liu Zhi could enter the safe city or the resident city of God's Domain, then Su Mu couldn't do it even if he wanted to kill Liu Zhi.

Therefore, Liu Zhi can only stay at the resurrection point, because he dare not leave here, except that the resurrection point can use the teleportation scroll.

At this moment, a large number of players rushed out of Panguzhou District. Liu Zhi was almost like a scared rabbit. When he saw the crowd, he immediately thought that Su Mu was chasing him, so he was clever all over, and then turned around. Rescue must go to the resurrection point to teleport.

"Where do you want to go?" Suddenly, a pretty face stood in front of Liu Zhi, with a sly and mocking smile.

"Blue Demon Fairy? What are you going to do?" The person Liu Zhi saw was Long Xueji.

Long Xueji was sent out of Zhuxian Resident City by Su Mu. She originally planned to go to Su Mu, but she didn't expect to receive news from Panguzhou District. Liu Zhi is here, so don't ask, Su Mu will definitely come.

Long Xueji is able to occupy a place in the world rankings, and her guild naturally goes without saying, especially on her territory in Panguzhou District, so she can naturally grasp the position of Liu Zhi.

"What can I do? I'll watch the excitement... Get out of me, you!"


boom! ! !

A huge energy fluctuation, the eighth rank priest's characteristic skills instantly pushed Liu Zhi out of the resurrection point, and then he was directly hit in front of Su Mu who just rushed over.

Liu Zhi was suddenly shocked. Long Xueji was Rank 8 and her level was at least 400, so Liu Zhi also wanted to avoid Long Xueji's shock wave. Moreover, this shock directly caused Liu Zhi to come to Su Mu's.

Su Mu sneered, then stared at Liu Zhi and said, "You **** keep running!?"

"Tsk tusk, it seems that someone is really going to be cleared today." Long Xueji's appearance in Panguzhou District at this time did not surprise Su Mu. She was originally from Panguzhou District, and according to Long Xueji's level, she The energy of the guild is certainly not what ordinary people can imagine, so the appearance of Long Xueji is not unexpected.

She walked to the opposite of Su Mu, and then stopped Liu Zhi's position and said, "Hey, whole person, how many times do you kill me?"

Su Mu raised his eyebrows slightly, and then smiled slightly: "Whatever."

"Hehe..." Long Xueji walked towards Liu Zhi's position while rubbing her palms.

At this time, Liu Zhi really wanted to cry without tears, and he had come to Panguzhou District. How could they find themselves so quickly?

"Blue Enchantress, our God Realm and you have no grievances or enmity you..."


A skill fell instantly, and Liu Zhi continued to close his eyes subconsciously and waited for the spike to be killed. However, the skill did not cause him the result of the spike, but directly set up Liu Zhi...similar to some kind of floating ability... …

"Hello! How can this kind of thing miss me? Wait for me!"

The crowd of onlookers finally ran over at this time, and then they saw a woman with short white hair rushing over and shouting.

Su Mu saw this woman's involuntary black thread, so another female hooligan came, but this made Su Mu laugh a little, a Long Xueji, a violent storm, Liu Zhi suffered.

"Haha! Shadow!" Kuang Lan rushed to Su Mu's side, and then directly held Su Mu's next door, his head leaned directly on Su Mu's shoulder, in the form of a little woman.

At this moment, Long Xueji, who was controlling Liu Zhi in mid-air, frowned involuntarily and said, "Hey, who are you?"

Kuanglan was startled: "Who are you again?"

"Me? I'm his friend!" Long Xueji really didn't know how to call her and Su Mu's relationship for a while, but watching Kuang Lan pull Su Mu like this, Long Xueji never felt happy.

Kuanglan relied on Su Mu and said, "I am his friend too."

"Is there a friend who is so close? How many wife are you his?"


Kuang Lan looked speechless, then looked at Long Xueji and said, "Which wife are you his?"

Long Xueji rolled her eyes: "I don't want my old lady to be his little one..."

"Haha! Right, right, you can't be his little seven or eight... In other words, you have a share of what you see, how can this murderous act be yours alone? Bring me?" Kuang Lan laughed.

Long Xueji nodded abruptly and said, "Go, go, come together, I just thought of a fun way."

The two women discussed in their own way and completely put Su Mu aside. Moreover, this Nima is killing people, not playing games. Can you guys feel a bit feminine?

Su Mu: "..."

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