Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2222: Name of Su Mu

God's domain resident city.

Liu Tiannan frowned.

This is the consequence of announcing the identity of the Shadow of God, so Liu Tiannan had been thinking about how to suppress Su Mu so that Su Mu could not rise in the Huangtianzhou area, and only in this way could the return of the shadow of God be obliterated.

Because a small guild of gods, with only two hundred thousand people, using the ID of Tu Ying to say that he is the shadow of God, no one would believe it!

Over the years, I don’t know how many people have pretended to be the shadow of God, but does anyone believe it?

Who is the shadow of God?

He is the myth of the entire game industry and the idol of all the old players. Therefore, the four words "Shadow of God" represent too many things. It is not only a symbol of strength, not only a symbol of fame, but also a kind of feelings. Symbolic.

Therefore, when the shadow of God returns, there is no need to call all the world that I am the shadow of God. All the rumors are self-defeating.

"Dad, what should I do? The people in the Hall of the Gods are actually developing silently, aren't we the people who have been monitoring the Hall of the Gods?" Liu Zhi looked at Liu Tiannan sitting in the hall with a worried expression.

What else can Liu Tiannan do at this time?

Now he can only sigh slightly: "This is the end of the matter, what else can I do?"

"Just wait like this?" Liu Zhi was anxious.

Isn't Liu Tiannan so?

Although he has been monitoring Zero, Kuanglan, Xinyedao and others, Liu Tiannan must admit that these people in the Hall of Gods, any one is a genius for a while, and they not only avoided Liu’s surveillance, Even more closely hides their ambitions.

Each member of the Hall of Gods either joins some unknown guilds or creates guilds by themselves. The guilds that can be created are only hundreds of thousands, which seems harmless to humans and animals, and Liu Tiannan also knows that these hundreds of thousands Thousands of people gathered together is also a huge force, but there is no alternative, he can only hope that these people in the halls of the gods will really give up the return of the shadow of God.

So, God's Domain is going to suppress these guilds?

The guilds established by the members of the Hall of Gods are all near the Huangtianzhou area. If you want to hit them, you will suddenly see their guild disappear, and then enter the dungeon as a whole, or enter the upgrade site, etc. There is no conflict at all.

Liu Tiannan only now understands that all the people in the Hall of Gods are all masters of the city government. Everyone will not directly conflict with him. Even when he sees himself annexing God’s Domain, no one will stand up and speak, but forbears for five years. , Are you actually waiting for Su Mu's return?

If you change to an ordinary guild, it’s five years. Even one year is the limit. Who can always believe that one of his bosses can return? And waited for five years? In the entire game industry, it is estimated that only the Hall of Gods can do it.

So even though Liu Tiannan was surprised at this time, he also admired the Hall of Gods, and even the shadow of God, which was simply an existence that could not be copied.

Seven million people, what else does God's Domain use to attack the gods' guild?

Liu Zhi, who was clamoring in the Huangtianzhou area before, may have the reputation of God's Domain to fall to the bottom at this instant.

And what Liu Tiannan is most worried about now is that Su Mu's desperate backhand attacking God's Domain. Although doing so will cause both sides to lose, it is the ending that God's Domain doesn't want to see.

Liu Zhi stood in the hall and walked back and forth. The people below kept getting news. The Gods’ Guild, from one million to two million, three million, four million, to seven million people. !

At this time, Liu Zhi stayed in the resident hall.

At present, there are only two to three million people in God's Domain, and it is impossible for others to recall them instantly.

It was originally a guild of abusive cuisine gods, but now, the rookie side has become a guild of the gods?

"Dad! You are paying attention! What should I do? You can't just wait here, right?" Liu Zhi cried with a face.

If God's Domain is gone, what will he pretend to be? How should he raise his level? He was taken to a dozen or so levels when he went online today. If he didn't have God's Domain, wouldn't he be able to catch up with the average level of Samsara for a lifetime?

Liu Tiannan stood up and muttered: "We can only watch the changes."

"Watch the changes?" Liu Zhi knew that God's Domain had lost its best initiative. At this time, the only thing that can be expected is that the Gods Guild should not attack God's Domain like a lunatic. Therefore, Liu Zhi can only sit on his back. On the chairs in the hall, he was full of regret and panic.

God's domain resident city.

"Have you heard? There are seven million people in the Gods’ Guild."

"I just saw news from a friend that the seven million people of the Gods Guild were brought by the masters of the Hall of Gods."

"No? The Hall of Gods?"

"What is the Hall of the Gods?"

At this time, there are still many members of God's Domain who don't know the Hall of Gods, and naturally they will not understand the God's Domain back then.

So those old members who have been in God's Domain for five years frowned at this time.

"The Hall of the Gods, five years ago was the goal of our old members."

"Yes, it was a great thing to be able to enter the Hall of Gods five years ago, and the minimum wage contract for the Hall of Gods back then was 100,000 yuan a month, right?"

"One hundred thousand yuan?"

"Yes, the annual salary is one million! Hall of Gods!"

"Fuck, so awesome?"

"What's awesome is not the annual salary, but the name of the Hall of Gods, do you know the Hall of Gods?"

The new player was suddenly stunned at this moment. Just now I felt that the Hall of the Gods was a bit familiar. Now I heard the Hall of the Gods and I immediately understood. Isn’t this a special group established by the Shadow of God in the Zeus Guild?

In the Pavilion of the Gods, each member has a unique power.

In the Pavilion of Gods, each member is a god-like existence in the game world.

Pavilion of the Gods, Shadow Killing Order, this is the most desirable existence in the game industry!

Then this hall of the gods!

"It turns out that the legend is true! The president of God's Domain five years ago is really the shadow of God?!"

"Huh? The shadow of God?!"

"Don't be kidding, I can't stand my heart!"

"The legend is not groundless. This God's Domain Guild was originally created by the shadow of God, but it has only disappeared for five years, so it is now that President Liu is in charge of God's Domain... But I really want to say that the Liu Family and Wen Ren's family fell out..."

"Do you still know Kyoto Wenrenjia?"

"The girlfriend of the shadow of God Wenren Zihan, who doesn't know the old player?"

"Damn, I'm going to the Gods' Realm Guild! This God's Realm is the same day by day, it's better when Su Lao Da led the God's Realm!"

"That's right, Mr. Su brought us passion every day, so how can I forbear it? Listen to Zhuxian's words? Listen to a girl's command? I don't know how shameful! Fuck!"

"I'm leaving too!"



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