Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2223: Civil War

The Huangtianzhou area was boiling, and the inside of God's Domain Guild was also boiling.

Regarding the rise of the Gods’ Guild, people in the entire Gods’ Domain already know the return of the Hall of Gods, so at this time, a large part of the old players are all excited, and many members of the original want to adhere to that year. The boss is Muying!

The return of the Hall of Gods made them completely certain that the Slaughter Shadow of the Gods Guild was the pastoral shadow of that year.

The difference in level also just made up for the five-year time difference between the disappearance of the shadow of God, so now, isn’t the shadow of God at this level?

Therefore, at this time, among the members of God's Domain, everyone was brewing this idea to find the shadow of God!

The reason why the God's Domain Guild is today is that the support of countless old members is indispensable, and because of the contract, many members cannot leave the God's Domain. Today, the sudden appearance of Su Mu directly caused many old players to give up directly. After signing the contract, even if you know that you will pay a lot of liquidated damages, the liquidated damages cannot stop the enthusiasm and passion of the old players.

"Go! Let's go together!"

"Brothers, go find Boss Su!"

"Walk around! Haha, Boss Su is back!"

In an instant, a large number of teams in the resident city of God's Domain began to converge, and countless people involuntarily joined forces to prepare to leave the God's Domain Guild, and some members of the God's Domain who were not back then were dumbfounded at this time.

What are these people going to do?

Countless people stopped the team and asked them, and when the old members told the story, many new members joined them one after another. You know, the establishment of the God's Domain Guild, the reputation of the God's Domain Guild, and even now it is still the same year. Influenced by the shadow of God, many players joined the God’s Domain Guild for the pastoral shadow of the year, the shadow of God back then, and the shadow of God disappeared for five years, they have no way, it is also the share of the original Su Mu leading the God’s Domain Guild The momentum made many people follow the God's Domain Guild!

Now that I know that the God's Domain Guild is actually the enemy of his original worship boss, what else can these members of the God's Domain be nostalgic for?

Therefore, a large number of members gathered, and more and more members of the Gods' Domain gathered together, and the entire God's Domain Guild was instantly noisy.

After receiving this news, Liu Zhi kept yelling and begged Liu Tiannan to find a way, but Liu Tiannan seemed calmer than Liu Zhi imagined. He didn't say anything. He just sat in the hall in a daze. Liu Zhi couldn't help it. People rushed out, and then went directly to the east gate of the God's Domain Guild and stopped a large number of God's Domain members.

"What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What order did the guild give you?! Ah?!" After Liu Zhi came to the east gate, he smacked his tongue, because this is the gathering of at least a million people in the Gods Domain Guild. This is Liu Zhi never thought of it.

During this period, the gathering and dispersal of guilds has been very rare, especially in the stable super guilds, infighting and civil strife rarely occur. Therefore, the large-scale backlash of the God's Domain Guild made Liu Zhi very angry.

"We! Go to see Boss Su!"

"Yes! We are looking for Boss Su!"

The crowd shouted loudly.

Liu Zhi stood where he was anxious and frustrated. Su Mu had already made him unconvinced. In addition to killing him at level 0, Liu Zhi was going crazy. He stood in the middle of the crowd and pointed at these members and cursed, "You! Eat things in groups! The guild raises you, not for you to quit! Wouldn’t you be afraid of making Huangtianzhou players laugh at you by doing this?!"

Everyone, look at me and I look at you.

Liu Zhi continued to shout: "You don't know what the guild will do to you? In this juncture, you are hopping, what kind of heart do you all follow? Huh?"

Seeing everyone not speaking, Liu Zhi couldn't help but continue to shout: "Also, have you read your own contract carefully? Do you know what the end of the betrayal of God's Domain at this time is? Can you bear it? Give me all back!"

A crowd of people didn't speak at this time, but worried about their contract.

Liu Zhi yelled while the iron was hot: "I tell you! This godly guild will be eaten by our god's domain sooner or later, what are you counseling? Huh? Leaving god's domain now, I tell you, it won't be that simple when you want to come back. Everyone, give me all back, otherwise don't blame me Liu Zhi for being rude!"

The members of the God's Domain Guild made a lot of noise at this time, and then a player stood up and looked at Liu Zhi and said: "We are not going to change jobs on purpose, just to find Boss Su! When we came to God's Domain, we were directed at Boss Su's prestige, too. I came for the name of the Shadow of God, although I learned that Boss Su had disappeared for several years after entering God's Domain, but now that Boss Su has returned, what are we still doing here?"


"I have been in God's Domain for more than five years. I know better than anyone else what it was like when Boss Su took us. God's Domain has become like this after being led by your Liu family. I was also drunk, and now I am A woman screamed, I just want to find Boss Su!"

"Yes! We are looking for Boss Su!"

"Brothers, don't listen to his nonsense, Boss Su is in the gods, let's go together!"


"Go together! Go together!"

The group of people moved forward again, and Liu Zhi's eyes widened. If this guy had a beard, his already angry beard would blow up.

This is Su Mu again!

His sudden appearance has already made Liu Zhi very angry. He snatched Wenren Zihan and didn't say anything. Yesterday, he killed him at level zero, making him embarrassed in the entire cycle of reincarnation. Today, he suddenly found so many people. The prestige of God's Domain has been reduced to the lowest level. Now who is not talking about God's Domain in the entire Huangtianzhou District?

Originally, today was the time to attack the gods’ guild, but now, let alone the attack, now he is most worried about whether the gods will attack the gods, so thinking of these, Liu Zhi found out that this person’s return is almost destroyed Having lost all of his good things, Liu Zhi couldn't swallow a breath in his heart.

"All the fuck, stop for me! Su Mu! Su Mu! What's so good about Su Mu that makes you so worried? Isn't it just a name? What's awesome? Haven't you abandoned you for more than five years? Now you are. Still thinking about this rubbish? Tell me what you think?!"


The players in the audience fell silent, and the players all stared at Liu Zhi in front of them.

Although Liu Zhi's words just made them hesitate, but now they hear Liu Zhi cursing Su Mu. At this moment, especially the old members, their eyes were angry and their fists clenched.

"Liu Zhi! We don't care about you as the vice president of God's Domain, but you can't humiliate Boss Su! What are you?!"

"Fuck! You **** say something bad about Boss Su, let me listen?!"

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