Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2230: Five hours (6 more)

Meng Niang stopped at the fifth level, and then said that He Ling was here waiting for players from other countries. This made Su Mu a weird expression. Even Huang Quan and Wu Changyan looked at Meng Niang strangely because they didn't know. Why is Meng Niang waiting here with this ice cube face.

However, time is running out, Su Mu and Lazy asked, and they led everyone to the sixth and seventh levels. Because they had passed once, Huang Quan and Su Mu were familiar with the road, and finally arrived at the Taoist temple two hours later.

It was here yesterday that they were separated from everyone, and it was also because Huang Quan and the others were forced to withdraw from the dungeon before Su Mu and Long Xueji completed the task.

At this time, Su Mu asked Xinye Dao to take out the prepared hang gliding equipment, and then distributed it to everyone, and then flew to the depths of the sea of ​​clouds.

Because someone inside Zhuxian passed this dungeon, although it took longer, but the strategy has been released, so they also prepared the hang gliding equipment and glide with Su Mu and the others.

At the same time, Zero and Meng Niang also "persuade" players from other countries to return, and then withdrew from the dungeon, still wanting time.

They have been waiting for Su Mu and the others to fly to the sky above the acid lake in the eighth pass. At this time, they have spent almost five hours, and the time is about to come offline, so Su Mu controlled his body in the air. Said: "After a while, needless to say, you control the boss, as long as you buy me ten seconds, you understand?"

Xinyedao and Tears and Flowers and Chen Yongqi naturally nodded in agreement, Huang Quan and Wu Changyan also nodded to indicate that they understood.

After that, everyone finally came to the position of the ninth gate of the goddess of heaven.

Seeing the supreme **** boss Su Mu couldn't help but smile again. Yesterday he and Long Xueji molested the boss here, but he didn't expect to meet again today.

But this time it was a nightmare level, so the attributes of the girl of nature must have skyrocketed a lot, so Su Mu didn't dare to be careless, so glide directly to the position where the boss can't trigger the hatred, and then fell down to the heart blade and others. head.

boom! ! !

The hatred was attracted, and the daughter of Tianlai flew up instantly, and then a violent wind swept Huangquan crazily. Because of the increase in the attributes of the boss and too few players, the boss’s offense became more crazy, and the individual skills were frequent. After the fall, the Xinye Sword was killed at the moment of the first attack, but fortunately there was a resurrection scroll.

After that, Huang Quan and others only defended but did not attack. In fact, they had no capital to attack. Because the level of the boss was too high, players below level 400 could not break the defense at all. Therefore, the attack had no effect. .

However, the boss' offense made them frown, and almost every skill can kill anyone with the same lethality in seconds.

And at this time, Su Mu, needless to say, released the coercion of the Holy Light directly behind him.

After ten seconds of reading time, Su Mu saw that the boss in front of him frequently attacked. Chen Yongqi was killed twice in the fifth second, and then he was teleported out of the dungeon. The tears were not much better at this time. , Was also killed once, just like Xinye Dao did not dare to directly contact the boss' attack.

Huang Quan’s red dress looks very dazzling at this time, high heels, red stockings, and tight-fitting dresses on the upper body, the whole person is constantly flashing in the air, but it is a beautiful landscape, and at the same time the impermanence of the amazing. Shenfa also shocked Su Mu, Xinyedao and others.

This person fought with Su Mu once, but he didn't seem to be as strong as the strength he showed today.

Su Mu even suspected that Huang Quan and the three of them didn't use their full strength to deal with themselves when they were in Zhuxian's Resident City, as if they were perfunctory? Just to let yourself beat them?

If this is the case, then the matter is a bit big, don't ask, if this is the case, it must be the order of the Nine Emperors.

At this time, the coercion of the Holy Light was condensed in an instant.

"Get out of everything!" Su Mu shouted.

Hum! ! !

The golden light flashed, and a golden light as thick as a giant tree shot out from Su Mu's hands instantly. Huang Quan made a stunning backflip to exit the range of skills. The Heart Leaf Blade and others also quickly evaded the pursuit of the boss and the pressure of the Holy Light. !

boom! ! !

A huge impact directly rushed the boss into the acid lake, and at the same time, a miss of invalid damage appeared on the top of the boss's head.

Seeing the boss being beaten into the air, Huang Quan, Wu Changyan and others couldn’t help but look at Su Mu. This boss couldn’t break the defense at all. There were no players above level 400, and it seemed that they couldn’t cause harm at all. So, Su Mu’s purpose here. What is it again?

Facing Xinyedao and Huang Quan's questions, Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "Waiting for a good show!"

boom! !

Rumble! ! !

The huge wind hit again, and the center of the lake exploded out of the boss' figure in an instant, and then quickly rushed towards the shore.

At this time, Huang Quan and others could not help but prepare to defend. After being beaten out, the boss came back?


As if a rubber band had been straightened, the boss was burned up and down, and he was also pulled by something like rubber in the acid lake.

At this time, everyone could not help but exclaimed.

Xinyedao and Tears of Flowers looked at each other, then took out dozens of ropes and quickly threw them to the boss!

After all the ropes were connected to the boss, Su Mu grabbed the other end of the rope.

"The Grip of God's Domain!"


The tremendous power began to bless.

At this time, Su Mu smiled and said, "The way to fight the boss on Wadao must be to use the terrain in the acid lake, otherwise the boss would not be so easy to kill."

Huang Quan took a step forward and watched Su Mu's arm glowing red. "The strategy does say that this boss can use this acid lake, but the rubber in this acid lake can only trap the boss ten. In about a minute, the boss will break free after ten minutes, and within ten minutes, even a team of five hundred people cannot kill the boss, so there must be other ways for Washima."

Su Mu frowned slightly and said, "I don't know about that, but I know that Wadao will be hit in the face soon."

Huang Quan was startled and said: "What do you mean?"

Tears and flowers smiled: "Because this boss will die in less than ten minutes."

Huang Quan and Wu Changyan looked at each other in surprise. It doesn't take ten minutes? how is this possible?

If this is the case, then the time to complete the mission will be...

Five hours? !

Huang Quan looked at Su Mu in horror, and completed the nightmare mission in five hours? Is this impossible?

Although the time to pass the previous eight levels was very short, it was also because of the skills found, but this supreme **** boss is impossible to kill within a few hours...

"Grip of God's Domain! Drink!"

Squeak... the sound of the rope being stretched instantly sounded, and at this time, the air boss yelled frantically...

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