Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2231: Slap so fast

"Ding! Congratulations to Huaxia players for killing the nightmare level dungeon, the ultimate boss of the goddess, reward level 10."

"Ding! Congratulations to Huaxia players for creating the world's first-line tiankeng record. It took 4 hours, 58 minutes and 25 seconds. Huaxia Region opened 10 times the experience value and burst rate for 60 minutes."


The players in the entire cycle were all stunned. Everyone looked at the system prompts weirdly. Some players even wiped their eyes, even suspecting that they were mistaken. Five hours?

Are you kidding me? Today’s nightmare difficulty record was set by Wadao, twelve hours, and now you tell me that the people of China have set a record of five hours? Damn, more than doubled the time?

Are these five hours enough time to kill the boss?

The final boss of the first-line Tiankeng of the World Dungeon is the Supreme God boss of 299. Tell me **** it in five hours?

Players all over the world are going crazy, countless questions, countless surprises, but the system will not deceive players, so at this time, a large number of players with foreign friends began to ask Huaxia internal, who it is and which team!

At the same time, at this time, the world channel was lively again.

Even if Huaxia’s players were very shocked, the slapped face came so fast. Five hours ago, Wadao was still clamoring on the World Channel, but now, the birth of this record has completely slapped Wadao on the face, and Or the big mouth of the mixed doubles!

"Ding! World Pay Announcement: Huaxia Empire; Tuozi; yo, outline wood, people? Just now I saw you clamoring loudly on the World Channel. The twelve-hour record is very impressive, and China cannot catch up. Wow, is Lao Tzu blind? Was the announcement just now only seen by Huaxia players?"

"Ding! World Pay Announcement: Huaxia Empire; Four Ghosts; Wow, Haha, Wadao, is it not to fight? Not to compare with Huaxia? People? People? Haha!"

The World Channel became lively in an instant. Some countries congratulated China, while others were sour. However, most of China’s players were madly shouting on the World Channel. This caused the players in the entire cycle to be confused, because this time has come. By the time the game is offline, many people have already played the game, so the birth of this record is not known to the world.

Of course, when it was about to go offline, Huaxia's players completely occupied the World Channel.


At this time, Su Mu and others in the dungeon were all surprised.

Whether it is Huangquan Wuchangyan or Heart Leaf Sword and Tears and Blossoms, you know that super bosses want time to grind to death, especially this kind of supreme **** boss. Many Big Mac guilds need ten when besieging senior bosses. For a few hours, some even attacked for three days in a row. These are not accidents, but the boss' blood volume is too thick, and it takes time to die.

But now, a supreme **** was abruptly broken by Su Mu's waist, and then instantly killed the boss!

Who does Nima want to make sense? Even the Heart Leaf Blade is a bit speechless, knowing that Su Mu is great, but I didn’t expect that Su Mu could solve the battle so quickly, and the world record is twelve hours, but he turned it into five hours directly. This is very popular. It's a bit too big, and a bit too abnormal.

In fact, it is also because of the system settings. If it were not for the existence of the acid lake, Su Mu could not kill the boss so quickly, because the grip of the gods can only be used in a specific environment, that is, when the boss cannot move, but But this boss was stuck in the air by something like rubber in the acid lake, and Su Mu took advantage of it. If it weren't for this, it would take at least a few hours for this boss to be able to break the defense.

So it seems abnormal, but in fact it is also a loophole in the system settings, it is not a loophole, after all, this is the only way to kill this boss, so I can only say that encountering Su Mu is a bad luck for this boss.

At this time, Su Mu was still speechless.

Awarded ten levels, but now Su Mu's level has become 195.

When I came in 198, it dropped 3 levels!

Last time he dropped level 7 because of Su Mu's low level, so he dropped level 3 this time.

Su Mu didn’t let anyone see this detail. The ID was hidden as early as when they came in, so everyone didn’t see it either. Because their levels were upgraded one after another, plus the equipment in one place, so besides being surprised, the boss was killed at this time. Outside of the time, there is nothing for them to notice.

The equipment on the ground was picked up one by one, Huang Quan and Wuchangyan did not move any equipment on the ground, and Su Mu did not directly collect them, but there was no such thing as Dominating Scrolls, which made Su Mu very disappointed.

The boss of normal difficulty gave two scrolls of dominance level, but the nightmare level is gone? Who knows how this burst rate theory is set?

In addition, this time the dungeon has been completed, and the time for the game to go offline has also arrived, so Su Mu packed up his equipment and said, "Okay, after leaving the dungeon, go offline. The knife will go online tomorrow and come to the lobby to find me."

"I know, brother."

Everyone started to leave the instance, and Su Mu also chose to leave the instance.

"Ding! You can't leave the frontline tiankeng temporarily, please wait."

Su Mu frowned suddenly.

This is, the tearful flowers and the heart leaf knife disappeared in place, and at the same time, Huang Quan and Wu Changyan also left the instance to go offline, but after Wu Changyan left, Huang Quan stood there.

Su Mu and Huang Quan were left on the white beach.

They glanced at each other, and Su Mu said, "You can't leave the instance?"

Huang Quan nodded and said, "So are you?"

The two frowned involuntarily.

If it triggers some hidden mission, then Xinyedao and the others should not leave the instance, so Su Mu felt that it was not a good thing at this time. Huang Quan seemed to be aware of this problem, so she leaned towards Su Mu's position. by.

Immediately afterwards, a yellow teleportation array appeared on the white beach.

"Ding! Please enter the teleportation array."

When the system prompt came, Huang Quan and Su Mu glanced at each other again to indicate that they were all prompted.

This is weird.

Su Mu walked to the teleportation formation and looked around, then looked at Huang Quan and said, "Is there nothing unusual before?"

The latter shook his head.

Su Mu smiled and said, "Could it be possible that this front-line Tiankeng still has side quests? Why did Ke leave us alone?"

Huang Quan is also strange. If it is a hidden character, Wu Changyan is definitely inseparable from the mission. Therefore, the only explanation for leaving her and Su Mu is that Su Mu and her have something in common, or some equipment, or some Kind of the same trigger condition.

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