Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2335: Final attack

The North Gate, behind the China Alliance.

Bai Heshang, Huang Quan, Meng Niang, and the bosses of the major guilds stood in place and looked at the battlefield. The time lasted for only half an hour. The north gate of God's Domain Resident City was broken. This was almost as they expected, almost better than They expected it to go well.

Bai Heshang glanced at Huang Quan and said, "If the Nine Emperors did not participate in this group leader, it seems that you have known this result a long time ago?"

Huang Quan did not answer. At this time, the girl of Jiuyu quickly retreated, and then walked to Bai Heshang's side and said: "The reason why the Nine Emperors did not participate is because she knows that we can contain the shadow of God even without her, and All the members of Zhu Xian are among them, so Chairman Bai, you don't have to worry about this."

Bai Heshang didn’t care about this, so he shook his head and said, “I didn’t mean anything else. I just didn’t expect things to go so smoothly. I didn’t expect that the shadow of God would lose so many of our masters. It was unexpected that Zhuxian's people were completely scattered in the China Alliance."

The Nine Poison girl laughed and then stopped talking.

Bai Heshang is quite smart, so the Nine Emperors did not participate in this trade union battle, but let Zhuxian’s elite members, a full five million people, be scattered among the team of the China Alliance, and they were not under the command of Huang Quan and the Nine Poison Girls , Letting the leaders of the major guilds of the China Alliance to command, this matter completely dispelled the remaining dissatisfaction in Bai Heshang's heart.

The Nine Emperors certainly didn't participate, but all Zhuxian's elites were present and commanded by him. This kind of thing would be difficult for the entire China Alliance to do.

Because all the elite members of the 165 guilds are commanded by the leaders of the major guilds, they are all together, which is convenient for command and easy to attack, and only the people of Zhu Xian are scattered among the major guilds, which Bai Heshang did not expect of.

Bai Heshang opened the command channel at this time, and then said: "Nine Emperors, now the major city gates are within the moat, and the north gate has been broken. Can we all attack?"

Because there were too many people, the Huaxia Alliance in the direction of the four major city gates did not all shoot.

At this time, this only channel was ordered by the Nine Emperors, and it was also the only highest command channel of the China Alliance, with thousands of internal members. It was the channel of all commanders above the China Alliance.

Bai Heshang told the Nine Emperors what had happened, and all the group leaders also watched nervously at the command channel, and finally they were about to take down God's Domain. This was the guild of the Shadow of God, and the excitement was something no outsider could understand.

At this time, only in the channel, the ID of the Nine Emperors suddenly appeared and said: "You can start the attack."

Everyone felt as if they had taken a reassurance pill, and they all became excited.

Bai Heshang also smiled slightly, and then shouted: "All members of the alliance, the eighth order, all the people under the commander, all attack me!"



"Ho **** ho ho!!"

There was a roar like an overwhelming voice. At this time, the players who watched the game saw all the members of the China Alliance. The total number of people in each city gate was close to 20 million people. The total number of people screamed frantically, and the team moved frantically forward. The battle even exploded, and God's Domain was broken through the four major gates without a single blow!

God's Domain, the four major gates were broken, and the entire scene broke out again with exclamations of players!

More people is still an advantage. China Alliance’s attack this time completely broke the myth of undefeated God's Domain!




"Ho **** ho ho!!"


Rumble! !

The gate was broken, the people of God’s Domain began to gather, countless people began to retreat frantically, and began to guard the resident city square, this is the last line of defense, once the resident city square is broken, then the resident badge will be approached by the enemy, that Time is when you really fail...

The players started to watch frantically. The people of China Alliance had already rushed up. Although it was impossible to rush into the resident city of God’s Domain, they were slowly surrounding the entire God’s Domain. It can be said that the entire resident city is now inside and outside. The circle is full of people.

Bai Heshang walked forward and said: "This last line of defense still needs us to take action. Let's go together."



Huang Quan and others began to move forward. The last line of defense, the guard of the resurrection point is the most difficult to fight. Because of the limited area, even if there are a billion people in China Alliance, it is impossible to go together. The people in the Hall of Gods gather. The fighting power that broke out together is the most difficult for China Alliance to target. Therefore, Bai Heshang and the others still have a task, which is to break the last psychological line of defense in God's Domain and kill the people in the Hall of Gods, and then they can completely end this war. .


Boom! !

Boom boom boom! !

Among the crowd of players watching the game, many people began to leave the scene. Even though the current battle is still fierce and exciting, but the result has been expected, countless fans of God's Shadow, fans of God's Domain do not want to see the moment when God's Domain loses last, so , Leaving at this time is their greatest respect for God's Domain!

Of course, more supporters still want to see the final result with their own eyes, so there are still many players watching...

The sound of rumbling footsteps continued to come, and the members of the periphery of the China Alliance finally stopped moving forward. It is just that the tens of millions of people on the periphery have blocked the footsteps of all spectators. So, what happened inside at this time? , Almost invisible to the players at the closest distance, but the players watching the battle on the mountains can see you clearly through the props.

A sea of ​​people surrounded the entire God's Domain, and the inside was charged, and the formation was broken. There are fewer than two million players living in the entire God's Domain!

Xuan Rufeng, King Kong, Chrissy, Chen Xiaoruan, Wenren Zihan, Zhou Wenling, One Reading Becomes a Demon, Xia Hai, Chen Yongqi and the only remaining thirty-odd members of the Hall of Gods stood outside the resurrection point. The members of the China Alliance pressed over frantically, and the scene was once a dead end...

Zero suddenly fell, then looked at Chen Xiaoruan next to him and said, "How long is it?"

Chen Xiaoruan was startled, then glanced at the time and said, "Forty-eight minutes..."

Twelve minutes left!

Su Mu's order was to hold on for an hour, but now it seems that he can't hold on. This last line of defense, the people of the China Alliance will definitely win with the current morale.

At this time, Zero suddenly said on the Channel of All Gods Hall: "There are still twelve minutes, brothers, please!"

The Hall of Gods was startled, is this still zero? How could he say such a sentence?

However, the tone of Zero made the brothers in the Hall of Gods more and more angry, and being able to push Zero to this level, one can imagine how far the realm of Gods is now!

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