Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2336: We are God's Domain

At this time, the remaining two million people in God’s Domain’s resident city square again suffered a large number of casualties in order to defend the last charge of the China Alliance. At this moment, at this moment when the war is quiet, only the members of God’s Domain are left. Less than half a million people!

However, what makes God's Domain helpless is that this time point is the most embarrassing, because the game's resurrection time has changed, and now the first batch of members of God's Domain who died cannot be resurrected in time.

In the previous reincarnation, each level was a one-minute resurrection time, but the upper limit of the resurrection time was two hours. At this time, the war between God's Domain and the China Alliance had just lasted for less than an hour. Therefore, millions of people in God's Domain had died. As a result, God's Domain could not be defended again, and there were a large number of resurrected members among them, which made it impossible to resurrect again.

Therefore, the war has come to an end.

The members of the Huaxia Alliance step by step approached the resident city square, the Hall of Gods, and the only remaining members of the God’s Domain Guild with a dark face, and everyone’s face was full of violence. At this time, God’s Domain is no longer in use. Keep the victory and defeat in mind, now their only belief is to hold on for an hour, and then protect the badge of the resident city from being broken!

The vice chairman of Tianluomen of Panguzhou District, Zhan Wushuang took the lead and walked over and looked at the remaining half a million people in God's Domain and said, "It doesn't make any sense anymore, people of God's Domain, leave your last dignity, let the square go. , I can’t stop killing you.”

The members of God's Domain were startled when they heard the words, and then suddenly heard Xinye Dao laugh.


Immediately afterwards, half a million people laughed wildly over the resident city. This picture made Zhan Wushuang frown. Originally, he wanted to let the people of God's Domain surrender and directly end this unfair war, but now The people of God's Domain actually laughed madly, which made him feel an anger!

Xinye Dao smiled, and then pointed at Zhan Wushuang and shouted: "You want God's Domain to surrender? Which green onion are you? Brothers! Is there a precedent for God's Domain to surrender?!"

"No! Roar!"


Zhan Wushuang glared at Xinye Dao and rushed up quickly.


The two collided, and the battle broke out instantly.

With the sound of Dangdang, the exhausted Xinyedao was frequently repelled, but it was still attacking frantically...


In an instant, the people of the Huaxia Alliance launched a siege again. The explosive skills and explosive charge once again killed the last hundreds of thousands of people in God's Domain...

As the battle took place, Zhan Wushuang slashed the weapon in front of the center blade and asked: "Why hold on? What's the point?"

Xin Ye Dao kept backing away, and then stared at Zhan Wushuang coldly: "I tell you why!"


Wings spread!

Xinyedao flew into the air frantically and shouted: "Brothers! Tell them! Why don't we surrender!"



The black figure rushed frantically, bang! !


A huge damage value emerged from the top of Zhan Wushuang's head.

Zero's body appeared on the spot, and coldly looked at the direction in which Zhan Wushuang was knocked into the air and said, "Because we are God's Domain!"

"Because! We are God's Domain!"




The members of God's Domain were dispersed once again, but these words resounded throughout the square.

At the same time, Bai Heshang and others came over at this time, and then the war stopped again.

The team slowly gathered, and there were only 100,000 members of God's Domain, but these 100,000 people surrounded the resurrection point and the resident hall, not allowing any members of the China Alliance to rush in, and the people in the Hall of Gods were even more so. A few were separated to guard the gate, just in case a master from the China Alliance sneaked in.

Bai Heshang stared at the dozens of people left in the Hall of Gods, and the 100,000 people in God's Domain could not help but smile disdainfully.

"God's Domain, what else to pretend? The war is over, your God's Domain, you have lost!"

The members of God's Domain looked green, but did not take a step back.

At this time, the guild channel suddenly saw zero speaking again: "Brothers, please, hold on for ten minutes!"

All members looked towards zero.

Zero head!

He is the hall of the gods, the coldest, most mysterious, and least fond of talking. He is said to be pleased. Everyone has never seen a zero smile!

At this time, Zero suddenly asked everyone to hold on for ten minutes, which made the members of God's Domain even more angry!

"Holy area!"

"Holy area!"

"Holy area!"

"We are God's Domain!"

"Ho **** ho ho!!"

The roar of explosion came again.

Bai Heshang snorted, then waved his hand: "Offensive!"





Puff! Puff!

Bang bang bang!

The screen is like slow motion... the members of God's Domain are defensive frantically, but more of them are killed by the players of the China Alliance. The whole scene has become the scene of the massacre of God's Domain, with only a hundred thousand people, although there are remaining They are all elites among the elites, but thanks to the siege of millions of people in the China Alliance, or even the siege of millions of people.

At this moment, all members of God’s Domain completely forgot how to defend this. All they have to do is to release all their skills, play all their combat power, and take out their strongest side, kill, defend, and be killed. Roar...

The members of the Hall of Gods are attacking frantically, countless super skills have fallen, and the deaths are more in the Huaxia League, but the morale is on the side of the Huaxia League. The large number of people in the Gods’ Domain can’t kill. Suppression made God's Domain invisible at a glance.

And the masters of the China Alliance contained the members of the Hall of Gods, fought, and reached a state of enthusiasm within a minute, and it came to the end...

Hula la...

The crowd gathered at the resurrection point, and in one minute, 100,000 people became hundreds of people!

At this time, there were only 15 people in the Hall of Gods!

Zero, Mei, Kuanglan, Chen Xiaoruan, Zhou Wenling, Wenren Zihan and others all stood together.

Within an hour of the war, eight million people in God's Domain were killed and wounded!

The entire God's Domain Resident City is full of equipment, no one picks it up, and no one takes a look. The atmosphere on the scene makes people feel terrible.

Bai Heshang smiled slightly and looked at the few hundred people left in God's Domain: "The ability of the scroll is good for an hour, but what if your shadow of God reappears? What if he has nine gods? In the end, we will fail, God's Domain, accept the reality."

Zero, looked at Bai Heshang faintly, and then suddenly stretched out his hands.

Xinyedao and the others were startled, followed closely, and everyone held hands together and stood in a circle.

"I would rather die than give up!"

"I would rather die than give up!"

"China Alliance! Come on!"

"China Alliance! Come on!"

"Drink! Drink! Drink!!!"

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