Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2341: Goddess Massacre

"Give it to me! Bomb!!"

Su Mu's sword is pointing across the team of China Alliance!

At this moment, whether it is the hall of the gods or the onlookers, all the players caught their breath. These four words represent what they are very clear. Therefore, at this moment, the players involuntarily stand motionless, time, It seems to freeze...

"Sisters! Destroy terrain skills disabled! Start bombing!" The Empress laughed wildly, and then rushed out!

Everyone in the distance saw the bang of the nine goddesses, spreading to nine directions like fireworks exploded, and a goddess appeared in almost every position in God's Domain Resident City!

At this time, the people of the China Alliance were standing in place, forgetting to run, and couldn't run out...

The goddess of water and blue hovered a kilometer directly in front of Su Mu. The blue long silk was beating for an instant, only to hear her suddenly exclaimed: "God's Domain·Great Waves!"


The blue long silk shook suddenly!

boom! ! !


Boom boom boom boom! ! !

A huge tsunami-like wave fell from the sky, and then hit the members of the China Alliance on the ground with a bang. A skill, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of people!

Crazy screams, crazy escape and avoidance, but the density of the number of people completely makes the members of the China Alliance inevitable!


"Ah! Run!"

boom! !

The members of the Huaxia Alliance covered by the skills saw the overwhelming waves at this time, and then suddenly photographed them, and instantly the damage value of the spike appeared!

And at this moment, the other side.

Beside the fiery red figure of the Empress, there was actually a fire unicorn spitting out flames, and the Empress laughed wildly.

"God's Domain·Liaoyuan Fire! Burn it! Burn it to your heart's content haha!"

Boom boom boom boom! ! !

Burning, in every Huaxia League player, the beating of flames, the color of art... The empress is a female lunatic.


Boom! ! !

The sky full of thunder and lightning fell, and the cold expression of the Su Yan goddess was suspended in the air, and the raising of her hands was the lightning technique covering 100,000 people. Because it was in the resident city of the gods, all goddesses would not use the super kill range. Skills, because they want to protect Su Mu’s resident city. If they are in the wild or abroad, they will bombard wildly, killing millions of people instantly!


The dragon yelled, the earth dragon soared into the sky, and the players on the ground were madly knocked into the air. Hundreds of thousands of players turned into white light, and their equipment exploded into golden brilliance in the air, charming and spectacular!

"God's Domain·Ultimate Wood Vine Art!"


Bang! ! !

boom! boom! boom! ! !

The tree vines soared into the sky, drilled out of the ground, and instantly took away the lives of millions of people, but the area of ​​the tree vines was too big, and it was killed by 100,000 people!

In an instant, the entire outer circle of the resident city square was full of the roar of the members of the China Alliance and the sound of running away!

The wind blade of the goddess Feng Xi was even more abnormal. After a gust of wind passed, what was left was the equipment of the same place. The open space was emptied one by one, but the number of people caused these open spaces to be filled again and again, endlessly. The members of the Huaxia Alliance who slaughtered him kept roaring loudly.

In addition, at this time, the direction is due west.

All players saw a terrifying picture!

The pure white goddess, the goddess Lieyu opened her hands, and then stayed in the air like enjoying a bath in the sun. Following closely, the sun in the sky instantly became dazzling, even if you don’t look directly at the sun, your eyes become piercing. It hurts...

"Sacred Light·Lie Yu Zhixin·Light's Illuminating Hot Art!"

Bang! !

In the direction of the west gate, it became quiet in an instant, almost as if it became tinnitus in an instant, the whole third of the west gate was full of this feeling...

The players thought they were going to die, but at this time they felt that the sun was slowly shining down, and the warm feeling made them seem to be standing on the beach...

Everyone seems to have entered the illusion, and then enjoy the sunshine, so at this moment, one-third of the players in the Ximen Huaxia League have no panic or fear, but they are immersed in a state of enjoyment. Among them, this skill seems to control their nerves and mind...

Everyone smiled, then stretched out their hands...

However, in the eyes of the onlookers, these people seem to have a madness. This is a goddess skill, not a skill you enjoy...

However, it is even more shocking to think of these onlookers. The skill that destroys the world brings you endless fear, but this skill makes you die in enjoyment. This is the most terrible thing...

The goddess Lie Yu in the sky suddenly looked down and folded her hands: "Blast!"


Players’ bodies, who are covered by this white light, begin to burn in their bodies, and it’s the scene of instant melting. The most shocking thing is that the players’ equipment melts and disappears instantly. Exhausted...

Horror and horror looks filled the players who were not shrouded in skills. At this moment, everyone not only backed away, even if there were still people from the China Alliance behind, but the crowds kept appearing, and the position of Simon instantly became horrified...


boom! ! ! !


The audience is sluggish!

At this moment, what is the scene of the instant burning of a million people?

No words, no words, a shock that deeply impacted those players who saw it with their own eyes!


Rumble! ! !

Tens of thousands of square meters were emptied in an instant, and a large area was vacated in the entire square. The fear cannot be described by prophecy. The most shocking thing is that all the equipment disappeared!

No one broke out!

This is where the players are most shocking!

However, this skill does not seem to be over yet!

I only heard the goddess Lie Yu muttering in the air: "The Art of Time! Get up!!!"

Bang! ! ! !

space! It was crowded again in an instant!

Millions of people were resurrected instantly!

The player's hair feels like it's going to stand up!

The instant resurrection of a million people? If this skill is used on God's Domain, wouldn't it be invincible?

However, only Lieyu knows that this skill is a destruction skill, not a resurrection skill. This is a continuous killing skill that will not destroy the terrain, but the damage to the players is endless!

Therefore, after millions of people were instantly resurrected, they were sober!

It's just that the whole body is empty except for some basic cloth equipment for the body!

"Where are my weapons?"

"Where is my armor? Equipment? Where is it?!"

"Where is the equipment? Where is my equipment?!"

The players instantly exclaimed...

However, at this moment, a feeling of burning heat suddenly appeared on the body, followed by the burning flame and the body that was instantly melted...



From the enjoyment just now to the thriller now, these million people have completely lost their minds and screamed frantically...

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