Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2342: Endless killing

"God's Domain·Thousand Miles of Frozen Technique!"

Zi Zi Zi...

"The Art of God's Domain·Sanmai Fire Sea!"

"The wrath of the gods and the natives!!"

"God, the power of thunder robbery!"

"Forbidden Tome, Forbidden Art, The Absorption Technique of Life Source!"

"Forbidden Code, God's Domain, Hurricane Fury!"


Boom boom boom! !


The bombing covered the entire resident city of God's Domain, and the skills of the nine goddesses were released together, and the number of people covered was more than two million!

At this time, even the people in the Hall of Gods were dumbfounded, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Looking at the constant bombardment of the nine goddesses, some people are wondering, if these nine goddesses have not had a scourge, can they kill all these tens of millions in one day today?


Crazy goddess, calm Su Mu, there is a sharp contrast between the sky and the ground of the entire God Realm Resident City, and the power of the nine goddesses of Su Mu also allows players to thoroughly understand what a gap is!

Even some players with strong analytical skills know that these goddesses do not fully use their most lethal skills at all, because this is the resident city of the gods, and they need to protect the resident city of the gods instead of destroying the entire resident!

Suddenly, some players were thinking, should the shadow of God use the goddess to destroy this resident city? In this way, he really fulfilled his promise, and China Alliance could not obtain God's Domain!

But when I turned around, I felt something was wrong again. This was not the style of God's Domain, nor the character of Su Mu!


Boom boom boom boom! ! !

The bombing continued. Bai Heshang had long since withdrawn from the bombing range. At this time, all the senior officials of the China Alliance were shocked watching the nine goddesses bombarding the members of the China Alliance below, but there was no way. At this time, Ting Ting and the gods of these people might also die, the power of these nine goddesses is far more terrifying than they thought!

In addition, the onlookers were completely shocked, no one spoke, all of them watched the bombing of the nine goddesses in the sky. This phenomenon and the scene are rare in a century, and it is even more difficult for players to meet. Things, this moment completely subverted the players' understanding and cognition of reincarnation!

The shadow of God disappeared for five years, and in the end, it still stood at the top of reincarnation. What kind of person is this person? What is the difference between him and ordinary people?

And how did the spirit of God's Domain come into being? Let alone one by one, that kind of morale and spirit cannot be cultivated at all, at least the bosses of the major guilds can't do it, even Zhuxian and the Mythical Empire can't do it!

At this time, the continuous bombing caused the players to suddenly realize that the Shadow of God said that the China Alliance would not win. Is it because of this? But if this is the case, why don't you call it early? Why sacrifice the eight million members of God's Domain? So, something is wrong!

And more players also know that it is impossible for these nine goddesses to kill the entire Huaxia Alliance, even if they are not punished by God's Scourge, this is impossible at all, whether it is the cooling of skills or the consumption of energy, Huaxia The people in the alliance won't let the nine goddesses bombard them all the time, but now they just haven't reacted.

Reincarnation has reached this point in time today, and the Supreme God’s countermeasures have already had a set of skilled strategies and systems. Therefore, even these nine Supreme Gods cannot kill more than 50 million members of the China Alliance. This is impossible to do, even if it is to summon nine more supreme gods, because there are too many people in the China Alliance...

China is shocked, why not shocked abroad?

At this time in the U.S. Empire region, the Sun God Guild, Anna stood there looking at her father George, and then said weirdly: "Old George, do you say that your Athena is the opponent of the goddess of Brother Shadow?"

At this time George was completely shocked and speechless, but he still reacted quickly, then glanced at Anna and said: "I don't know about this, but I know that the white-haired goddess cannot be restrained, it seems It is of the time attribute, and can control time, and Athena cannot be her opponent..."

"So you can beat the other goddesses of Brother Ying?" Anna chuckled.

George looked dazed, then glared at Anna: "Whose daughter, you girl, on earth?"

"Hey, seek truth from facts, every goddess of Brother Ying can defeat your **** pet? Isn't it your mother?"

The black rose on the side was startled when he heard the words, and then nodded with reluctance: "It should be."

"You guys! Rose! Did your mother buy you with just one sentence?" George blew his beard and stared at the two women in front of him.

And Black Rose pursed her lips and chuckled: "In short, Anna is willing to call my mother. This is my biggest gain this year."

"Oh!" George was helpless.

At this time, in the Huyuezhou area of ​​the American Empire, inside the guild.

Sobier sat on the spot blankly, and then watched the scene of the nine goddesses bombing the China Alliance, his whole body trembled.

Not long ago, this person intercepted and killed Liu Zhi in the U.S. Empire. The Fengchi Guild also assisted the Huaxia Liu family for profit. Now, Sobir feels so fortunate, not to mention the identity of the Shadow of God. It's just the power of these nine goddesses. If he was the goddess summoned instead of using super skills, then would Fengchi Guild be uprooted by him?

Thinking of these Sobir’s cheeks was a twitch, the shadow of God, it doesn’t matter if he appeared in China, but why did he get so much favor from God this year? Isn't this just icing on the cake for him? Originally, the identity of a god's shadow is already shocking enough. Now that these gods are added, what should we do in this year's national war?

And the only thing that reassures Zeus, Sun God, and Fengchi Guild is that this China Alliance and God’s Domain are hostile. Although the current war is very shocking, the result will not change. The victory of China Alliance is doomed before it starts. Yes, so this year's National War God's Domain Guild is bound to be excluded. This is their greatest comfort.

Therefore, I was shocked and not as worried as I thought.

Fortunately, this shadow of God has not merged with the China Alliance, otherwise China will be a fierce tiger in the national war this year.

At this moment, Sobier stood up suddenly and exclaimed: "What?!"

Several people around him also stood up at the same time, and then... looked at the projection from Huaxia District with a frightened expression...

How can this be? !

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