Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2393: Excalibur advances again

Su Mu just planned to leave here, but the system prompt made him startled again.

"Ding! The goddess of wood spirit has been promoted successfully, the quest of the **** sword is merged successfully, and the goddess magic sword is promoted to the SS **** god magic sword."

Su Mu stood there, then raised his hand and glanced at the purple long sword.

【God Zun Magic Sword】

Grade: SS (second stage)

Stage: Complete body

Attack power: 9999

Mana: 999

Strength: 999

Physique: 999

Agility: 999

Toughness: 999

Meditation: 999

Lucky: 999

Field: 999

Attack speed: 999

Wrist strength: 999

Free attributes: 999

All attributes blessing: 99%

Combat power: 99

Natural defense: 99

Passive: God's domain blessing; 100% triggers double attack, 60% triggers triple attack, 30% triggers quadruple attack, 2% triggers five times attack, and 0.01% triggers ten times attack.

Additional skills:

Pull the mountain and river: melee skills, blessing 10% attack power per second, duration 60 seconds, consume 50 energy per second, skill CD 2 minutes.

Turn the tide: melee skills, each attack causes 1% blood phagocytosis, and 1% attack speed and attack, no upper limit, each attack reduces 1% blood, the skill is invalid for 0.5 seconds, and the skill CD is 8 minutes.

Pillar pressure: long-range skills, summon dark iron pillars to attack the enemy, 500 energy required, skill CD 1 minute.

Sunder Armor: Melee skills, can destroy 50% of the enemy's armor defense, cannot use recovery potions, cannot be cured, duration 10 seconds, CD 30 seconds.

Sunder Armor: Melee skill, ignoring defense for 1 second, causing 150% attack power, duration 1 second, energy 500, CD 15 seconds.

Sorrow of God's Domain: melee skills, 50% damage bonus to armor sunder, base damage 100 times the level, the only trigger attribute, 0.01% second kills the enemy with blood lower than 50%, CD: 15 seconds.

God's Domain Sword: Summon Qi Sword to attack. Each time you summon 100 to 1000 Qi Swords, the damage value depends on the attack power. Normal attack plus hidden attributes, critical strike damage 20% blessing, CD: 180 seconds.

Wanshang: Active skill, release instantaneously cause 10,000 points of basic damage, require 1000 energy, skill CD for 0 seconds, skill penalty: Weakness for 10 seconds.

Royal God World: Exempt all immunity attributes, unable to trigger passive, CD 180 seconds, energy 45,000.

Royal God Killing: Use skills to double the appearance of the sword of the blessing, increase the basic damage by 100%, save 80% of the armor, duration 10 minutes, CD 30 minutes.

Power of God: active skill, long sword straight stab, can instantly convert defense value to attack power, trigger invincible save, save airspace, save domain, save God's domain, basic damage 100,000, skill penalty, all attributes instantly return to zero for 3 seconds , CD10 seconds.

Royal Sword Mad God: God’s Domain of Ten Thousand Swords expands a thousand times, the area damage, the enemy has defensive skills, the damage value expands a thousand times, no defensive skills no damage, CD 10 minutes.

Divine Domain Double Kill: release skills, trigger multiple damage, multiplier trigger is 1-9 times, require Divine Domain suit skills to stack, normal skills can not be stacked, duration 3 seconds, CD 1 day.

Scourge of God’s Domain: Summon the damage of the Domain’s Scourge. The base range is 500 meters. It can be selected. It increases the range of 500 meters for each drop level. There is no upper limit. The Scourge has a fixed damage value of 10000. It increases the base damage of the caster’s attack power. , The energy requirement is 50,000, and the skill cooling time is 1 day.

Divine Realm Zhu Xin: Skill introduction, based on Divine Realm Ten Thousand Swords, instantly summon the replacement form, can summon Ten Thousand Swords form, punish the heart's ability, combat power attribute blessing, both offensive and defensive skills, instantly empty the enemy's blood, absolutely spike! Skill CD0, exempt from clearing the skill penalty level.

Divine Realm Realm Black: Skill introduction, Realm Black, Black World, skill release, the whole world is in a dark state, all data is cleared, skill punishment Excalibur is exempt from destruction.

Summoning the blazing sun: Summoning the blazing sun is derived from nuclear fusion, instantly causing a nuclear reaction to explode to form an absolute spike, absolutely ignoring attributes, can destroy any reincarnation terrain, can spike any form, level, combat power, rank, authority creature, and management of reincarnation Layers cause lethality. CD 7 days.

God's Domain Sword: Ultimate skill of Sword of God's Domain, summons the ultimate sword of God's Domain, all attributes are increased by 100%, lasting 1 minute, skill penalty, Excalibur skill is reduced by 100%, lasting 1 day, CD 15 days.

Shenzun·Deity Killing Zhuxian: Skill range: basic area of ​​one square meter, double each time expansion, each time expansion loss level 1 times increase, level cleared to negative level, unlimited expansion, skill base damage 10,000 supernatural power attributes, Ten thousand **** killer attributes, no skill CD, first level game world usage times: 01.

Death of Reincarnation: Skill Status: On.

Disaster of Reincarnation: Skill Status: On.

Level: None

Warning: The ultimate form between reincarnations cannot change the user, cannot change the weapon, cannot change all the negative effects after the skill is released, full attribute blessing, ignoring any defense, including all defense attributes such as natural defense and **** defense.

Requirements: Destroyer of Reincarnation

Before in the time of reincarnation, Su Mu had combined the gods’ fantasy sword between the gods, allowing the **** sword to have a weapon shape that can change any form. The reminder at that time was the first stage of the god’s fantasy sword, and now it is the first stage. In the second stage, if nothing happens, this divine sword will continue to evolve, and it is also a passively triggered attribute that confronts the reincarnation mastermind after the reincarnation update.

The Excalibur itself was already complete, and it was already capped when it was at the level of God's Domain. In the reincarnation update, the main brain of the game targeted people like Su Mu who disrupted the balance of the game, causing the Excalibur to follow suit.

To be honest, Su Mu doesn't even know what the true ultimate form of this divine sword is. Is it the ultimate form of the godly rank or the dominant rank? Or is it more advanced?

However, there is one thing Su Mu can be sure that this long sword is constantly evolving with the current state of the game's update. It has always allowed Su Mu to maintain an attack power and divine power attribute equal to that of players at the same level, and the latest addition The skill has the god-killing attribute again. Is this attribute above the divine power?

Besides, the previous Excalibur seems to have no skill cooling down, but now it has restored the cooling time, I don't know if it is because of the changes after returning from the cycle of time.

Su Mu was not in the mood to study this. Now, Su Mu was still worried about the matter of Mu Ling, so after taking back the long sword, Su Mu left here with the two goddesses.

Walking all the way to the edge of the sake forest, Su Mu stopped and said, "Shuilan, you can go back."

The two goddesses did not speak along the way, and Su Mu's mood was too weird, so at this time Shui Lan and the empress looked at each other. The former walked behind Su Mu and said: "Su Su... Linger, she will be fine... for seven days. After that, you only need to call her and she will instantly return to the Gods Domain Tower..."

"However, Mu Mu cannot be offline for these seven days, and you can't log in to the game without Wood Spirit!" The Empress Vulcan said straightforwardly.

Shui Lan glanced at the empress warmly, adding fuel to the fire at this time, you are afraid that Su Su will not be sad!

Instead, the female emperor shook her head and said, "Mu, Mu, I support you in attacking Wadao! I bombed them once five years ago and I don’t have a long memory. This time I will bomb their area myself!"

Water blue: "..."

Su Mu turned around and looked at the two goddesses and said: "I know, you go back, I will call you when necessary, don't worry."


The female emperor took the small hand of the goddess of water and blue, and then quickly disappeared in place.

At this moment, the look on Su Mu's face instantly became cold, Wadao! It's Wadao again!

Just as the goddess of water blue said, the map of Wadao area was sunk five years ago, and it was finally repaired by the reincarnation mastermind. After five years, Wadao really doesn't have a long memory, and the scars just started to be cheap!

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