Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2394: Assemble God's Domain

Nanzhou City, Pingyun Town.

At the gate of the town, Cheng Zhuang, Huang Quan, Aisha, Chen Dongchen, and Li Hu from Humen, of course, there are two girls, Cheng Xiaochu and Xiaoli, standing at the entrance waiting for Su Mu.

Because Cheng Zhuang and others were killed in a flash, they didn't dare to go to the ancient forest at this time, they could only wait here.

At this time, everyone saw Su Mu slowly walking over and finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Su Mu didn't come from the resurrection point.

Everyone ran forward quickly.

"Boss Su!"

"How is Brother Su?"


At this time, everyone saw that Su Mu's expression was not so good, and they were startled. Could something really happen?

Chen Dongchen and Huang Quan personally fought with those people when they were outside. Numerous **** pets appeared and not to mention. Although the goddess Lieyu killed several people and a few **** pets, they were bound by a scroll in the end. They were originally worried about Su Mu's safety. The most important thing was that the ID of these people was the name of Wadao, that is to say, they were from the Wadao area to target Su Mu.

Su Mu shook his head and said: "It's okay, just do what you should do. Huang Quan will come back to the resident city with me!"

Huang Quan is also a person from God's Domain now, this is beyond doubt, so Su Mu turned around and started walking towards the teleportation point.

Cheng Zhuang and others stood there in a daze, what happened?

Although they met the people of Wadao, and now that Su Mu came back unharmed, it proved that these Wadao people were solved, but Su Mu's expression made them a little worried.

And because Su Mu’s expression was not right, Chen Dongchen directly opened the news and reported Su Mu’s situation to Chen Yongqi. The latter frowned slightly to indicate that he knew, and then began to summon all the members of the Hall of Gods who had time to return to the resident city to wait for Su Mu. No need to ask about the order, something big must happen again.

Although Chen Yongqi sometimes disagrees with Su Mu’s acting style, he has to say that only such a style can make a guild behave differently from other guilds. Therefore, from Chen Dongchen’s tone, it seems that There are people who don’t have eyes to provoke this madman-like shadow of God!

"Assemble at the speed of the Hall of Gods! Let go of everything at hand within ten minutes and gather in the resident hall!" Chen Yongqi quickly issued an order.

At this time, the people in the Hall of Gods couldn't help being curious, and started to rush to the location of the resident city while asking.

Chen Yongqi couldn't tell a reason, he just knew that this step was inevitable for Su Mu, so he should gather in advance so that the brothers in the Hall of Gods can have a good idea.

After Chen Dongchen finished his report, he raised his head and looked at the back of Su Mu and Huang Quan.

At this time, Aisha followed them, but Cheng Zhuang and others did not know what to do.

"That Brother Chen...what's wrong with Boss Su?" Cheng Zhuang asked Chen Dongchen a glance.

The latter shook his head and said, "I don't know. In short, I look very angry. It is estimated that there will be a major change in the China Region."

Chen Dongchen left where he finished speaking, then shook his head and smiled bitterly.

One emotion of one person can affect the changes in the entire region. It is estimated that the entire reincarnation, the entire game industry, only he can do it...

"Big Brother?" Cheng Xiaochu shouted looking at Cheng Zhuang's blank expression.

The latter was startled: "Ah? What's wrong with Xiaochu? Are you feeling well? If you don't feel well, go offline as soon as possible, don't stand here..."

Cheng Xiaochu smiled when he heard the words and said, "No, I'm fine."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

Cheng Zhuang’s honest expression made Cheng Xiaochu helpless. She glanced at Su Mu’s back and said, “Brother Su is in trouble now, don’t you help Big Brother Su? How can Big Brother Su help us solve such a big problem? Isn't it a problem?"

Li Hu was also a little embarrassed by this, but the goods immediately said: "Walk to become strong, let's go to Huangtianzhou District!"

"Huh? To Huangtianzhou area? What are you going to do there? Our guild is in Pingyun Town." Cheng Zhuang was stunned again, what happened to Li Hu?

Li Hu patted his forehead and said, "Are you stupid? Go to the Huangtianzhou area to see how things are going. If Boss Su needs us, come forward. Xiaochu said that he would help you so much. Regardless of Boss Su?"

Cheng Zhuang nodded, then looked at Li Hu and asked, "Boss Su is helping us a lot, but what does it have to do with you?"



Cheng Xiaochu and Xiao Tan were tolerant, their elder brother, to be honest, they both said so seriously, so why bother.

Seeing Li Hu being pulled by Cheng Zhuang towards the teleportation point, Cheng Xiaochu also smiled slightly, and then walked in the direction of Pingyun Town with Xiao Li.

"This one is for Big Brother Su, Xiaochu, Chunxin is sprouting..." Xiaoli said with a smile looking at Cheng Xiaochu's smile.

The latter glared at the little raccoon embarrassedly and said: "What do you think? The shadow of God is the pride of our Chinese people and the idol of countless girls, but there is still a difference between idols and love. Do you think too much?"

"Oh, just ask, if the girl who chased the star had the opportunity to marry their idol, would they not want to? Stop pretending, seeing your spring heart sprout, fools can see it, haha!"

"Dead little raccoon..." Cheng Xiaochu blushed, there was nothing that hadn't been done before, but now that the little raccoon said that it made Cheng Xiaochu involuntarily think about this, but after thinking about it, Cheng Xiaochu was still loose Take a breath.

Because, the game industry recognizes that there are too many ambiguous women around the shadow of God. One Wenren Zihan and Zhou Wenling are enough to make many women daunted, not to mention that there are Chen Xiaoruan and Luo Li in the Hall of Gods. Wait, these women are so good, so good that countless female fans of the Shadow of God dare not think about these things.

However, Cheng Xiaochu was still very worried about Su Mu’s current situation. A person’s angry expressions were different. Some people’s expressions were their moods, while others were unusually forbearing. Like Su Mu’s just now, he was clearly angry. Extremely, this kind of person is especially terrible to burst.

That's why Cheng Xiaochu asked Cheng Zhuang to go to the Huangtianzhou area. If something happens, Cheng Zhuang's invincible defense can also help Su Mu.

At this moment, the two girls, Cheng Xiaochu and Xiaoli, stood directly on the spot, and then stared blankly at the Huaxia announcement, the various screens on the district announcement...

Sure enough, the mood of one person affects the mood of the entire district...

Like Chen Dongchen's thoughts, throughout China, one person's mood should affect the changes in the entire region, and there is no other person besides him.

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