Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2528: I want to sleep with you

After all, Aurora is an ordinary girl. Although she lives in the atmosphere of the Thousand Hands Party, she is just a self-defense girl. She can lose the underwear she just bought, which makes her feel that the whole apartment is It's creepy...

The black line on Su Mu's side, then opened the door and stood outside and shouted: "Wenren Ninety-Nine!!!"

Aurora looked at Su Mu yelling with a dazed expression, but the next moment, Aurora opened his eyes...

On the stairs on the second floor, a girl slowly walked over.

White peaked cap, straight hair and ponytail, a white coat, a pair of light blue skinny beggar jeans, a pair of white sneakers, the whole body exudes youthful breath.

The girl took the headset off her ears, then stretched out her hands and rushed over: "Brother-in-law!!!"

Su Mu was speechless for a while. After Aurora said that his underwear had been stolen, Su Mu knew that in the entire apartment, besides Wen Ren Jiujiu who had this habit? When Wenren Jiujiu went to Haitian City for the first time, didn’t it make all the girls nervous?


The girl Wen Ren Jiujiu sprinted directly on Su Mu's body, two big long legs directly clamped Su Mu's back waist, her hands tightly hugged Su Mu's shoulders, and laughed: "Brother-in-law! Jiujiu missed you. !"

After five years, the original little Lolita had grown up, and Su Mu seemed a bit embarrassed, but feeling the enthusiasm of Wen Ren Jiujiu and the faint scent of her body, Su Mu still smiled slightly: "Okay, you know How old are you? Still messing with me like five years ago?"

Wen Ren Jiujiu dangling over Su Mu's body and said: "No, Jiujiu is also your sister-in-law!"

"Yeah, sister-in-law, should you come down?"

"No, hold on for a while!"

"There are others." Su Mu was speechless, and Aurora stood behind and watched.

Wen Ren Jiujiu smiled, and then jumped off Su Mu's body, but with his arms around Su Mu's back waist, he raised his head and smiled sweetly: "Brother-in-law, do you want Jiujiu?"

Su Mu’s spoiled look is actually the kind of affection for Wenren Jiujiu Su Mu more. It’s not that Su Mu can’t have any other affection for her, it’s because Wenren Jiujiu was such a little loli. Su Mu suddenly became a young girl, and Su Mu was still a little uncomfortable in a short time.

"Thinking, I miss you, when did you come back? Don't call me?"

"People have been in the nursing home, brother-in-law, you don't even go to see them, you are here in Jinwu Cangjiao, hum!" The girl said, she didn't forget to look at Aurora.

The latter turned red at this moment, and then said: "Don't talk nonsense, I am your brother-in-law's...nanny! Well, nanny!"

Wen Ren Jiujiu let go of Su Mu, then walked to Aurora and looked up and down, then smiled: "Nanny?"


"Do you know how many women my brother-in-law has? Still a nanny? My sister, sister Ling, and Xiaoruan, um, sister Lan, sister Mei, sister Muyue, um, who else is there?" Wen Ren Jiujiu said He turned his head to look at Su Mu and asked, "Brother-in-law, who else is here?"

Su Mu was one of the first two older, turned around and went back to the room, saying, "I'll go to bed first, you can talk, and play games at night."

After a while, Su Mu heard the sound of Ren Jiujiu and Aurora'chat' outside the door, and Su Mu really had a headache.



In a daze, Su Mu felt that someone was moving around on his bed. When Su Mu opened his eyes, he was shocked.

On the big bed, Wen Ren Jiujiu was wearing a white vest. Although he did not take off his pants, this Nima, this Nima is Lao Tzu's bed, and Nima is Lao Tzu's sister-in-law!

"Brother-in-law, Jiujiu wants to sleep with you." Wenren Jiujiu showed a charming smile, and then put his arms around Su Mu's neck and put Su Mu on the bed.

Su Mu was dumbfounded.

"Nine-nine, how old are you, don't you know? Also, is Nima going to sleep with me or make me unable to sleep?"

"No, I heard Sister Ling said that you Jinwu Cangjiao will be here soon, anyway, I won't let you sleep alone, who knows if you will mess with that foreign girl!"


Fuck your sister, fuck.

"Brother-in-law, go to sleep, I will be online at night, and finally have a vacation." The girl hugged Su Mu very comfortably, and then closed her eyes as if she was about to fall asleep.

Su Mu is helpless...

With the girl in his arms, Su Mu couldn't sleep.

So at this time Su Mu could only ask: "Girl, when can your problem of stealing other people's underwear be corrected?"

"What are you doing, let people not sleep? Brother-in-law, I didn't steal you, why are you so nervous?"

"Fuck, you still want to steal me?"

Wen Ren Jiujiu opened those big eyes when he heard the words, and then stared at Su Mu with surprise: "Can you?"

"Yes, sister! Go to bed now."

"Hehe." Wenren Jiujiu smiled, then closed his eyes again.

Soon this girl's breathing became evenly proportioned, Su Mu slowly let go of her, and then left the room carefully, Nima, it's strange if you can fall asleep, I can fall asleep.

So Su Mu went directly to Wenren Zihan's room, and then fell asleep quietly.

In the evening.

When Su Mu woke up, he could hear Wenren Jiujiu and Aurora arguing about how to cook in the living room on the first floor. Su Mu patted his forehead, and it was only a few days after that?

In order to avoid arguing Wenren Jiujiu and Aurora, Su Mu directly summoned Xiaomu Ling and entered the game.

Because it was the first time to go online, there were no players at the entrance of Shengxu. What surprised Su Mu was that Zhou Wenling also came online early, so the two took advantage of the door and no one walked in directly.

Just like the first time I came here, Shengxu’s first level is a wooden maze. Because I have been here once, Su Mu and Zhou Wenling will not get lost, but when Su Mu and Zhou Wenling walk to the entrance of the next floor , The two looked at each other.

Su Mu smiled, the latter also blushed and shyly said: "What do you think of this little rascal?"

Su Mu laughed and said, "I let you go today."

Su Mu was lingering here with Zhou Wenling at the beginning, and opened the knot between the two sides, so I came here again with an unspeakable sense of intimacy, but because there were people at the door when they went offline yesterday, Su Mu said that to let her go, otherwise , Su Mu might have let go of Zhou Wenling with a shy look?

Therefore, he and Zhou Wenling walked through two floors in a row, including the dark pit, and came to the third floor of Shengxu.

This is a place similar to an ancient tomb, surrounded by stone walls, and in front of it is a stone bridge similar to a cliff. At the end of the stone bridge is a group of people, which surprised both Su Mu and Zhou Wenling.

However, at this moment, there was a sudden sound of fighting in front of them, and Su Mu and Zhou Wenling looked at each other and walked up.

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