Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2529: Professional blood cow

For unnecessary trouble, Su Mu and Zhou Wenling have both hidden their names and guild IDs. After all, the current God's Domain is too famous, and Su Mu doesn't want to be met wherever they go.

There were at least forty or fifty people standing at the broken bridge, and Su Mu and Zhou Wenling looked at them. These people were all above the 400th level, which was very surprising.

The current average level has not yet reached this point, so players above level 400 should be preparing to enter the second-tier world. What are you doing here?

"Fuck! Don't think about it if you don't take money! Don't look at what map is here!" A player with ID standing in front of the crowd shouted.

In addition to the whole person, there are at least five magicians, two archers and other remote professions standing behind them. Everyone looks at the dozens of more than 400 level players in front of them with a sarcasm smile.

Su Mu stepped forward, patted a player named Niuniu on the shoulder and said, "What's the matter?"

The man looked back at Su Mu, and then said: "It's not Tula Pavilion who is collecting tolls. Alas, every time I go to Shengxu, I need to pay tribute to them. It's bad luck."

"Tolls?" Su Mu was pleased. Because he has been at the highest level of the food chain of reincarnation, Su Mu hasn't encountered too many interesting things in reincarnation, especially the behavior of tolls, and Sheng Xu's behavior This kind of super map, who can monopolize the super guild?

Zhou Wenling glanced at the Niuniu player and asked, "You are all four-hundred and eighth-ranked professionals, why are you afraid of this Tula Pavilion? And there are many large guilds in Nanzhou City?"

Nanzhou super guilds like Echo of God and God Luan Zhan should still be there, so the map of Nanzhou City Shengxu should not be occupied, and this Tula Ge Su Mu has never heard of it.

The player called Niuniu sighed: "Oh, don't mention it. There are only a hundred thousand people in this Tula Pavilion, and professional robbery. Almost famous maps in Nanzhou have their guild people. Large guilds will not let go. , Let alone conquering them, this guild doesn’t know what’s going on. There are many blood bull professions, and every one of them is worth millions of blood. Although the defense and combat power are ordinary, they still want to attack their resident city. Very difficult."

Su Mu and Zhou Wenling glanced at each other, and then Su Mu directly opened the divine vision.

Standing on Huashan and split Huashan Lv406 (Tula Pavilion)

Qi and blood: 3.6512 million

Energy: 120,000

Occupation: Paladin


Brother Liu Lv399 (Tula Pavilion)

Qi and blood: 2.8412 million

Energy: 450,000

Occupation: Magician


Nine days of laughter Lv404 (Tula Pavilion)

Qi and blood: 1.04 million

Energy: 550,000

Occupation: Archer


"..." Su Mu was stunned.

In the current profession, the vitality of the paladin barely exceeds one million, which is a normal value, and it also needs equipment assistance, while the magician and archer of the anemic profession are less than half a million, but the front Tula Pavilion The members of the guild, the energy of a magician is as high as 2.8 million? More than one million archers? Is this crazy?

Su Mu vaguely felt that something was wrong with this guild.

"Go, go ahead and have a look." Su Mu pulled Zhou Wenling forward.

I have always come to the place where everyone is arguing, then standing in the Huashan Mountain and looking at the people with a smile: "Sheng Xu is an ancient map with a large number of super bosses. If you want to go in and pay the toll, you can't be too much? And, these three floors are already We have emptied and the road has been set up. You only need to walk over to enter the fourth floor. Why not do it? The old rules, everyone 10,000 gold coins, go back without money."

"Ten thousand gold coins do you rob?"

"That's right, you're robbing here every day. Don't go too far in Tulako!"

"Sheng Xu is a lot of super monsters, but these ten thousand gold coins are too many, whether it can be earned back is a question."

Everyone said with dissatisfaction, but no one stepped forward.

From this point of view, these people seem to be very clear about this Turago, a professional guild of Super Blood Bull, just the Huashan's more than 3 million blood is enough to make these people fight for a while, and When Huashan's blood was not emptied, the remote professions behind them would be able to solve them. That's why this Turago was so arrogant.

Zhou Wenling followed Su Mu with a smile on his face, and when he was standing in Huashan and splitting Huashan, his eyes were full of roundness, and then he stared at Zhou Wenling and smiled: "Beautiful women have privileges. Just chat with my brother for a while. ...Hehe..."

"Really...?" Zhou Yaojing's face was charming and Su Mu's face was speechless. Can you just want to molest you without seeing a man, although Su Mu knows that Zhou Wenling is mocking.

At this moment, a very rough voice came from behind: "Do you have a rule for Tulako you can pass for free?"

Everyone's eyes couldn't help but focus on this person.

At least 1.9 meters tall, unusually burly, and looks very strong, ID Tiehan Johnson.

Standing in the Huashan Mountain and splitting the Huashan Mountain and watching Tie Han Qiangsen smiled: "Yes, if you can kill me with one hit, you can also pass for free."

"Okay! I'll kill you!" Tiehan Johnson walked directly to the player named Huashan.

Everyone also started talking in low voices at this time, and there were also people who calmed down, but in general they were talking about this person's uncomfortable finding, more than three million qi and blood, let alone a 400-level player, even if it is. Famous masters in the world can't do it either.

"Wait a minute! Do you know the rules?" asked the burly iron man standing in the Huashan mountain and looking at it.

The latter said honestly, "I can't make ten thousand hardware coins, right?"

"Yes, just understand the rules, come on."


Contrary to Su Mu's expectation, this person standing in Huashan split Huashan directly released a yellow gas shield, and it looked very strong.

Isn't this playing tricks on others? Just this qi and blood is enough to make people retreat, and a shield should be added?


Tiehan Johnson suddenly raised his long knife, a golden light appeared instantly, and the players turned their heads dazzlingly.

boom! ! !



"Hi, it's still like this..."

"It's finished, it's the same again."


Everyone couldn't help but sighed, and when standing on Huashan and splitting Huashan, they chuckled, then stood up and said, "Come on, ten thousand hardware coins."

The latter seemed to do this often, and directly handed over 10,000 gold coins to that person, and then walked into the fourth floor of Shengxu griefly.

At this time, Huashan looked at Su Mu and the others and said: "Who else wants to try? If you don't try, hurry up, 10,000 gold coins, one less will not work, hurry up, don't delay the latter from entering the map."

Zhou Wenling also glanced at Su Mu dumbly at this time, and then said through the voice: "Do you see what kind of way is coming?"

Su Mu shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. The blood of these people is a bit weird. I'm a little curious about this Tula Pavilion Guild."


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