Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2577: Reasons for war

The next day.

The border of the Forbidden Island.

"The current manpower is already severely insufficient, everyone should work harder." Hei Tan said to the leader below.

God's Domain expelled so many people at once. Now the manpower is definitely a bit insufficient. It is just that the border of the Forbidden Continent has changed from the previous 300 million people to more than 50 million people. The decline in this number is fatal. of.

Ye Qiu could only comfort himself at this time, and stationed at the border with Hei Tan.

At this moment, in the channel of the Hall of Gods.

"It was found that the enemy army was beginning to surging. The members of the Thousand Hands Party, the Ten Thousand Hands Party, and Han Fei's Jin Guo Tian Xia were found at the border, and there were about 150 million people!"

Hei Tan was shocked suddenly, Ye Qiu and Hei Tan looked at each other, and then hurried to the border.

On the grassland at the junction of the Forbidden Continent and Russia and North, the mighty team moves. The team of hundreds of millions of people is very shocking for the visual impact. The mountains are full of people, and there are even countless summoner’s summoned beasts. , Players flying in the air, etc., almost the entire northeast border of the Forbidden Continent is completely occupied by players.

News kept coming, and the people of the Global Alliance quickly deployed their manpower to prepare for the war tomorrow.

Not only that.

A large number of Global Alliance members have been found in the Killing Shenzhou District, Huangtianzhou District, and Panguzhou District. Almost hundreds of millions of people have appeared in the Global Alliance in each continent and have begun to occupy the border of the war.

The news spread in Huaxia instantly, and Huaxia's players were completely boiling.

World Channel: China Empire; Flo Empire Guild: Tyumen; Global Alliance, are you trying to break your promise? What about disbanding the alliance? Why do you want to besiege China again?

World Channel: XX: Fool, the people of the Global Alliance are just a bunch of idiots. They talk about credit?

"Damn it! What is done by God's Domain even if it was done in vain?"

"Who is it? Where are the people from God's Domain? Stand up and say something!"

For a time, the World Channel exploded in an instant, and the global focus once again came to China.

As the World Channel shouted, the Global Alliance also gave an answer.

World Channel: Indo-Three Empires: Acmedo: The Global Alliance has never admitted to disbanding. The China Gods Online Guild has severely disrupted the balance of the game. Do you think that letting the shadow of God out of the game can convince us in a few days? Do you think we are idiots or fools? China! Accept tomorrow's baptism!

Suddenly, the entire Huaxia started bombing the World Channel explosively, but the players knew that bombing the World Channel would not have any effect at all. The most effective thing now is to prepare for defense.

However, now the players have finally realized a problem. The total number of members of God's Domain is less than 300 million. Facing the global alliance with a total of more than one billion, what defense does China use?

Huangtianzhou District, God's Domain Headquarters.

The members in the square moved quickly, all kinds of orders were issued, everyone became like ants on a hot pot.

Some members of the Hall of the Gods also returned to Huangtianzhou District.

This time in the conference hall.

Su Tian asked, Liu Zhi and others frowned.

The Four Ghosts suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "This is your good idea? Disband the number of Gods' Domain, and then let the people of the Global Alliance crush our Huaxia more easily? Huh?!"

Other people in the Hall of Gods also looked at Su Tian and asked.

Su Tianwen didn't expect that the matter would be such a result, however, as the matter had reached this point, he was already unable to refute it.

Liu Zhi stood up and shouted, "What is the quarrel? No one has expected this situation. It is impossible for the senior leaders of Huaxia to hope that Huaxia loses? You know the quarrel, so why don't you think of something."

"Fuck! Which green onion are you? You can talk everywhere?"

"I am still the vice president of God's Domain! How old are you? Huh?!"



Su Tianwen abruptly shot up the case. He looked at the crowd and shouted: "Now the most urgent thing is to find a way instead of quarreling. If the quarrel can win, I will quarrel with you all day and night!"

Everyone fell silent.

Think of ways to? What can I do?

Now it’s impossible for God's Domain to collect people, and it’s too late to organize China’s guild. The most important thing is that there will be a lot of problems in command, and now it’s the global alliance that is attacking all of China’s borders. This kind of super war is not at all. If one person can command, even if Su Tianwen is commanded, it is impossible to command the entire war situation in China.

No one can take care of this.

Zhou Wenling sat there holding his chest and said nothing, and Chen Xiaoruan beside him was also staring at Liu Zhi's secret path quietly at this time; traitor, rubbish!

Xia Hai glanced at Su Tian at this time and asked, "Shou Chief 丨 Chang, what do you think is the best way now?"

Su Tian asked for a moment, then looked at all the people in the Hall of Gods and said: "The news we received before is that the Global Alliance has begun to disband, but I didn't expect that their so-called disbandment was actually close to the border of China. Now they suddenly arranged the team to What better way can we have on our border, it can only be hard hit!"

Su Tianwen is not an incompetent person. It is the biggest humiliation for him to break the word of the Global Alliance. Originally, China’s senior executives reduced most of the members of God’s Domain in accordance with the requirements of the Global Alliance, and asked Su Mu not to go online. Now, the world What can he do if the alliance breaks its promise? The whole thing is beyond his control alone.

Chen Yongqi snorted at this moment: "I still agree with what Old Brother Su said at the beginning. Only a hard fist can make those people timid, negotiating, and tactics, and they are too pale and weak in the face of war."

Chen Yongqi, who has gone through the cycle of time, understands people's dispositions best. The real world and the game world are actually the same, and they are all controlled by people.

Chen Yongqi stared at the members of the Hall of Gods. He knew what the Hall of Gods wanted to say, but if this matter was said, how could the face of the senior Chinese leaders survive? How do Chinese players talk about them?

Therefore, Su Tian asked not to speak.

Zhou Wenling said with a sneer at this time: "The matter has come to this point. It seems that there is no other way but to fight hard, but before the war, should we solve the wrong things that God's Domain made first?!"

"I agree too." Chen Xiaoruan and Wen Ren Zihan said in unison.

Chen Yongqi, a thought becomes a demon, tears are blooming, tomorrow, Wu Wushuang, King Kong, Chrissy and others all look at Su Tian and ask, because if this matter is not resolved, what will God Domain use to defend the Global Alliance?

"What the **** do you mean?" Su Tian asked, staring at everyone and roaring in a low voice!


The four ghosts stood up and shouted: "In order to be a tortoise, the boss was not allowed to enter the game. Now don't be a tortoise. Shouldn't we invite our boss back?!"

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