Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2578: High-level resolution

The Four Ghosts stared at Su Tianwen angrily, and this sentence spoke out everyone's heart.

However, Su Tian asked coldly staring at the four ghosts: "The country is in trouble and everyone is responsible. What more should I say about this matter? If your boss has a sense of responsibility, you should come online!"

"Oh, what a tall hat!"

"Hey, it seems that people won't apologize anymore."

"Tsk tsk, Guan Wei is so big..."

Liu Zhi stared at the four ghosts and the others at this time: "What do you mean? To invite Su Mu back? I disagree! Why should he be invited back? Let him come back and continue to annoy the Global Alliance?"



"Retarded child……"

"If you don't have a handle, stop talking..."

For Liu Zhi, everyone has already gotten used to it, and most people just choose to ignore it.

When everyone was arguing, Su Tian asked: "You discuss it first, and I will hold a meeting offline."

Speaking of Su Tianwen, he went directly off the assembly line, and the hall suddenly became messy.

However, at this time, the entire China was boiling.

A few days ago, the senior management of China Huaxia decided that the president of God's Domain would not be allowed to enter the game. In order to comply with the requirements of the Global Alliance, the members of God's Domain were reduced. In this way, they wanted to eliminate the Global Alliance’s attack on the border of China. But today, the Global Alliance The people suddenly surrounded the entire Huaxia, for a time, fear, helplessness, and anger filled the hearts of the entire Huaxia players.

Before the Shadow of God was strictly prohibited from entering the game, it made them a little angry, but now, the decision of the senior management of China is obviously wrong. Will the Global Alliance teach you morality? Just kidding, their purpose is to defeat China, nothing more.

Doesn't this incident now prove the purpose of the global alliance?

The World Channel is still babbling.

The Huaxia people say that the Global Alliance does not talk about credit, while the people of the Global Alliance say that the shadow of God just does not log into the game and did not achieve their previous requirements to restore the game balance. Therefore, the Global Alliance still has to attack China, making China completely unable So far as it affects the balance of the entire game, isn't it just about suppressing China?

Therefore, at this time, Huaxia players can only say that God's Domain's previous practices were too confusing.

The impact of this matter is of a global nature. All countries, whether or not the countries of the Global Alliance are concerned about this matter, and the various statements of the World Channel are different. But in one thing, the Global Alliance is bound to attack China. The border is now, this will not change, because the soldiers of the Global Alliance have already begun to surround the Huaxia border. It can be said that in the more than an hour that went online today... the Huaxia border can't even fly out...

For this, Huaxia’s players can only fight a war of words. They still mainly depend on the decision of God’s Domain. However, they also know that it is impossible for all the members of God’s Domain who have been reduced to come back. With the current time and the offensive of the Global Alliance Speed, God's Domain does not have any time to collect people who are expelled from the guild, and those who are expelled have now joined the guild or spent their own money to continue to form a guild, who will continue to return to God's Domain?


China Summer Order Committee small courtyard.

More than a dozen senior Chinese executives, including Xiamin, Lou Chong, Bai Zoumin, and Chen Dongsheng, sat at the edge of the conference table.

"Presumably you have received the news? Let's talk about what you think." Xia Ming said slowly, holding up his tea cup.

Bai Zoumin glanced at the people and said: "I agreed with the U.S. Empire before that as long as God's Domain cuts its members according to their requirements, and requires the Shadow of God to leave the game, it will disband the Global Alliance. Now, the Global Alliance has violated the agreement and it is a blatant provocation. China!"

"Just now the senior officials of the U.S. empire replied that the global alliance is not for their family. This matter was initiated by other countries. Therefore, the U.S. empire will not make any response and will also participate in the results of the meeting of most people in the global alliance We will attack the China border together." Chen Dongsheng said.

Xia Min still had a tepid expression. He seemed to be thinking about something while sitting there, and other people's discussions rose up. They expected this matter, but they didn't expect it to happen.

"In fact, everyone should have thought of this before, but I didn't expect that the Global Alliance would violate the agreement so shamelessly, the reason is even more shameless! Let's start the B plan." The representative of the Huang Family in Kyoto said.

Xia Min still didn't speak, and plan B must be able to start.

At this time, Su Tianwen walked in, and everyone was quiet.

Waiting for Su Tianwen to take his seat, Xia Xia Mincai said, "How is it? Is there any way?"

Su Tianwen glanced at the people, and there was a thud in his heart. It seemed that there was no room for turning back, and Xia Mingmin knew what to do, but he asked himself, Su Tianwen was helpless because of the power of this emperor's technique.

He could only look at the people and said: "The only way at the moment is to fight to the death and let Su Mu return to God's Domain to reorganize the current situation in God's Domain."

Everyone fell silent, and Lou Chong snorted: "You should know the temper of this kid Su Mu best. You deprived him of his authority seven days ago and now let him go back. Do you think it is possible?"

"What?! The country is in trouble, shouldn't he be a Chinese citizen?"

"This is the old white of the game war, you are talking about it!" Lou Chong hummed.

Everyone fell silent.

Xia Ming said with a smile, "Actually, I feel that Su Mu is a pretty good kid. It shouldn't be too difficult for him to regain the position of president of God's Domain. Besides, it is impossible for Su Mu to watch the guild he created was destroyed? You say Lao Su."

Su Tianwen was stunned again.

Chen Dongsheng said: "But I know that our shadow of God has a lot of temper. Our decision must have made him angry at the beginning. Now that our decision is wrong, it is impossible for him to pay the bill..."

"It's not impossible." Lou Chong said.

Everyone looked at Lou Chong.

At this moment, Su Tianwen was completely helpless, all the human spirits present here, how could he not think of what these people were thinking? Moreover, this matter can't be told by Xia Ming, otherwise the matter will be embarrassing.

Therefore, Su Tian asked this time to stand up and say: "I can go and invite him, but I can't guarantee whether it will succeed."

"Oh, Lao Su, are you polite? With your current status and your blood relationship, the Shadow of God will definitely sell you this face."

"Yes, yes, it must be possible."

Su Tian asked coldly in his heart, why didn't you see you so optimistic when making a decision? You were the one who issued the order to prevent Su Mu from taking charge of the God's Domain. Now that you have asked them to let yourself, the Laozi, go in person, Su Tian asked about the fire but didn't know how to send it out.

Especially when looking at the faces of these people here, they all have to put things aside, as if the decision to reduce God's Domain and contain Su Mu was prompted by him, Su Tian, ​​alone!


Su Tianwen snorted and left the conference table, heading straight to Wen Ren's apartment.

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