Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2580: Su Mu's conditions

Su Mu's furious expression made Su Tianwen speechless.

Now Su Tianwen finally understands one thing. The ambition of the Global Alliance is not what they imagined. China is too threatening to the world. Whether it is because of the shadow of God or because of the large number of people in China, either of these two reasons Enough for the establishment of a global alliance.

Previously, Su Mu sank half of the territory of Wadao Island and also had a conflict with Northern Russia. It seems that he had thought of this a long time ago, and he understood that as long as China participated in the systematic national war, no one would be able to fight, so Su Mu ahead of time The purpose of the global alliance is to bring the enemies together and annihilate them in one fell swoop, or to be annihilated by the other side!

Su Tianwen looked at Su Mu and asked, "I still don't understand. Why did you attack other countries to reduce their strength after not fighting Russia ten days ago?"

On the contrary, Su Mu smiled and said: "I think, but who will defend the border? Moreover, my purpose is to get them to unite. If this is not the case, do you know the consequences?"

Su Tianwen suddenly realized when he heard this.

Because Su Tianwen thoroughly wanted to understand why Su Mu had to promote the establishment of the Global Alliance.

This year's China Region is stronger than in previous years and stronger than any other year. Therefore, during the national war, China will definitely fight against various powerful countries and regions. At that time, it will cause China to fight against the islands of Japan and North Russia. After the situation of North Russia printing three, there is still a US empire and Austrian big eyes behind. Therefore, if this happens, even if China finally wins, they will still unite against China.

And Su Mu angered and frightened these countries around the world, and the establishment of the Global Alliance in advance eliminated the situation of attacking or being attacked one by one, because this kind of ending will happen sooner or later.

Su Tianwen looked at Su Mu with a little surprise, is he only in his twenties? Neither he nor Xiamin thought about this, because this kind of thing had never happened before.

China has been targeted for national warfare every year, so it has not entered the top ten in the world. The problem is that China has not been targeted by all countries. This year, once China has entered the top ten in the world, or when it attacked North Russia and the US empire, compare Strong, then the countries around the world will naturally be dissatisfied and will want to destroy China, then a union will happen...

Therefore, Su Mu's doing so has reduced China's greater risk.

Su Tianwen sat down and said, "You alone surpassed the eyes of the three of us."

After all, games are not the real world. Su Tianwen must admit that Su Mu's understanding of the current era of games is comparable to no one in China.

They can think of this kind of ending, what else he didn't think of?

Thinking of this, Su Tianwen suddenly raised his head and looked at Su Mu and said, "Actually, you have already thought of today's situation, haven't you?"

Su Mu smiled slightly and said, "What do I think about? What if I can't think of it? In the end, I still can't twist my thighs, right?"

Seeing Su Mu's smile, Su Tianwen pointed to the temple and said, "But here can make up for the strength of the thighs, right?"

"Whatever you say."

Su Mu had thought about today's situation, but Su Mu didn't think that the senior Chinese leaders would actually do something like reducing the God's Domain. This was unexpected by Su Mu, so Su Mu has been very angry these days.

I am afraid that Bai Mi Yi Shu is talking about now.

"Provide conditions." Su Tian asked.

Su Mu stared at him. At this time, the initiative finally came back.

"First! Forever! You are not allowed to interfere with the reversal of my leadership of God's Domain, and you are never allowed to point fingers at you if I do not betray China!"

"Second! Forever! Don't use your brains with anyone in reality who has a relationship with me!"

"Third! In this national war, no one is allowed to interfere with my command. You suggest not to mention it. I will take care of everything, regardless of victory or defeat!"

"Fourth! The authority of Liu Zhi and Long Tianci is revoked, and Long Tianci's position in God's Domain is retained, but the position of supervisor is not allowed!"

These four conditions are basically what Su Mu should have. It can be said that there is no embarrassment with the senior Huaxia, so Su Tianwen has not spoken.

At this time, Su Mu seemed to have not finished speaking.

He walked down the steps of the restaurant to the sofa again and looked at Su Tian and asked, "Article 5! Move my mother's grave to the Sujia Cemetery in Kyoto!"

"Impossible!" Su Tianwen was furious upon hearing this.

Su Mu knew this was the result. Who didn't know the power and prestige of the Su family in Kyoto? At the beginning, Su Mu's mother could say that he didn't join Su's family with Ben, but was Su Mu born after the two broke up. Therefore, Su Mu's mother is still in Haitian City...

The only thing Su Mu wanted to do was her mother’s wishes. She loved Su Tianwen, so Su Mu had to move her mother’s tomb to Kyoto and be buried with Su Tianwen in the future. This is the only thing Su Mu can do for her mother. Taking advantage of this incident today, Su Mu must let Su Tian answer the questions!

Su Tianwen stared at Su Mu and said, "The things of the previous generation were not something you can interfere with. Moreover, this matter has nothing to do with your God's Domain. Boy, you better see the current situation!"

Su Mu stared at Su Tian and asked, "Yes, you'd better see the current situation clearly. If you don't agree, I won't return to reincarnation!"

"Do you really think that China really can't fight without you Su Mu?"

"What do you mean?!"

The two pointed their needles to the Maimang, and no one would let anyone else. Moreover, at this time, Su Mu and Su Tianwen looked more like enemies, so Wenren Zihan, who was standing at the top of the stairs, hurried down and then pulled Su Mu 'S arm said: "Su Mu, don't be impulsive..."

Wenren Zihan was afraid that Su Mu would really become muddled, and if he started with Su Tianwen, it would be a big joke, so Wenren Zihan was also scared.

Su Mu, who was pulled away, laughed: "Go back and discuss with your people. If you don't agree to the fifth article, don't think I will go back to reincarnation!"

Su Tianwen stared at Su Mu, and then whispered: "Boy, you better consider your situation!"

"I can't do you, but what? The big deal is that I will take them away from China, what can you do to me?"

Su Tianwen sneered, but at this time he slightly eased his tone and said, "I can promise you all the first four conditions, and the fifth, if I didn't hear it, what are the conditions to continue to mention."

Wenren Zihan hugged Su Mu's arm tightly, fearing that he would be impulsive.

At this time, Su Mu was standing there looking at Su Tian and asked, "I don't want the first four conditions. If I don't agree to the fifth, I won't talk about it!"

The atmosphere suddenly became tense again.

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