Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2581: Liu Zhi and Wendy

The reason why Su Tianwen did not agree. Su Mu knew that because he and Su Mu’s mother were not married at the beginning, and Su Mu’s mother who was murdered by Su Tianwen’s family died at the time. Therefore, it is impossible for the Su family in Kyoto to let Su Mu’s mother enter the Su family. The cemetery, moreover, this doesn't mean that Su Tianwen doesn't love Su Mu's mother, otherwise Su Tianwen would not have married others yet.

But the principle of the family, Su Tianwen dare not defy.

However, it is impossible for Su Mu's mother to be alone in Haitian City. You must know that the letter left by Su Mu's mother told Su Mu, and she loved Su Tianwen until she died.

The person has gone, and the only thing Su Mu can do is to comfort his mother's Jiuquan, so this condition happens to be when it is proposed now.

The two looked at each other, and neither of them gave in. Finally, Su Tianwen sighed and said: "Boy, I know you want to do something for your mother, but have you ever thought about it if your mother lived to see us? The relationship is so tense, what would she think?"

"Yeah, what will happen to her? How do you see the result of your love?"

Su Tianwen sighed again. He knew that he couldn't talk with Su Mu anymore, so he asked: "I can promise you all the four conditions you mentioned before, but the last one won't work. You have to consider it for the sake of China and God's Domain. clear."

"You have to think about it for the sake of China Region."


"Su Mu, don't make a noise, talk to your uncle." Wenren Zihan pulled Su Mu.

Su Tianwen glanced at Wenren Zihan, then turned around and said, "There is still one day left, so consider it carefully."

Seeing Su Tianwen's back, Wenren Zihan muttered: "Actually, you also understand that he can't agree to it, so why force it?"

"Some things will never be realized without mentioning them now."

"But what if he really doesn't agree? You really don't care about God's Domain anymore? Doesn't you care about China Region?"

"Whatever? It's just a game."

"Do you really think of Samsara as an ordinary whole series game?"

Su Mu stopped asking this question.

The breakup of the two caused Su Mu's mood to depressed, and the game was about to go live. If nothing else, the Global Alliance will completely reorganize the team today and attack China tomorrow!

Wenren Zihan talked with Su Mu for a long time, nothing more than to persuade Su Mu not to ask Su Tian hard. How could he be Su Mu’s father, and Su Mu could only listen with a smile. As for Su Mu’s decision, Wen Ren Zihan also knew it was difficult to change.

That night, Wenren Zihan went online to assist the All Gods Hall and Chen Xiaoruan in arranging the battle line, while Su Mu returned to his bedroom.

Today is the day when the goddess Fenghe wakes up. If nothing else, there should be news from the dark element, so Su Mu also became a little nervous.

With the passage of time, the goddess Fenghe was always asleep when she was summoned, and Su Mu could only stand in the room and wait.

At this time, a black shadow flickered by the bed, and Su Mu quickly walked over and opened the window.

Zero stood quietly on the edge, the night breeze blowing, he was like a ghost.

"Not on the game?"

"The game is basically set up, there is nothing to do."

"How is Liu Zhi's investigation?"

Ling glanced at Su Mu, then looked at the night sky in the distance and said, "In addition to his identification beforehand, Liu Zhi not only kept in touch with the Wadao Soul Group, but also colluded with the American Empire’s Fengchi Guild, and even Sold some equipment in God's Domain, etc."

"These are trivial matters. What I asked you to investigate is the connection between Liu Zhi and Wendy."

"As you think, in the three months before Wendy disappeared, they kept in touch frequently. Although it was very secretive, they still left clues. At the same time, I also investigated that Wendy and Liu Zhi were in contact. For something in the game, and always meet in reincarnation, there is no time to meet in reality."

Su Mu frowned slightly and said, "In other words, Liu Zhi knew about Wendy's disappearance?"

Zero glanced at Su Mu and said, "Wendy is not dead. It was not killed by Liu Zhi. As you expected, Wendy should have entered the second-tier world, or entered a place similar to the cycle of time, so she would Leave the bank card for Liu Zixue in Kyoto."

Su Mu nodded. Wendy's disappearance made Speed ​​suspect that she was the dark element, or the messenger of the dark element. Now that Liu Zhi is involved, Su Mu really can't imagine the complexity of the matter. .

Liu Zhi is a traitor and a spy who can't be wrong, but why Wendy has such a close relationship with him? What are they planning, even afraid to tell him and Wenren Zihan and the others.

This is also one of the reasons why Su Mu has not dealt with Liu Zhi for a long time. The disappearance of Wendy may be able to find out the answer from Liu Zhi.

Ling left the apartment soon, and Su Mu was standing at the window and sorting out the relationship.

The fragment of information Su Mu knew was that Liu Zhi colluded with the Dragon Soul Group, and the Dragon Soul Group’s Cen had a direct relationship with the Dark Elemental, and Wendy had a close relationship with Liu Zhi. So, does this include There is no such a coincidence that the three things are one of the dark elements.

Su Mu turned around, then returned to his bedside and raised his hand, "Fenghe."


With a faint white light, the figure of the goddess Fenghe appeared beside Su Mu.

"Master." The goddess Fenghe bowed slightly and saluted.

"How is your recovery? Is there any discomfort?" Su Mu asked Goddess Fenghe with both hands.

The latter smiled slightly, then stood there and turned around and smiled: "Master, don't worry, Fenghe is a divine body, and it won't be a serious problem. Although I saw the secret, it is no serious problem."

Goddess Fenghe was very touched by Su Mu calling her to care about Fenghe’s body, because Goddess Fenghe herself did not expect that Su Mu first asked about her concern instead of asking about the dark element. This little detail makes The goddess Fenghe is very useful.

And Su Mu saw that the goddess Fenghe had no problem and sat on the bed and said, "Tell me about what you saw seven days ago."

The latter nodded, and then hesitated: "Master, Fenghe said before that the dark element is in Huaxia, and it is likely to be by your side. I am afraid that Fenghe is right..."

Su Mu’s heart thumped like normal, and if that was the case, then Su Mu would be a little worried. This is one of the reasons why Su Mu didn’t rush to know the identity of Dark Element, because Su Mu was afraid that Dark Element was his relatives. '!

Seeing Su Mu's expression, Goddess Fenghe also knew what he was worried about, so she said, "Master, is there someone missing from your side?!"

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