Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2807: Reappearance

Now that this is the end of the matter, Bauhinia also knows that it is impossible to serve as a patriarch without the ability to shut up everyone, so Bauhinia took a step forward and looked at Zi Shutian and said: "Uncle, what you said is countable. ?"


Everyone was quiet, this Zitong, is she really going to fight Zi Shutian not? Zi Shutian is a **** pet hunter, and he is a super expert with up to eight turns and eight stages. This kind of person is the best at dealing with **** pets. Does Zijing actually want to agree?

Not to mention the people under the ring, even Zi Shutian was a little surprised, but he still smiled and nodded: "Of course, your grandpa agreed."

"Okay! Come on!" Bauhinia took out his double daggers, and then made a challenge pose, and Su Mu also stood beside Bauhinia, the funny big cat standing.

This scene surprised everyone, but now it seems that Bauhinia seems to be particularly confident, so everyone is interested in this battle again, maybe the Zi family is ruining it on its own? He didn't want to let Zijing serve as the patriarch, but in the end he had no choice but to slap himself in the face. If the senior Zi Shutian also lost, then the Zi family would have nothing to say...

Therefore, for Zi Shutian, battle on the battlefield is not only the idea of ​​the Zi family's senior management, but also a test of his psychological quality. Of course, in Zi Shutian's view, dealing with a Bauhinia is completely accomplished.



Zi Shutian's figure jumped directly into the air, and immediately followed, a large net fell and directly landed on Su Mu's position. Obviously this was to control Su Mu's ability to move, so at this moment, Zijing instinctively moved to the left. , And it happened to be in this state that Zi Shutian directly caught the void, and a scimitar came directly to Zijing’s throat...

Because Bauhinia wanted to protect Su Mu, he ignored that Zi Shutian's real target was actually her... So at this moment, Bauhinia's eyes widened...


Swish, Bauhinia felt that his body had been taken away instantly by something, and left the place directly.

Reappearing, Zijing had already dislocated five steps from Su Mu and directly avoided all Zi Shutian's attacks.

Zi Shutian fell on the ground and looked at Bauhinia and the big cat in surprise, and then smiled slightly: "It's interesting."

Su Mu also sneered in his heart, and the more interesting ones are still to come!


It was a quick attack again, which did not give Bauhinia any breathing opportunity at all. Moreover, this time, everyone was horrified to find that at least fifty white giant nets appeared in the sky above the ring, all of which were used to catch the gods’ pets. Those tricks. Everyone can't help but squeeze their hands. If Bauhinia's pet is caught, then the Bauhinia with only three turns will be completely useless...

So in this scene, Bauhinia and Su Mu frowned at the same time...



No matter how fast Su Mu is, but the entire arena is full of giant nets, so it is impossible to avoid them all, so the next moment Su Mu and Bauhinia are directly enveloped by the big net...

The victory or defeat was decided in an instant, and everyone felt helpless and relieved in reason. The pet hunter is a special player to deal with players with pets. At this time, Bauhinia has lost all combat power...

Su Mu's body was trapped, and Bauhinia was also trapped, so the next moment, Zi Shuming did not hesitate, and there was no time to give Bauhinia a chance, the scimitar came directly to Bauhinia’s throat, just wanting to attack and kill... …

Bauhinia's eyes widened...

Everyone's eyes widened too...

Turn 8 to 8 paragraphs, this is not something that an 8-turn 3 paragraph with a **** pet can handle, so there is almost no suspense. Everyone can only say that Bauhinia is too unwelcome...otherwise, why should I let it go? My uncle's Zi Shutian shot!

Snap, because it is a pet body, this giant net is designed to deal with non-players, so even Su Mu can't break free, but at this time, because Su Mu is a player himself, he directly turned the magic sword of the gods into the hands of Bauhinia The dagger said: "Bauhinia!"

Bauhinia was startled suddenly, then put away her dagger, and then, a dagger slowly appeared in her hand, because there had been this kind of thing just now, so Bauhinia was familiar...

"It's over!" Zi Shutian's scimitar fell directly.

when! ! !


The dagger in Bauhinia's hand directly blocked the position of his throat, and then it made a clear and crisp sound. The most important thing was that the expression of Bauhinia at this time was the same as Zishutian's expression, which was very unexpected, because Bauhinia did not control this at all. The dagger is directly in front of me...

"Bauhinia, relax your arms!"

Bauhinia was startled again when he heard the words, was Su Mu controlling the dagger?

Thinking of this, Zijing could only relax her arm, and then she was surprised to see that the dagger took her arm and moved directly up to Zi Shutian’s shoulder...

"Shaking Sword!"

Hum! ! ! !

Hum! ! ! !


Pala la...

No one could think of it, and no one could predict this result, because at this moment, the dagger in Bauhinia's hand smashed Zi Shutian's shoulders instantly...The huge blood damage rose up like a red board...

Not only that, this Zi Shutian seemed to be unable to retreat, standing in place as if being sucked by the dagger of Bauhinia, and then feeling the huge vibration...

Buzzing! !

Pala la...


Following Zi Shutian's scream, all the players on the scene opened their eyes in horror, Zi Zhan stood up again, this shaking technique appeared again, and it was released so vividly, it is incredible, what is Bauhinia? How did you learn it? This technique can't be released so powerful even if it is Zi Zhan...

Bang! ! !

The white light of death appeared instantly, and Zi Shutian, a super master with eight turns and eight stages was killed like this...

Because of Zi Shutian's death, the giant net on the ring slowly disappeared, and Zijing, who was half-squatting on the ground, was still looking at the dagger in her hand in shock. The shock just now almost paralyzed her entire arm, so Bauhinia still can't control his arm at this time...

The dagger slowly disappeared, and the big-faced cat beside him instantly turned into the size of a domestic cat, with a look of wilting state.

Bauhinia was shocked, and then he took the big-faced cat with his right hand and placed it in his arms. The gratitude in his heart was self-evident.

The technique just now was transmitted by Su Mu through a weapon. Zijing knew very well how much torture Su Mu had endured, because the vibration was not controlled by Su Mu's hand, it seemed to be controlled from the air, so the only thing Zijing could think of at this time is, Su Mu's arm is more uncomfortable than himself!

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