Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2808: Promise by body? (8 more)

As Su Mu fell into a coma, the Bauhinia on the ring held him incomparably moved, and then looked at the people around him.

At this time, no one spoke, and some were all shocked and shocked. A super master who turned three stages and directly killed a super master who turned eight stages and eight stages was incredible for anyone.

Bauhinia stood there and looked at the people around him in a circle, then looked at Zi Zhan's position and said, "Grandpa, what else does Hitomi need to do?"

Zi Zhan stunned suddenly, and then sighed slightly. It seemed that things were far beyond his control... Entering the third-tier world was imminent, and it was obviously impossible for Zi Zhan to continue to stop Bauhinia.

Moreover, in the presence of so many people, Zi Zhan could not break his promise again and again, so he could only stand up and weakly said: "The second-floor world chief of the Zi family, Zi Tong, I hope you will take care of you in the future!"

"Congratulations, Zitong..."


Everyone's congratulations were weak, Zijing took care of these faces, she directly held the unconscious Su Mu into the wing courtyard of the Zi family, and then found an unoccupied room and closed the door directly.

Regarding external matters, Bauhinia does not think about it and go now. Anyway, the overall situation is set. Bauhinia knows what it should care about now...

Watching Zijing leave, Zi Shuming glanced at Zi Zhan, but the latter frowned slightly. Originally, the patriarch of this second-tier world had to choose one from Zixiayun and Zitian Wushuang, but in the end he was the most undesired person. Taking this position made Zi Zhan very helpless.

But with so many people present, Zi Zhan could not break his promise, so Zijing is leaving now, Zi Zhan can only begin to greet others...

After waiting for everyone to leave, the Zijia conference hall was full of people...

Zi Zhan, Zi Shuming, Zi Shutian, Zi Xiaoyun, Zi Shuang, Zi Tian Wushuang, etc. All of the confidants of the Zi family have different expressions on their faces, but the atmosphere in the room is extremely depressing. .

"Grandpa! Don't let Tongmei be the patriarch! Otherwise she will know about Uncle Zi Shou!" Zi Tian Wushuang stood up at this time.

Zi Zhan frowned and shouted: "Don't mention this again, sit down!"

Zi Tian Wushuang sat down helplessly, then sighed.

The atmosphere at the scene was more suppressed than before.

At this time, Zi Xiaoyun's eyeballs rolled, and then carefully raised his hand and said, "Grandpa, I have a way to get Sister Zitong to withdraw from the position of patriarch..."

Everyone's eyes turned to Zi Xiaoyun for an instant, which made Zi Xiaoyun feel like he was making a mistake...

"Say!" Zi Zhan said.



late at night.

It was four or five o'clock in the middle of the night when Su Mu woke up again.

At this time, Su Mu's left arm felt uncomfortable as if he had been given anesthetic.

Shake Sword is very simple for Su Mu, but for air-space control, Su Mu’s arm is dozens of times stronger than ordinary Shake Sword, so Su Mu’s arm simply cannot bear it. If it weren’t for Su Mu’s full-level data support, It is estimated that Su Mu's left arm has been fractured and shattered...

He sat up slowly, and then moved his left arm. Although it was still a bit numb, it was almost restored. At this time, the body also returned to its original shape, no longer in the form of the big-faced cat. This also made Su Mu A lot more comfortable...


The door opened, Bauhinia walked in in a white dress, but at this moment, Su Mu stayed in place...

Because of Bauhinia, she took off her veil...

Originally there was a mysterious and hazy beauty, but now Bauhinia was even more amazing to Su Mu.

Beneath the dense black willow eyebrows, a pair of pure eyes gleamed like bright stars, and the exquisite and small bridge of the nose was still dripping with sweat, as if it had just been exercising, and the blush was just right to make Bauhinia white. The skin looks more moving, a pair of red lips slightly open revealing a trace of white teeth, which looks like an advertisement for whitening teeth... The jade-like teeth exposed outside makes Su Mu also very moved... …

"Are you awake?" Bauhinia walked to Su Mu's side, then sat on the edge of the bed and pulled Su Mu's left hand and said, "Does it still hurt?"

Su Mu laughed and said, "Why did you take off the veil?"

Bauhinia's face turned red slightly, and then he whispered: "Since my father died, the Zi family wanted me to marry me for business. After I refused, I fell out with my grandfather. From that day on, Bauhinia vowed that before meeting his beloved I will not take off this veil. In reality, Bauhinia also wears a mask.

Su Mu is not a fool. It would be boring if he didn't know what Bauhinia meant.

He smiled: "Actually you don't have to be like this."

"Mr. Su, Bauhinia said before that if Bauhinia's wishes can be fulfilled, Bauhinia is willing to agree with his body. This statement is still counted..."

Bauhinia’s sudden seriousness made Su Mu overwhelmed, because Su Mu had never thought about the reward for helping Bauhinia. Moreover, coming to Zijia Su Mu was not purely trying to help Bauhinia. There were two other things that prompted Su Mu to come. Here, the first is the machete and the triangular hollow jade of the Zi family, which is related to Wendy’s news, and the second is to find the goddess Lieyu in the Western Meteorite Empire...

So Su Mu was caught by Bauhinia for a while and didn’t know what to say. He could only say: "Bauhinia, I didn’t help you for your promise, and besides, if I helped you because of you, how could it be your beloved? People? It’s not the time to take off your veil, right?"

Bauhinia made the mistake of the beginning, but still holding Su Mu's hand said: "No matter what Mr. Su thinks, Bauhinia knows the feeling in Bauhinia's heart. From the first day I saw Mr. Su, until now, the mystery of Mr. Su has always been remembered. Of course, Bauhinia also understands that now Bauhinia knows too little about Mr. Su, so Bauhinia comes tonight and wants to fulfill his commitment first, and then talk about other things."

"What do you mean?"

Bauhinia turned his head and looked at Su Mu with a blushing face: "Since Bauhinia has promised Mr. Su's body, then he will definitely not break his promise. Bauhinia has a good impression of Mr. Su, but knows very little, so Bauhinia can take the body first. Give it to Mr. Su, and then slowly get to know Mr. Su, make Mr. Su fall in love with Bauhinia, and make Bauhinia fall in love with Mr. Su..."

Su Mu looked at Bauhinia blankly.

She smiled and said: "This sounds a little absurd, because the two of us are not people in the same world at all, but who knows where the reincarnation will eventually go? At least Bauhinia knows how it feels now. It's much better than letting the Zijia marry Bauhinia as a commodity. What do you think of Mr. Su?"

Speaking of Bauhinia, he let go of Su Mu's big hand, then slowly stood up and took off his white skirt in an instant, as if he had been prepared for a long time. A **** hollow shirt was left on Bauhinia in an instant. In one scene, Su Mu almost spurted blood...

"Bauhinia you..."

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