Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2829: Ultimate meaning

The night of reincarnation.

Su Mu was sitting on a tree stump that was blown down, and the surrounding goddesses stood motionless, and no one spoke.

At this time, the goddess Lieyu was still floating in the air, but because it was on the night of the female emperor's reincarnation, it was not lethal and would not wake up, and Su Mu and the others could not attack the state of the goddess Lieyu.

"Don't worry about Su Su, there will always be a way." The Shuilan Goddess stood beside Su Mu comfortingly.

Su Mu nodded without speaking.

At this time, whether it is the goddess of Aquamarine or other goddesses, Su Mu has almost gone all out, but in the end he still can't kill the goddess Lieyu. Even if Su Mu still has some super skills that have not been released, what is the point? ?

The appearance of a wireless damage attribute caused Lie Yu to be instantly killed, but Lie Yu still can't escape a time resurgence skill of Lie Yu. Therefore, no matter how powerful skills are in front of Lie Yu, it is useless.

Zhiyan knows very well that if the goddess Lieyu's ability is not restrained, it is almost impossible to kill the goddess Lieyu. As a master of time magic, she knows the combat power of the goddess Lieyu very well. She cannot restrain the goddess Lieyu. No one can restrain the goddess Lieyu, because the goddess Lieyu is the main **** of time in the entire cycle!

Su Yan looked at the goddess Fenghe and said, "Isn't the quantum system the enemy of the time element?"

Goddess Fenghe shook her head, and she said helplessly: "In theory, time and dark matter are the strongest among the elements, and dark matter is likely to be the strongest, but there is no way to be refined. You should know that the stars and celestial bodies in the universe are only It occupies 4% of the universe, or even less, and the remaining 96% of the universe is theoretically all dark matter. This is the main reason why the owner has not found the dark element for so long, because dark The element can be formed in any body, or even any person."

Su Mu knows a little bit about this cosmic knowledge. Almost 96% of the universe is dark matter space. Although it has not been confirmed, what the goddess Fenghe said may not be true. Isn’t that the reason why the dark element is so hard to find?

And the goddess Fenghe meant, did she mean to find the dark element to defeat the goddess Lieyu?

Could Su Mu wait that long? Even if you put Lie Yu in the forest and sea like watching a monkey, can all the players go and take a look?

Goddess Tu Li walked up to Su Mu's at this time, and then looked at him and whispered: "Master, you, is there an ultimate meaning on the God's Domain Tower?"

Su Mu was startled, then nodded and said: "There is such a skill."

"Can you share the skill introduction?" Goddess Tu Li is already much bolder than before. If she changed her job, she would never dare to ask Su Mu like this, so the mixed-blood Tu Li made Su Mu a little bit painful, after all, it was Su Mu at first. I was furious with Tu Li.

As Su Mu contributed his attributes, all the goddesses looked at it seriously.

God's Domain·Ultimate Profound meaning: 01: The ultimate Profound meaning of God's Domain Tower, the power of destroying the void, the battle power blessing, the power of tearing the void, the emptiness, the power of condensing parallel universe channels, the ultimate Profound meaning, the ultimate damage, completely ignoring any, all, All, the universe is known to be exempt from particle defense and ultimately destroyed.

This skill is a skill on the Gods Domain Tower, and there is only one chance to release it, so Su Mu never thought of using this skill. You know, the Dark Element hasn't encountered it yet. If Su Mu uses this skill, how to deal with the dark element? Moreover, for Goddess Lieyu, one billion damage and unlimited damage are the same.

The goddess Fenghe frowned slightly and said: "Master, this skill may connect to other worlds, and it may have unexpected results."

"What do you mean?" Su Mu stood up and said.

The goddess Fenghe glanced at everyone, then pointed to the attribute panel in the air and said: "Look, the skill introduction says that it condenses the power of the parallel universe channel. This introduction means that after the skill is released, the current void will be torn apart, and then others will be opened. I don’t know where to go, but at least it can prove that this skill can compete with the time system."

Su Mu glanced at Fenghe, then shook his head and said: "If the skill takes effect, Lie Yu can instantly release the time resurgence, and then set all of us back ten seconds, then this skill is wasted, and this skill is wasted. There is only one chance to release, I have always been prepared to leave it to the dark element."

"Now that I can't even beat the goddess Lieyu, are you still looking forward to dealing with the dark elements? I suggest that you still subdue the goddess Lieyu first." Goddess Fenghe looked at Su Mu and said.

In fact, Su Mu also understands the meaning of the goddess Fenghe, but what Su Mu is afraid of is that once this skill is released and it does not work, it will be wasted...

"The combination of Fenghe and I may be able to slow down Lie Yu's skills," Zhi Yan said at this time.

"Slow?" Su Mu gave her a puzzled look. As far as Lie Yu's skills are concerned, is there any difference between slowness and instant release? Her skill is the resurgence of time.

However, the goddess Fenghe also said brightly: "Zhuyan means to slow down the effective time of the skill, then you can directly enter the void ripped by this skill. If, I mean, if we enter The vacuum state, then, is the space where dark matter exists, that is, those vacuum areas in the universe, and the matter that restrains the time system is dark matter! Perhaps only in a vacuum state can you restrain fierceness."

"But Susu is human, how can he live without oxygen?" The Goddess of Water said worriedly.

Feng He smiled mysteriously: "Don't be too emotional, everyone, we are in reincarnation, this is the game world instead of leaving the earth."

"So, the vacuum zone in the game will not affect Susu?"

"Yes, but it will affect Lieyu, because we are the gods of the game. Although our source is not game data, you have to be clear about one thing. All the time skill special effects that Lieyu currently has on the master and on the reincarnation are It is under the blessing of data, so as long as Lie Yu is in the game, she must abide by the rules of the game. This cannot be changed." The goddess Fenghe is more excited than she speaks.

However, Su Mu understood it well. He stood up and said, "Just try Fenghe's method. Although this skill can be used once, it will be impossible to use it if it is not used now. Try it again! I will never allow Goddess Lieyu to float there and be watched!"

"it is good."

"it is good!"

The goddesses also echoed the Tao.

Success or failure, in one fell swoop!

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