Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 2830: Zhan Lieyu

It’s late at night to come to the second-tier world again. At this point in time, no player will stay here, and no player will come here to farm monsters in the middle of the night. The surrounding monsters have disappeared, so the forest sea is deep. There seemed to be the goddess Lieyu swaying in the air.

Standing outside of the shield, Su Mu raised his head and looked at the still goddess Lie Yu. To be honest, this battle allowed Su Mu to see what the real supreme **** is. It seems that all kinds of killing gods and spikes before. How ridiculous.

For players, the supreme **** becomes a pet after its ability declines, and for the supreme god, it is the time of the highest combat effectiveness before becoming the player's favorite.

No matter who the goddess Lieyu cut off from the gods' domain tower, Su Mu was thinking about one thing at this moment, what should he do if he encounters the dark element? Now Su Mu was thankful that he hadn't encountered the dark element so early, because it was almost impossible to fight against the dark element with Su Mu's current ability, because theoretically the dark element was the goddess of light.

Stretching out his hand, Su Mu's index finger slowly pierced the shield around the goddess Lieyu. With the disappearance of the shield, the goddess Lieyu awakened again and slowly turned to the goddess. His pupils also showed up. Blood-red, and long hair began to be covered with red threads, the Lie Yu at this time gave Su Mu a more amazing feeling.

"God's Domain·Ultimate Profound Truth!!"

With a bang, Su Mu directly threw the God's Domain Tower out, and immediately saw that the God's Domain Tower began to spin in the air like an exquisite pagoda, while the goddess Lie Yu frowned slightly, and there was almost no dialogue between the two. , Even before the time to look at each other, the battle started.

At the moment when God's Domain Tower appeared, Goddess Lie Yu had already raised her hand, and the white Long Ling directly surrounded the surrounding of God's Domain Tower at this time, and then it seemed to be rotating with the God's Domain Tower.

However, with the high-speed rotation of the God's Domain Tower, the white long Ling could obviously not keep up with the rhythm, and being affected by the gravitational force of the God's Domain Tower rotating, the speed also accelerated with the God's Domain Tower.

At last, the worry appeared between Goddess Lieyu’s eyebrows, but Goddess Lieyu didn’t seem to give up. She suddenly opened her hands, and then there was a huge white light, like a black hole spinning in front of her, but This black hole-like skill is white light rotating.


"The ultimate secret!"

"Ding! The ultimate secret is activated. Your skill is unique. It will disappear after you use it. Are you sure to use it?"


"Ding! The ultimate secret start!"

Bang! ! ! ! !

Zi Zi Zi~

The appearance of the skill is very strange, like a thing tearing a certain space apart, the surroundings of Goddess Lieyu instantly turn into various spiral-like vortices~ and then they are constantly approaching Goddess Lieyu, and Goddess Lieyu is The skill she just released wanted to block Su Mu's attack, but in the next second, Goddess Lieyu's skill directly collided with one of the surrounding vortexes, and disappeared instantly, which can be said to be swallowed!


The long skirt behind Goddess Lie Yu was directly bitten by the whirlpool.

"Time Changes·The Art of Air Slash!"

Bang! ! !


"Time is resurgence!"

"Time Fluctuation·The Technique of Traction!"


With the emergence of various temporal skills, the goddess Lieyu screamed instead, because at this time, her legs had been suddenly attracted by the whirlpool type thing, and she was sucked in directly, even in this case Su Mu did not expect that because Lie Yu released the time resurgence, but the skills of the God's Domain Tower did not disappear, which means that Su Mu's time skills were restrained, and it was restrained by the God's Domain Tower!

Seeing this, Su Mu suddenly raised his hands and shouted, "Holy Light!"

Bang! ! !

Su Mu, who is the golden body guard, became invincible at this time. The reason why he did not release it before was because Su Mu did not have any confidence when facing Lie Yu. Even his God’s Domain backpack passive Lie Yu could be broken instantly. , Let alone hold the light? And now Lie Yu was in a disadvantaged state, but Su Mu didn't want to be killed by Lie Yu instantly, so it was always good to have an extra guarantee.

Su Mu came directly to Goddess Lieyu's side, and then saw that Goddess Lieyu's lower body had been completely sucked into the whirlpool.

With a snap, Su Mu grabbed Lie Yu's hand, and then saw the goddess Lie Yu raised her head to look at Su Mu, then smiled and said, "You can defeat Lie Yu..."

Su Mu frowned. At this moment, does Lie Yu know himself or not? Why did you suddenly say such a sentence?


"Lie Yu!"

In an instant, the void tear created by the ultimate profound meaning directly cut the goddess Lieyu... in the waist!

Half of her body was directly at the place where Su Mu was, and her waist disappeared all at once...

The disconnected body position keeps leaving white light, like masses of dandelions, and the damage value on Lieyu's head is also a shocking number, an instant spike...

It's just that Su Mu still has another worry. Even if Lie Yu is killed again, what if Lie Yu releases the time resurgence skills again? What should I do if I instantly turn myself into my original vitality and body?

But then Su Mu was more concerned. Although this ultimate secret skill did not have splendid skill special effects, and did not have much skill area, it eventually killed the goddess Lieyu, and ended the battle in such a simple and clear way, which made Su Mu Ruzhi It’s the same in the dream, because the previous battle with Lieyu was too fierce, but the final solution was actually just a skill of the God’s Domain Tower...

"Ding! You have killed Goddess Lieyu and gained experience points XXXX..."

There was a bang.

Goddess Lieyu disappeared in place and turned into a white spot of light, and then Su Mu slowly fell to the ground, and the Gods Domain Tower on his chest also slowly moved...

At this moment, Su Mu had an unprecedented tension. There were already eleven goddesses to subdue. And now Su Mu actually still has the excitement of subduing the goddess of water blue. This mood makes Su Mu also very strange, but there is one thing Su Mu knows. , After subduing the goddess Lieyu, it is possible to dig out the news of the dark element, or dig out the saint or the "him" in the mouth of the goddesses!

Therefore, at this moment, Su Mu stood there and watched the goddess Lieyu slowly form a complete figure from the dots of white light, and then slowly drifted towards the Gods Domain Tower in front of Su Mu.

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