Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3080: Really dead


With the gunshot, Su Mu almost subconsciously turned his body sideways...

With a puff, the bullet still brushed past Su Mu's left arm, and then felt a burst of pain.

But at this time Su Mu had no time to take care of his arms. He picked up the long sword on the table, and Su Mu's figure went straight to the tall man.


The long sword was chopped down like a machete, and the man surpassed Su Mu's expectation, and he rushed forward with a side step, and then blocked Su Mu's hilt, so that he could not hit him.

"You are not an ordinary person!" Su Mu stared at the tall man. Normal people can only avoid, but those who have received special training will rush forward when facing weapons longer than one meter, because only in this way can they avoid attacks. , Otherwise it will end badly.

And this tall man directly covered Su Mu's shoulders, and then dragged the hilt of the sword, entangled with Su Mu unexpectedly.

The tall man stared at Su Mu and said, "Neither are you! I have never seen a bullet that can chop off bullets at such close range!"

"Your hand is shaking." Su Mu said, if it weren't for this person's hand shaking, the bullet would at least penetrate Su Mu's left arm instead of passing by.

"So, you really killed the man in the suit?"

The two slowly let go, Su Mu glanced at his shoulder, bleeding, pain came, he raised his head and glanced at the tall man.

"You just came here?"


"So you need to get used to it. This is not a game. Death is really going to die. Wounds are wounds and won't heal so quickly. Here is this for you."

The tall man threw a roll of bandage directly, and was surprised to see that Su Mu was bandaging himself very quickly, and his hand that raised his head forward was about to bandage Su Mu...

"Are you a special soldier?" the tall man asked as he watched Su Mu's skillful movements.

Su Mu quickly finished bandaging, and then said: "Forget it, my name is Su Mu."

"My name is Chengli, a student of military academy," the tall man said.

Su Mu nodded, then took the long sword and walked out of the office. Chengli glanced at the dead girl, and then followed Su Mu out.

The two walked along and said, "Did you just come into this world?"


"It’s no wonder that this kind of thing has long since been ridiculous. The streets are full of girls who have been raped and killed. Unless it is the women and girls who find their support, they will not end up much better than this. Of course, if she Maybe you don’t have to die if you obey the man in that suit." Chengli seemed to be only in his twenties, but his tone of voice seemed to have been vicissitudes of life.

Su Mu looked back at him as he walked and said, "How long have you been here?"

"Almost a year."

"No wonder."

Chengli smiled: "So I have seen too many people, and killed too many people, but the world has become like this. People have lost their humanity. Now most people on this earth, except not There is no difference between cannibalism and zombies, rape, robbery, torture, and even treat women as slaves. In the past, single dogs oppressed by women in society turned over and became their masters here...Various moral decay and annihilation of human nature , It's outrageous."

Su Mu sneered in his heart. This kind of thing is inevitable. In the future world, people will do everything to survive, and even kill people for a bite of food...

When they reached the elevator entrance, the two took the elevator to the first floor. Chengli said that he came in to find food, but found that the whole building was looted.

No people can see people on the street, or even hear any movement.

Su Mu glanced around, then looked at Chengli and said, "Where are you going? Is there anything weird around here?"

Set up holding a pistol and said: "I heard that there was a person in the city center, and formed a team to accommodate women. I want to go there and find someone."

Su Mu frowned slightly, there are still people organized in these last days?

"What? Are you looking for someone too?"

Su Mu nodded and had to find Luo Qingcheng. In this environment, Su Mu couldn't imagine what she would encounter. Of course, Luo Qingcheng also had the ability to protect herself, so she wouldn't be like an ordinary woman.

"That's right, let's go together. It's okay during the day, and there are zombies everywhere at night. It's safer to be a company. Although this is an office building in the office area, there are at least two days away from the organization." Chengli said as he walked west.

Su Mu looked at the neat cars on the street and said, "Can't these cars drive?"

"It can't be opened, not to mention that there is no fuel, all the circuits are damaged, so all the machinery stops working, and once the sound of the car appears, the zombies will wake up from a deep sleep, and we will be more dangerous at that time."

Su Mu nodded, and then looked at the neatly arranged cars on the street. The end of the world should have happened in an instant. There are still many human bones in this car. Although there are some cars swaying, most of the cars on the road are parked in place. Especially at intersections where there are traffic jams, rows of vehicles are parked in place.

Chengli had never put down the pistol, so Su Mu knew that it would not be safe here during the day.

And from Chengli's mouth, Su Mu also learned that in this future world, zombies are not the most terrifying, but humans are the most terrifying.

In order to eat and drink, humans will do anything you can't imagine, and women dare not come out during the day. As long as a single woman meets a male human, 80% will be raped, only some rarely People who stick to human nature will not do extraordinary things, but in order to survive, people will slowly change from a kind person to a person who can eat people!

Su Mu was able to understand the feelings of Cheng Li. A student who graduated from military academy, full of justice, suddenly came to this end of the world. He saw the collapse of human morality and various facts that he could not accept. Not only men, but some individual women wanted to survive. Will be slaves to some men who have food, unspeakable things abound.

Therefore, no matter how normal people encounter these things, they will be subject to certain spiritual shocks.

"Who!?" At this moment, Chengli suddenly shouted at a vending machine.

Su Mu also squinted slightly, took the long sword and looked at each other with Chengli, then moved forward cautiously.

"Come out!" Chengli whispered.

"I will shoot if I won't come out again!" Chengli warned again. Obviously, some experience accumulated after living here for a long time.

Su Mu suddenly realized one thing at this time. The system data is gone, can the skills be released?

"Insight into God's Eyes!"

Su Mu shouted in his mind almost subconsciously, if the skill can be released, does the goddess mean that it can be summoned?

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