Slave Gods in Online Games

Chapter 3081: This is the world

"Insight into God's Eyes!"

However, he just said it in his mind, and nothing appeared, nor did Su Mu's visionary detection effect in the imagination, it was still like in the real world.


"Be careful!"


A zombie suddenly rushed out of the vending machine, and then Su Mu heard a gunshot, but the zombie still bit Chengli's arm.


The phantom sword directly smashed the zombie's head, and the zombies separated from the corpse still wriggled on the ground a few times before slowly dying.

Chengli clutched his arm, and then quickly squatted down in the corner of the wall. Su Mu hurried up to look at him and said, "How is it? Did you get it?"

Chengli was sitting on the ground sweating profusely, then raised his head and looked at Su Mu with a smile: "The bite force of the zombie is very strong..."

Speaking of Su Mu, he saw Chengli open his sleeves, and then a slit slowly appeared on his arm, and the surrounding skin began to turn black, and the poison began to spread.

Su Mu squatted down quickly, then pulled up Chengli's arm, and suddenly waved his long sword, in a stunned situation...



Following Chengli's scream, he saw Su Mu cut off his left arm directly.

Chengli gritted his teeth and kept humming while covering the position of his shoulder.

At this time, Su Mu had no other way. The only thing he could do was cut off his arm to prevent the virus from spreading. Otherwise, Su Mu felt that he would directly become a zombie.

Taking out the bandage from his backpack and some simple medicine, Su Mu quickly and skillfully bandaged him to stop the bleeding.

It took quite a while before he was relieved. He gritted his teeth while watching Su Mu's skillful movements and said, "Are you a doctor?"

Su Mu smiled and said, "Almost, but without a doctor's license, are you afraid?"

"Haha, it's good without a license, it's good without a license."

"Hehe." Su Mu also laughed, and said while laughing: "You just lost your mind? You had time to kick that zombie when he rushed out."

"No, I'm afraid it is a living person. Now most people will subconsciously avoid it when they see human beings. It would be bad if they accidentally hurt them. I didn't expect that zombies in broad daylight would dare to shame people at this door."

"When you said that, I remembered, how can this zombie still have an IQ?" Su Mu was very strange. This zombie was hiding behind the vending machine and waited until Su Mu and Chengli walked up before coming out to do it, not in the movie. Seeing people like those zombies is like hungry wolves rushing for food.

Talking to Chengli while bandaging was to distract him, otherwise the pain would probably cause him to faint directly, and Su Mu didn't want to walk in these last days with a big man on his back.

Cheng Li nodded: "Some zombies have IQs. They don't just want to eat, they can hunt hunters, and they can use all kinds of skills. Of course, it's just the evolution of individual types of zombies. Most of them come out at night to act together. ."

For the survival of the fittest, even zombies have to compete for food in the last days, that is, living animals, so zombies will evolve, just like in the primitive era of mankind, dumb zombies die out, and IQ zombies can eat, just like It's the one just now. If you don't meet Su Mu who is a graduate of the military academy and the Shadow of Remnant Soul, then you can imagine the end.

This is the world, the eternally weak and the strong, no matter where it is.

It took a full half an hour for the blood to stop. Su Mu is not a professional doctor, but he can handle the most basic wounds. There are not many people who come out of the remnant soul who don’t understand medical skills, according to the words of a quack. , My medical skills are not as good as you can bandage on the battlefield.

So the remnant soul basically knows a little bit up and down.

Su Mu glanced at the sky, then looked at the entrance of the mall behind him and said: "It seems that we can't move on today. Let's spend the night here?"

"No! There are zombies everywhere in the basement of this building. The zombies will move in the sewers and other places that can be protected from light. If we want to be here, we must go to the top of the building!" Cheng Li said.

Su Mu nodded, then raised Chengli and walked slowly into the mall.

Clothes and other commodities were scattered everywhere on the chaotic field. Su Mu picked up a few of them and put them in Chengli's backpack, pulling him into the elevator.

What made Su Mu and Chengli helpless was that there was no electricity supply in this building, so he could only help Chengli walk upstairs.

It took a full two hours for the two to come to the top of the building, then stood up and told Su Mu to seal the corridor entrance, and there would be zombies looking for the smell at night.

So Su Mu went down again to find some tools, and then sealed up several stairs in the building before sitting on the ground to rest.

Chengli, who was leaning on the stairs, smiled, "Thank you buddy."

Su Mu was startled and said, "Don't be so polite."

Chengli smiled bitterly, then looked at the cloudless sky and said: "When an ordinary person sees someone being bitten, he almost subconsciously runs away. More cruelly, he kills directly to prevent becoming a zombie. You didn't kill. I, thank you no matter what."

"Have you encountered it before?"

Chengli's face changed when he heard the words, he lowered his head, then clenched his right fist and said: "When I entered this world on the first day, one of my buddies was bitten in the abdomen by a zombie. The virus spread quickly. He asked us to Killed him, but no one took it. In the end, I shot him to death..."

"I...I am his best friend!"

While talking, Chengli suddenly sobbed. He raised his head and said: "Later, our group was scattered, eaten by zombies, and countless people who were bitten. In the end, it was impossible to escape! I'm brave. Just like you, the person who bit the arm and leg will cut it off. Maybe... Maybe... I'm so **** shit!"

Su Mu didn't speak, because Su Mu remembered the first time he entered the Remnant Soul. At that time, Su Mu was a small gangster. Where did he see the scene of the war? All kinds of scared make a fool of yourself.

At this time, Cheng Li was just like the self back then, regretting being timid and weak.

"This is the world, so people have to go through some things to grow up. I was not even as good as you at the beginning. I saw people's bodies being blown up and I vomited for three days and three nights." Su Mu also wanted to laugh in retrospect. .

Who would have thought that Su Mu, who was a gangster, would become the shadow of the remnant soul now? !


Chengli hit the gravel on the ground and raised his head and shouted: "Brothers! I'm sorry, Long Chengli!"

Su Mu was taken aback.

This kid's last name is Long? !

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