Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 964: Graciously go

This is a dead end.

Faced with life and death, countless people have countless choices.

Or leave a selfie at the beach in spring, and show it triumphantly to fans;

Or go to Europe and the United States early to avoid the domestic epidemic, and ridicule on the Internet;

But more people, like moths, pounced on Tianhe.

There are more people doing what they can to the best of their ability.

Masks in Europe and the United States were sold out, and they were shipped back to China through various channels and shipped to Tianhe.

Even in Africa, which is very backward, local masks have been sold out.

Although the strength is weak, the hearts are hot. Even if there was only one mask, it shone faintly in the dark. It is this faint light that illuminates the sky of Tianhe and dispels the haze.

Lu Xun said,

May all the Chinese youths get rid of the air-conditioning and just walk up, without listening to the words of self-defeating people.

Do things that can do things, make a sound that can be vocal. If there is a bit of heat, and a bit of light, it will make it like a firefly, and it can also emit a little light in the dark without waiting for the torch.

After that, there is no torch: I am the only light.

If there is a torch and the sun comes out, we will naturally disappear with conviction. Not only will there be no unevenness, but we will also praise the torch or the sun as we pleased; because he illuminates human beings, including me.

If it is possible, who would burn himself and become the light that illuminates the darkness?

But when there is a need to burn, there are always countless people on the land of China, igniting themselves, and dispelling the endless haze.

Even if the future is unpredictable,


Don't hesitate.

On the construction site of Vulcan Mountain, 263 electric power workers of the State Grid have been working continuously for 24 hours. The cables are laid wherever the hospital is built, so that the power problem will not be delayed.

The whole network live broadcast of Vulcan Mountain is like bamboo shoots after a rain, rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the time when the country was at most, more than 40 million people watched it simultaneously.

Although there are still countless problems, a large-scale infectious disease hospital with a negative pressure fresh air system has gradually formed in the public eye, bringing not only the pride of infrastructure madness, but also confidence.

There are more than 4,000 construction personnel on the construction site and more than 100 WeChat groups for construction supervision. They are used as neurons to transmit bioelectric signals.

No matter what problems occur on site, they must be resolved as soon as possible.

The epidemic in Tianhe cannot be solved by medical treatment alone. Greater social and human resources are being mobilized silently.

On the second day of the new year, in the face of the spread of the epidemic, medical staff across the country returned to hospitals and civil servants across the country returned to work.

Numerous medical teams from all over the country took care of simple luggage, and moths flew to Tianhe as they fluttered into flames.

The huge system started to operate, doing everything possible to protect the lives of millions of people in Tianhe City.

Any omission at any point may lead to collapse.

At home and abroad, I don't know how many people are eagerly waiting for the destruction of Chinese civilization.

At home and abroad, I don't know how many people are eagerly waiting, hoping that Chinese civilization will be reborn from the ashes like a phoenix.

In order to protect the lives of the left-behind citizens and safeguard the front-line supplies, countless goods are constantly flowing, and the tide generally flows to Tianhe City.

Due to the large amount of donated materials and coming from all directions, the usual logistics tracking system is not very effective. Jingdong Logistics opened up an emergency channel for medical protection materials as soon as possible.

In Tianhe Asia No. 1 Logistics Park, Zhang Jin and his colleagues formed emergency groups with JD Logistics stations across the country. All the materials sent to Tianhe have already mastered the information and prepared vehicles from the moment they boarded the high-speed rail or the plane.

The logistics park processes hundreds of pieces of transportation information every day to dispatch the fleet. Once WeChat does not reply in time, the call from the other party will follow up immediately.

Behind every piece of information, there is a batch of life-saving supplies, even at two or three o'clock in the morning.

Coordination and scheduling are only part of the job.

They worked hard to make the blood flow in the "vessels" more smoothly, and tried their best.

In order to deliver medical supplies at a time, the logistics fleet has undertaken a large number of tasks that did not originally belong to its transportation scope.

All drivers are both drivers and stevedores. Sixteen rounds are like hemoglobin, carrying the most needed "oxygen", bringing vitality to the forefront, and maintaining every corner of Tianhe City from "ischemic necrosis."

In a special period, their missions spread from one Tianhe city to the entire province because the entire province was closed.

Eating a meal and sleeping a full night have become extremely luxurious things. Time is life, time is victory, and it has become the stamp of thought in the minds of logistics people.

With the efforts of countless ordinary logistics people who have never left a name, Zhong Nanshan's team took more than 100 ventilators to the hospital in just one day, and began to provide life support to critically ill patients.

Beginning on New Year’s Eve, planes with a load of 16 tons and full of medical supplies have continued to land safely at Tianhe Airport in Tianhe City.

The planes all came from SF Airlines. On New Year's Eve, 32 tons of medicines and masks were transported in two flights to the epidemic area. SF Express became the first logistics company to "fly backwards" during the epidemic.

In order to solve the human and material problems of terminal transportation, SF Express even tried unmanned aerial vehicles. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, 3.3Kg of medical and anti-epidemic materials were delivered to the medical staff of Jinyintan Hospital.

From New Year's Eve to the second day of the Lunar New Year, SF Express’s wages rose directly by 5 times, the third day by 3 times, and during the epidemic period twice the wages.

In addition to normal wages and overtime pay, an additional 150 million yuan in special incentives will be issued.

As a courier, Wang Yong, a younger brother of SF Express in Tianhe City, became a volunteer and took the initiative to pick up medical staff and deliver meals.

There are countless similar things.

The Internet is an amplifier. While the courier and takeaway guys shuttled through the streets and alleys of Tianhe City, taking on the heavy responsibility of capillaries, numerous questions arose on the Internet.

SF Express's first-line couriers are still delivering "non-medical assistance" couriers outside during the epidemic. Are they the most beautiful headwind? , Or the best communicator?

Such problems continue, and it is colder than the winter rain in Tianhe City.

Some people are lying on a bed, on a sofa, or basking in the sun abroad, holding a mobile phone, and questioning people who are risking their lives and struggling on the front line.

But they didn't care, they had formed a habit for so many years.

Are you gesticulating, who wouldn't?

In questioning and cynicism, in receiving money or instinctively questioning, countless companies and ordinary people rushed to the front with a nervous heart, trying to keep Tianhe City from collapsing.

Whether it’s a medical team, a construction team or a youth team, a group of people who have never known each other,

For the same goal,

Rushed to the same battlefield,

Facing the same crisis,

The same power burst out.

Facing life and death, he went without hesitation.

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