Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 965: Peace is blessing

When Wu Mian arrived with 22 ventilators, 12 ecmos, 66 monitors and protective materials from Jianxie Hospital, the sky was already dark.

It is raining in winter, there is no sun, no sunshine.

This winter is exceptionally cold.

"Ms. Wu, which hospital shall we go to?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"I discussed it with the principal." Wu Mian said, "Go wherever you plan to go."

Zheng Kaixuan knew that at this moment, even Wu Mian was just a brick and a screw. They are all big-head soldiers, and it is possible that a stray bullet will come, bang, and a genius will pass away.

Regarding treatment, the most professional team in the country collects data every day to try new treatment plans. No matter how strong Wu Mian is, it is impossible to integrate into a mature team in a short time.

If it is forcibly integrated, it is hard to say whether it will bring benefits or disadvantages.

Teacher Wu knew how serious it was, and Zheng Kaixuan let go of his hanging heart.

It seems that what Mr. Wu said is true. Even if he came to Tianhe, he was only used as an ordinary clinician.

"Principal, I'm here." Wu Mian called the old principal, "Materials are sent to the Sino-French New City campus, right."

"I brought six nurses and two doctors."

"...Principal, it's too much."

"Okay, then I will arrange to move in first." Wu Mian stood upright, completely devoid of the laziness in Bajingzi, even if he was not happy anymore, he should come down.

Hanging up, Chu Zhixi asked, "Brother, are we Xiehe or Tongji? Or Jinyintan?"

"The principal said let us go to a second-class hospital."


"There are no critically ill doctors or nurses." Wu Mian sighed, "I want to explain, but the principal is too busy."

"What can ordinary second-class hospitals do?" Zheng Kaixuan asked.

"Many hospitals have become designated hospitals and no longer accept ordinary patients." Wu Mian thought for a while and said, "It's okay. You can't always stare at the virus. Ordinary diseases have to be ignored."

Zheng Kaixuan thinks about it, and it seems that it is. Teacher Wu's last explanation sounds a little reluctant, but it is true.

Wu Mian didn't think much about it. When he first came to Tianhe, he first had to arrange a place to live. All kinds of troubles have gone away, which is trivial and irritating.

Seeing that the goods were taken away by the little brother of Jingdong, Wu Mian was uneasy and warned again and again.

The younger brother of Jingdong left Wu Mian's WeChat account and said that the goods were sent to him to send him a message. Wu Mian watched Jianxie Hospital's belongings accumulated during this period of time be pulled away.

A staff member sent Wu Mian and others out of the airport, and a young man wearing an ordinary down jacket and a blue mask greeted him.

He is one of the medical workers responsible for welcoming all parts of the country to support Tianhe City.

"How is the situation in Tianhe City?" Wu Mian asked directly without being courteous.

"It's terrible." The staff didn't hide it, and said directly, "I don't have relevant experience. Suddenly pressing the pause button in such a big city... It's difficult for all hospitals."

"How many materials are still lacking?"

"Now it should be as much as you want." The staff member said, "I didn't go to the hospital, but I saw a video posted by medical staff in my circle of friends these days, teaching everyone how to use plastic bags to make more professional shoe covers."

The airport hall was empty and there were no people.

The hustle and bustle of the past disappeared, and the group of people walking in it was a little cold, which made people feel empty and uncomfortable.

"In the past few days, I heard that there have been hundreds of infected medical staff." The staff whispered, "Severe and mild illnesses. You come to support, our local hospital can not provide protective materials, you need to bring your own. .I'm so sorry."

His voice is getting softer and deeper and deeper, making it difficult to hear clearly.

A few hundred, this is just data that an ordinary worker knows.

Wu Mian understands that the number of infected people should be 924...

"I know." Wu Mian said softly, "We brought the basic supplies ourselves. We won't bother the local hospital in Tianhe."


The staff did not know what to say, he could only express his complicated emotions with thanks.

"Is there a place to live?" Wu Mian asked.

"Still coordinating." The staff lowered their heads and said, "I'm sorry, we..."

"It's okay." Wu Mian walked beside him, keeping a distance of one meter, and said in a gentle tone as much as possible, "A large number of people are coming in in a short time, and you have no relevant experience."

"sorry Sorry."

"Don't mind." Wu Mian said, "It will all get better. By the way, there are instant noodles and eight-treasure porridge for sale."

"The supermarket is still open, but a batch was snapped up a year ago. After the year, many supermarkets will not have enough goods as before."

"It will pass." Wu Mian seemed to comfort the staff, but also seemed to cheer himself up. He immediately smiled, "Which department are you from?"

"Taxation." The staff member said, "We came back on the day we were thirty. Some colleagues went to the street, some went to the highway, and the sprinkling of was hard work."

"I'm okay," the staff member said. "A colleague who helped out outside had a fever yesterday."


“The doctor said that it’s okay now. It’s probably because of a cold. Now I’m quarantining at home. We have a group, and everyone reports it for safe use every day.” The staff member didn’t dare to look up, and said in a low mood, “Usually, it’s all. I don’t feel anything about peace or anything. I feel that peace is really a blessing now. It’s good to be able to survive peacefully.”

After a few seconds of silence, he continued, "We are particularly worried about colleagues who have a fever, doctor, you say there will be nothing wrong."

"No." Wu Mian did not answer the doctor's vague tone, but said with certainty, "Under normal circumstances, wearing a mask in an outdoor ventilated environment and maintaining social distance, the chance of infection is almost zero."

"That's good."

"It's true, not to comfort you." Wu Mian emphasized in particular, "If we are infected in a ventilated environment and wearing masks, then it doesn't make much sense if we come or not."

The staff's eyes lit up, and this is the best news he has heard recently.

Out of the airport, a bus was waiting at the door.

"They are all sterilized, please rest assured." The staff said, "We try our best to ensure that the vehicle is clean. Every time it is emptied, it will be disinfected."

Wu Mian nodded, and put the trolley case and backpack to the cargo position below.

In the car, there were only nine of them.

Wu Mian looked at the staff outside the window and waved.

The bus drove slowly away from the airport, and the staff gradually moved away, but he still tried to wave his hands.

"Take care of yourself!"

His last blessing came from a distance.

These are the words that have been said the most in recent times, and they are also the most sincere words in his heart.

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