Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 966: Do not cause trouble to the people of Tianhe

When he arrived at the arranged hotel, Wu Mian arranged for everyone to wait outside in a well-ventilated place. After checking the masks, he walked into the front lobby of the hotel with the hospital’s certificate and his doctor’s card.

As soon as I walked in, I saw the small mountain-like luggage and young medical staff who were seizing the time to practice putting on and taking off protective clothing.

The techniques of those who are practicing are still a bit green, just like their faces, and they know at first glance that it is a temporary registration, and hurriedly rushed to Tianhe to support the medical staff.

Wearing and taking off protective clothing is very strange to them, not just them, almost all doctors and nurses are very strange to it.

"We have been waiting for 3 hours, why haven't we heard from it?!" The team leader is negotiating with the hotel staff at the front desk.

He traveled a long distance and came to Tianhe with a lot of enthusiasm, but he didn't expect to face a basin of cold water.

"Sorry, our hotel is full and we are contacting a new hotel for you."

Wu Mian paused when he heard this, and sighed inwardly.

Tianhe is really messy.

But Wu Mian understood.

Faced with an unprecedented big move, everyone panicked in a hurry.

It is not easy to stay in the hotel at this time.

They are in a rush, coupled with the Lunar New Year... several factors converge, and they will only see the ghost if they are organized as usual.

No way, Wu Mian turned around and left without waiting in line.

The lobby of the hotel is fairly spacious and bright. There are dozens of medical staff waiting to move in. Wu Mian instinctively does not want to gather.

Walking out of the hotel, Zheng Kaixuan saw Wu Mian coming out so quickly, and asked, "Mr. Wu, so fast? Tianhe City is quite efficient."

"The last batch of medical staff who came to support hasn't been arranged yet." Wu Mian said with a smile, "Temporarily find a place to rest, I am afraid that there will be no time to move in."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was speechless, his brows furrowed tightly, and after holding back for a few seconds, he said a little angrily, "What the hell!"

"Haha." Wu Mian smiled, "Isn't this normal. I would be surprised if I check in in a few minutes as you said."

"But we are here to support, don't even have a place to live?" Zheng Kaixuan said angrily.

"Professor Zheng, I will teach you a trick. I promise to arrange it within an hour." Wu Mian said.

"You said, Teacher Wu."

"Pull up the horizontal banner. Professor Zheng Kaixuan from the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery of the Imperial City came to Tianhe City for support. He has not had food and accommodation for 3 days." Wu Mian said with a smile. , No more than half an hour to click at least 100 million on the whole network. Believe it or not. Hot search on Weibo, they like this kind of thing the most. Maybe the Ford Fund will have to take a look at you, and it will be easy to go abroad in the future."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was taken aback, then smiled bitterly, "Teacher Wu, don't make a joke."

"You made the joke first." Wu Mian smiled and said solemnly, "During the epidemic, understand more. Chatting with Mr. Fan these days, Mr. Father understands better than you. A village with less than 100 households is closed. A lot of things, let alone a metropolis with a population of tens of millions."

Zheng Kaixuan scratched his head, was silent for a moment, and said, "But we can't..."

"Professor Zheng." Wu Mian suddenly said seriously.


"This is what's wrong with you." Wu Mian said, "The way is to figure it out. If it can be done, why bother to the people of Tianhe City?"

Zheng Kaixuan was startled, he didn't know what Wu Mian was going to say.

"Professor Zheng, you are also a well-known professor. Have you performed 5,000 operations in the past few years?"

"Not so many, two thousand three hundred and twenty-two." Zheng Kaixuan answered honestly.

"If you don't want to say anything, just post one in the circle of friends." Wu Mian said, "You are not a doctor in a small local hospital. You can find friends in this city or province to help solve the problem. You can't, your social network should It's complicated, what do you think? No need at this time."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was dumb.

"Do you send it? If you don't send it, I'm looking for someone." Wu Mian said.

"Ms. Wu, who are you looking for?"

"Why do you talk so much? It looks like you are in good health, and you haven't been stunned by the cargo plane." Wu Mian said, "Look at your nurse sisters, find a place early, and go to work in the afternoon or tomorrow."

"I will try." Zheng Kaixuan said helplessly.

He never thought that a personal relationship would be used for fair and honest things, but since Teacher Wu has said everything, then give it a try.

"Let me see what you wrote." Wu Mian leaned over and looked at the circle of friends that Zheng Kaixuan was editing.

"No, it's a bit miserable." Wu Mian only glanced at it and said, "Don't think you discredit the people of Tianhe, it is better to solve the problem than nothing. If you really want to discredit, it will not be your turn."

"Mr. Wu, why don't you come?" Zheng Kaixuan is somewhat He just went back.

"Hey." Wu Mian squinted his eyes, picked up the phone and thought for a while.

Zheng Kaixuan felt a little strange in his heart, and asked, "Mr. Wu, did you not find the right person in a hurry?"

"How can it be." Wu Mian denied directly. "There are 12 people in Tianhe City who have seen me, and 6 of them are from provincial and municipal authorities. It is estimated that they are busy at this time, and there are a lot of us, so they are inconvenient."

Zheng Kaixuan watched Wu Mian blew a bull into the sky.

"The remaining 3 were asked by someone to find me, which is equally inconvenient. So I can only choose from the remaining 3." Wu Mian said while tapping on the touch screen and inputting a mobile phone number. .

Zheng Kaixuan looked at the series of Leopard numbers on the screen, slightly surprised.

"I wonder why Boss Yan didn't move." Wu Mian entered the mobile phone number and didn't dial out directly, but looked at the number and muttered.

"Maybe it's been busy recently." Chu Zhixi said with a probe.

"You are right." Wu Mian nodded, "This is the most likely."

After speaking, Wu Mian pressed the button and dialed the phone.

"Doctor Wu, it's you." A charming voice came.

Wu Mian was slightly startled.

"You go to Chairman Yan, please wait a moment, the chairman is calling to arrange things."

"Okay, trouble you." Wu Mian didn't have the image of this charming voice in his impression, so he could only say politely.

There was no sound on the phone, Zheng Kaixuan smiled and asked, "Mr. Wu, are you not familiar with it?"

"Probably not." Wu Mian frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "Wait a moment."

Ten seconds later, a hearty voice came from the phone, slightly exhausted, "Mr. Wu, rare guest, are you here in Tianhe?"

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