Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 967: Closed for renovation

"Come to Tianhe for support." Wu Mian said directly without being polite, "This side is messy enough and there is no place to live. Depending on the situation, it will take three or five hours. Boss Yan, can you arrange a place? "

"Mr. Wu, you are too polite. I am busy buying masks and protective materials internationally." The voice on the phone side was a bit tired, "I will ask the secretary to contact the hotel, and you can just move in."

"Is it still open?"

"How can it be open."

"Then..." Wu Mian paused.

"Mr. Wu, there are people with you on your side, so let's go together. I told the headquarters that the hotel is used as the residence of the medical staff."

"Thanks, then I'll talk to them."

Wu Mian made a few simple words and hung up the phone.

Zheng Kaixuan's eyes were straight, and what Mr. Wu said was too simple and straightforward. It doesn't count if you are a group of people, and the team in the hotel will also live in together.

"Boss Yan is busy contacting to buy masks and protective clothing from abroad." Wu Mian seemed to see through Zheng Kaixuan's heart, and said with a smile, "I read the news and said that an airplane had flown back yesterday, full of protective materials. "

"So rich?" Zheng Kaixuan was surprised.

If the protective materials are calculated by the ton, it is a lot of money.

"Fortunately, I can't say that it is very rich. Both Xiangjiang and A-shares have listed companies. It is said that there will be two planes transporting protective materials today and tomorrow. There should also be ventilators. I just heard something from someone next to him."

"I'm going to move in at last, so tired." Chu Zhixi said with a breath.

"Haha, hold on, and you will be able to sleep right away." Wu Mian smiled, "Girl, be more energetic, don't let anyone on the way."

Chu Zhixi said, "Brother, are you too nervous and always want to relax? How come I sleep on the way, it's impossible."

"I see." Wu Mian didn't care, and responded casually, "I'll leave a contact with them."

Wu Mian glanced at the faint support team in the hotel who was still using their spare time to train in protective clothing and did not know where they came from, and made a gesture to stop the team.

He went inside to communicate with the leader of the volunteer team, and then came out with his mobile phone.

"So tired." Chu Zhixi said, "Brother, when can we assign us to the hospital? Do you know which hospital it is?"

"This time we didn't follow the national team." Wu Mian said, "Everything is under the direction of the principal, and you can go wherever you are. The main task now is to find a place to rest."

"Mr. Wu, you were just..."

"Since there is a place to live, I will ask the medical staff from the brother's unit to go together." Wu Mian said, "In such a big hotel, we can't live alone."

Zheng Kaixuan still doesn't believe it until now, and Teacher Wu's face is indeed a bit big.

Maybe it's better to call things urgently to follow their power?

"Hey, this side is really messy, and I don't know if I can eat after I go there." Zheng Kaixuan was a little worried.

"You can't say that." Wu Mian said, "Now Tianhe City is in danger, you know it. If you want to restore the establishment, I am afraid that it will take time. It is not good to come here in the first time, and it is nothing to do. I listen. One of my seniors said that they would be the first batch to support the Wenchuan earthquake. The materials on the floor are just not knowing where the things they need are."

"It would be great if there was a unified management."

"Hehe, by the way, Professor Zheng, you don't even have anyone looking for a hotel in Tianhe. I'm really surprised. I shouldn't."

Zheng Kaixuan has nothing to say.

"Don't be too frustrated, what are you waiting for if you don't find someone to contact the place where you live at this time."

"Yeah." Zheng Kaixuan accepted Wu Mian's suggestion humbly.

"Now I'm embarrassed." Wu Mian said, "Who would have thought of these things. Let's catch up with the New Year, too many hotels have opened vacation mode, even if they don't take vacation... Professor Zheng, let me ask you something."

"Uh..." Zheng Kaixuan was asked too many things by Wu Mian today.

"If you are a capitalist who runs a hotel, would you like to open the door and let the medical staff move in?" Wu Mian asked Zhu Xin.

"I am definitely willing." Zheng Kaixuan said without hesitation.

"Then you would have gone bankrupt long ago." Wu Mian said with certainty, "The imperial capital requisitioned a tertiary hospital as the designated hospital for this epidemic. A large private hospital could not reply today, and it will be closed for renovation."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan knew about this.

In the face of national disasters, they would directly close their doors for renovation and refuse to be converted into designated hospitals. This approach is indeed very impressive.

However, people are not state-owned, so they can only slander morally, but there is no way to say that people are wrong in terms of procedures.

Zheng Kaixuan was in a daze when he first learned about this. In case private hospitals dominate, would there be no one to support Tianhe?

"So, I would rather owe favors, and also think that we can take a good rest after a busy Miandao, "Moreover, the so-called owed favors are treated and diagnosed when they are paid back. Normal work is nothing. the difference. "

"Mr. Wu, you are right." Zheng Kaixuan did not hear the logical relationship between Wu Mian's two sentences. He was exhausted and casually perfunctory, continuing to ponder the large private hospital that was directly closed for renovation after receiving the appointment of the designated hospital.

Is the technical level insufficient?

According to Zheng Kaixuan's knowledge, that hospital dug many people from large tertiary hospitals, and dug him back then, and the price was ridiculously high.

He also didn't expect the private hospital to be so decisive.

As for the hotel... who knows, Zheng Kaixuan didn't want to think about these things. He silently followed Wu Mian, walked for nearly an hour, and came to a large five-star hotel in Tianhe City.

After checking in, Wu Mian and his party can finally rest.

I haven't slept since yesterday afternoon, and the bump on the plane almost smashed my buttocks. There is a fundamental difference between a cargo plane and a passenger plane. Not to mention sleeping on the plane, sitting well is a problem.

Wearing all over, after washing, everyone fell asleep. Only with a good spirit can the next step of the work be completed.

At 2:22 in the afternoon, Wu Mian received a call.

"Principal, are you sure?"

"I'm sure." There was endless fatigue in the words of the person on the other side of the phone, "You take your person to the general outpatient clinic of the Third People's Hospital of Donghu District, and if it can be operated on, you will also undertake part of the operation."

"Okay." Wu Mian did not argue, and agreed.

Although it is not a designated hospital, it is just a small family, Wu Mian still accepts the task.

"Wu Mian, the files you want have been sent to the mailbox. Do you think about the appearance of ade? What do you think about choosing pressure relaxation and positive pressure?" The principal's voice came on the phone, with endless exhaustion.

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