Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 976: Nameless chills

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After a day of work, Zheng Kaixuan felt tired for the first time.

He is not very young, he was just in his prime, and it was just like doing operations in the department for more than ten hours, and he didn't need to rest at all.

But wearing protective clothing is different, and it's boring. Moreover, Zheng Kaixuan feels that every patient he comes into contact with is like a patient infected with a new type of pneumonia, a kind of vigilance and caution from the inside out.

Ms. Wu Mian Wu didn't return to the hotel. After returning with the nurses, he insisted on washing, and then lay down on the bed.

Although he is a young and promising professor with experience, stamina, and technology at his peak, Zheng Kaixuan has never been fully armed and dared to eat and drink for a day of outpatient experience.

Even if he is less than thirty-five years old, he can't hold it anymore.

Lie down on the bed, but can't sleep through it anyway. Zheng Kaixuan picked up the phone and opened the circle of friends.

More and more pictures are being screened. Even in Tianhe City, Zheng Kaixuan still feels that he has done nothing and feels a little guilty.

[Fever, chills...]

A circle of friends, four characters, and two symbols attracted Zheng Kaixuan's attention.

This person is not familiar to him, and he reads the note as an emergency doctor in a large tertiary hospital in Tianhe City.

Zheng Kaixuan clicked to open the chat interface.

[Are you infected? 】

Zheng Kaixuan felt empty when he clicked send, especially uncomfortable.

[Professor Zheng? Are you in the imperial capital? 】

[No, I have come to Tianhe City. 】

【! ! ! 】

A bunch of exclamation marks were sent across.

[Are you infected? 】

Zheng Kaixuan asked again.

[Three of the twenty-nine patients admitted were later diagnosed. I started to have a fever and cough yesterday. The preliminary test result is negative, I hope it will be negative tomorrow. 】

[Any dynamic CT? 】

Zheng Kaixuan asked.

After contacting some patients' data, Zheng Kaixuan was born in cardiothoracic surgery after all, and he faintly felt some rules.

Now several gene companies, including BGI, have begun to make kits, but it is said that there are only 300 kits a day. Throwing this amount in Tianhe, there is no spray at all.

And not only the quantity is small, but the sensitivity of the kit is also questionable.

Zheng Kaixuan believes in the feedback of imaging.

After the CT information was sent from the other side, Zheng Kaixuan carefully read it again and confirmed that it was all right.

[I don’t see anything right now. Isolate well at home and don’t be anxious. 】

Zheng Kaixuan comforted.

[Professor Zheng, you did not deliberately comfort me. 】

[No, I haven't seen pneumonia from imaging studies. 】

[I hope it’s okay, I hope it’s okay. 】

The opposite party kept saying meaningless words, Zheng Kaixuan could feel that the other party's mood was very low, and he was almost on the verge of collapse.

Zheng Kaixuan didn't know what he wanted to comfort her. He wrote a few paragraphs, but in the end they deleted them and didn't send them.

Medical staff are under the greatest pressure.

There is no cure, only the delay of the machine, waiting for the patient's immune system to fight the virus, this kind of resignation "treatment" in the eyes of the medical staff is their own negligence.

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But in the face of a new disease, it's violent, let alone ordinary medical staff, even the top big men in the country are still helpless?

"Negligence" and powerlessness are just part of the negative emotions.

Colleagues and friends around me fell one by one, and the emergency department, severe illness, and respiratory staff were not enough. They were constantly mobilizing other department staff who had nothing to do with related majors to provide support.

Just like the People's Liberation Army used its own body to block the location of the breach of the embankment during the flood, it used flesh and blood to delay time.

In fighting floods, we can also look forward to the rainy season and the peak of the flood. But in the face of a brand-new disease, in the face of an almost perfect virus, what can medical staff in the clinical frontline do?

Suddenly, Zheng Kaixuan felt a chill on his body, and he couldn't help but shudder.


Zheng Kaixuan was startled.

His heart suddenly tightened, maybe he is going to have a fever!

For the first time, I carefully recalled the entire process of today's visit. Protective clothing, masks, goggles, gloves, and shoe covers are all included. Every step in the putting on and taking off process is almost perfect.

No, absolutely impossible, Zheng Kaixuan tried his best to comfort himself.

But from time to time, there was a hint of chill on the body, as if the virus had penetrated everywhere, and it had been stuck to his skin from an unknown corner, and then entered the body.

impossible! Zheng Kaixuan immediately convinced himself with theory.

According to the current understanding of the virus, the incubation period should be around 7-10 days. Even if I have been infected with the virus for a few days, I will not show symptoms so quickly.

However, the theory is the theory, and the actual situation is the actual situation.

The chill on his body became more and more intense, Zheng Kaixuan felt that he could not help but start to shiver, and the fine goose bumps on his skin had risen.


Zheng Kaixuan cursed rarely, instead of cursing silently, he cursed loudly.

It's like a night walker cheering himself up.

Why is it so infected? ! Zheng Kaixuan was a little panicked.

He immediately stood up and saluted.

Before leaving, Zheng Kaixuan brought a mercury thermometer. He quickly found a thermometer and began to measure his body without fever.

But the chill in his body kept on, shivering all the time. Zheng Kaixuan knows that the body temperature is now normal does not mean that the body temperature will also be normal later. At first, he will shiver and fever will appear after a few hours.

After boiling a pot of hot water, Zheng Kaixuan tried his best to drink three cups. He had no time to think that drinking hot food would lead to esophageal epithelial hyperplasia and increase the incidence of esophageal cancer.

After drinking hot water, go to bed with a quilt and sweat.

Zheng Kaixuan buried himself completely in the quilt, breathing in warm air with an increasing concentration of carbon dioxide, and could vaguely hear his heart beating wildly.

Premature beats, atrial fibrillation...numerous medical terms echoed in Zheng Kaixuan's mind.

It's okay, it must be okay...

Will it really be okay?

Zheng Kaixuan became more afraid as he thought about it. He vaguely saw the doctor in the emergency department of Tianhe City before his eyes.

She has a fever, and there are no positive signs and symptoms on examination, but the possibility of contracting the virus cannot be ruled out.

What about yourself? !

Zheng Kaixuan survived 2 hours amidst anxiety and hesitation.

Measuring body temperature, the mercury column stopped at 37.0 degrees Celsius.

Zheng Kaixuan's heart suddenly sank into the endless abyss.

He hesitated and dialed Wu Mian's number.

The phone was directly hung up on the other side, and then Chu Zhixi's call came in.

"Professor Zheng, are you doing anything? My brother is having a video conference." Chu Zhixi said.

"Professor Chu, I seem to be infected." Zheng Kaixuan calmly told him a news that scared him.

"Brother, Professor Zheng said he was infected!"

Chu Zhixi and Wu Mian were talking on the phone.

The voice was very small, it seemed that Chu Zhixi was afraid to disturb Wu Mian.

"Ask the situation."

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