Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 977: Hypochondriasis

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

Zheng Kaixuan told Chu Zhixi about his situation.

In the face of life and death, Zheng Kaixuan doesn't care about face so much either. Ms. Wu Mianwu has always been amazing, and I hope he can solve his own problems.

In fact, Zheng Kaixuan knew that he was probably okay, but he was not an expert in virology.

"Let Professor Zheng come." Wu Mian said.

"Professor Zheng, my brother said to let you come to our room." Chu Zhixi's voice was gentle, full of healing power.

"Professor Chu, this... is not appropriate." Zheng Kaixuan said hesitantly, "I may be infected."

"Brother may mean that you are okay, come here, let brother tell you." Chu Zhixi said.

Zheng Kaixuan hesitated, did he think too much?

He put on a surgical mask.

Out of the hospital, he can only wear a surgical mask.

Under normal circumstances, although the protective ability of this kind of mask is not as good as n95, it is enough. Now that there is a shortage of supplies, there are a few n95 Zheng Kaixuan for emergency use.

But what if you are infected, and then both Teacher Wu and Professor Chu are also infected.

After hesitating, Zheng Kaixuan still opened the package, took out an n95 mask, and habitually put on the mask in the most standard way.

Two-layer masks, if you are infected, try not to infect Teacher Wu and Professor Chu. Zheng Kaixuan opened the door of the room and walked to the door of the next room.

Knock on the door, Chu Zhixi opened the door and saw Zheng Kaixuan wearing a double-layer mask. She was startled for a moment, and then smiled and said, "Professor Zheng, don't be so cautious."


"Whether the virus will have an ade effect is essentially a gamble." Wu Mian's voice came, and Zheng Kaixuan looked in and saw Wu Mian was talking to the notebook.

"Almost all large-scale influenza viruses have had an ade effect, but I think this is not the key. Another point is that there is not much research on the new pneumonia virus. Will it recombine with the influenza virus? I think it is possible It's huge."

"Wu Mian, you say the conclusion." A voice wearily interrupted Wu Mian's explanation, calling his name directly.

Zheng Kaixuan was startled, this voice sounded familiar.

Chu Zhixi made a please gesture, closed the door, and let Zheng Kaixuan in.

She immediately sat beside Wu Mian.

One tall and one short,

One big and one small,

One man and one woman,

Two people, two laptops, Zheng Kaixuan looked at their backs with a little envy, but he was more at a loss.

"The reorganization is certain!" Wu Mian did not refute, but began to conclude, "but I think the principal's plan is feasible. Weighing the pros and cons, even if the monster is reorganized, it will not take care of it. There are no less eyebrows, just take care of the moment."

Zheng Kaixuan looked at the screen from a distance.

Several familiar faces came into view.

The high level of video conference is outrageous. This is the meeting of the highest expert group in China!

"I just listened to the opinions of the teachers, and they are not wrong." Wu Mian continued, "And I also think the reorganization is affirmative. However, based on the 332 influenza studies, the possibility of reorganization of the early virus is very low. ."

"Wu Mian, after all, it is a matter of probability. We have to be responsible to the people of Tianhe City and to the people of the whole country. Once the reorganization is successful, what should we do if a new virus appears and the fatality rate increases?" A voice came out in a low voice.

"We have said a lot in clinical practice-being an appendicitis will kill people." Wu Mian said, "Any accidents can happen, and it cannot be ruled out that the intensive quarantine will start tomorrow, and the newer type and the fatality rate will appear the day after tomorrow. High virus. But judging by past experience..."

As he said, Wu Mian paused.

"For example, the Spanish flu, after nearly a year of reorganization and evolution, the fatality rate suddenly soared and swept the world in the autumn and winter. Teachers have limited time, so I will just say the conclusion -

First, I agree with the principal’s proposal to establish a centralized isolation ward.

Second, the possibility of viral recombination exists, but the recombination will not only become stronger, it may also develop in a more toxic direction.

Third, Mr. Zhong just said that according to national data, the severe illness rate caused by the first wave of the virus is very high, but the severe illness rate of the second wave of infected people has begun to decline. There is not enough time now and it is not statistically significant, but I estimate that the probability will continue to decay in the future.

Fourth, you have to take a certain risk. Looking at it now, the risk is... Well, it is uncontrollable, but the probability is very low, similar to that I cannot come to Taiwan after appendicitis. "

Zheng Kaixuan understood what Wu Mian was talking about.

They are focusing on the issue of isolation.

This is a particularly difficult medical problem, even beyond the scope of medicine, becoming a sociological problem.

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"Let me add a few words." A man said, "This new pneumonia virus is different from the 2003 s virus, and home isolation is not enough. Establish more than a dozen or dozens of related hospitals, and use the power of the whole country to carry the flood. This is also a feasible solution, but there is still no way to avoid virus recombination.

A medical team is now supporting Tianhe City one after another. I estimated that the total number should reach the nationally relevant but backbone force but..."

"Principal, let me interrupt." Wu Mian said suddenly.

"Wu Mian, what's the matter?"

"A professor who came with me to support Tianhe, everyone should know, Professor Zheng Kaixuan."

Zheng Kaixuan was startled, what did he mention himself for?

"Today we went to the clinic on the first day, and the protection was tight. After Professor Zheng came back, he began to have symptoms of chills." Wu Mian said.

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was speechless.

He never expected that he would be put in front of the teachers as a typical case.

"The mental health of medical staff must be taken seriously. Professor Zheng can be said to be a very mature and experienced clinician, but in Tianhe City, he developed hypochondriasis the first day after he came to work. "


It is also called hypoxic neurosis. It is currently classified as a somatic disorder. It mainly refers to patients who are worried or believe that they have one or more serious physical diseases.

The patient complained of physical symptoms and repeated medical treatment, although repeated medical examinations showed negative and the doctor gave no medical explanation for the corresponding disease, the patient’s worries could not be dispelled, often accompanied by anxiety or depression.

This disease usually starts before the age of 50 and is a chronic fluctuating course, which can occur in both men and women.

Zheng Kaixuan had seen no less than ten patients with hypochondria in the imperial capital, Wu Mianwu teacher actually suspected that he was hypochondria? !

He felt slightly unhappy, but then Zheng Kaixuan's spirit was shaken.

Although hypochondriasis sounds like a curse, it is countless times better than contracting a virus.

"Professor Zheng just came to my room, so Professor Zheng can talk about the specific situation." Wu Mian turned his head and glanced at Zheng Kaixuan before beckoning.



Note: Nearly 100 medical staff on the frontline have hypochondriasis.

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