Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 979: Feeling weak, sorrow comes from the heart

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

"National quarantine?" Zheng Kaixuan felt that he must have a fever, so that he had hallucinations.

National quarantine, how much brainpower does it take to think of something similar to a mythical story? Thinking that it doesn't matter, Zheng Kaixuan looked at Wu Mian's expression, and it seemed that the expert group was preparing to make similar suggestions.

"Who knows, that's a problem with the principal and a few teachers." Wu Mian smiled, "Let's do our own work."

"..." Zheng Kaixuan was speechless. He was still immersed in the grand and almost naive idea of ​​national isolation, and he couldn't help himself.

"I went to the operating room after get off work to take a look." Wu Mian said, "I can't do it for patients who need emergency surgery."


"Almost no trauma, a few fractures, most of them are usually multiple emergency." Wu Mian said, "I am going to go out to the outpatient clinic every day and go back to the inpatient department for surgery."

"Ms. Wu, don't be exhausted."

"Oh, it should be okay." Wu Mian said, "A large number of emergency patients who should be operated on cannot be operated on. This is also a hidden danger. Myocardial infarction, cerebral infarction...The simplest appendicitis and cholecystitis, should surgery be done or should be done? Yes. I will do it, and at least I can complete 30-50 operations a day."

After speaking, Chu Zhixi smiled and said, "It's impossible. That's the most standard situation. Now the rules of killing in the operating room are particularly cumbersome."

"Well, it doesn't matter." Wu Mian said, "You are in charge of going out to the clinic, and I will operate at the back."

"Anyone?!" Zheng Kaixuan asked in astonishment.

"Of course not." Wu Mian said, "Surgery can be performed by one person, and the equipment nurse and anesthesiologist are required. I asked the old Ren and Da Lu for his opinion. If it is possible, they will be used as the second batch of support forces to support. "

"Teacher Wu, so can I." Zheng Kaixuan offered to ask.

"Cancer surgery, small pulmonary nodules, heart bypass surgery, and valvular disease patients are all slow-diagnosing operations. What can you do? Spontaneous pneumothorax? How can so many pneumothorax patients ask you to undergo thoracoscopy. Switch to appendicitis? You? When doctors in general surgery and gastrointestinal surgery are all displayed?" Wu Mian said with a smile.

"..." Zheng Kaixuan burst into tears.

Cardiothoracic surgery has fewer emergency departments. Except for trauma, only spontaneous pneumothorax can be regarded as an emergency department. As for the ruptured esophagus, the number of patients who cannot be stented and must be bypassed in the emergency department is negligible.

If I go to the back for surgery, I should be able to do very little, so I might as well go out to the clinic.

"You and the girl go out in front of the clinic, and I will coordinate if there are related operations." Wu Mian said.

Zheng Kaixuan has no ideas, his mind is full of the kind of future that is almost imaginary-the national suspension and the fight against the virus.

How can this be?

The economy is gone?

The people's livelihood is gone?

No more trade?

No more great revival?

Messing around!

Unexpectedly, Wu Mian was fooling around... No, the principal was also fooling around.

He was confused, went out and went back to the house, lying on his bed, Zheng Kaixuan was still thinking about it.

The only reference is the case of the 2003 s virus.

Obviously, the situation this time is much more severe than in 2003, and the new pneumonia virus is 10,000 times more perfect than the s virus.

The super long incubation period means super long transmission, once the disease is particularly severe, the progress is quite fast.

Yesterday, Zheng Kaixuan saw two news in the group-a virology expert believes that the ro value of the new pneumonia virus is at least the flu level, that is to say, it is above 6, and even he thinks it has reached around 98.

This is a terrifying number.

And these are not alarmist.

On January 23, medical microbiology expert, foreign academician of the Royal College of Medicine, University of Hong Kong Yu Sogo Foundation Professorship, Chair Professor of Emerging Toxic Diseases, Director of the State Key Laboratory of Emerging Infectious Diseases at Hong Kong University, and Influenza Research at Xiangjiang University After the center director Guan Yi came to Tianhe City, he made some remarks.

"Even I chose to be a deserter"

"I'm self-isolating now"

"With the heart and powerless, sorrow comes from the heart"

Zhong Nanshan Zhong Lao regarded Guan Yi as his most proud student, not one of them.

Guan Yi also made a great contribution to the 2003 s virus.

As for Guan Yi's numerous papers, the number of papers in top journals is more than that of an ordinary 985 or 211 college.

Such a great academician actually said words of heartlessness and heartfelt sorrow.

Zheng Kaixuan believed in Guan Yi's academic level. At that time, after seeing Guan Yi's remarks, he still had doubts. He thought it was alarmist, and it was related to a series of events in Xiangjiang this year.

But when he came to Tianhe City, he really understood that this place had become a purgatory on earth.

Not only Tianhe City, but the entire China will become a purgatory on earth!

However, is the national ban really useful?

This is just an ideal state, in fact it is impossible to do it!

Zheng Kaixuan remembers what Wang Qingshan often said-one Chinese is a dragon, and ten Chinese are a worm.

The Chinese people are scattered and there is no spirit of unity at all.

Take Wang Qingshan as an example. He treats his students very harshly. He has never considered the ideas of his doctors~ Technically, he cherishes himself, but he always beats everyone with sharp words, so Zheng Triumph believed that Wang Qingshan's words were true. Because Wang Qingshan has set an example.

In the face of such a big event, one city and one pool of quarantine can't make up their minds, they are actually thinking of quarantining the whole country... can they really do it?

The more he knows, the more sad Zheng Kaixuan is. Sorrow came from the heart, and the word of powerlessness appeared in his heart.

Yes, Professor Guan Yi is weak, that is a severe infectious disease with a ro value of at least 6!

Who can do it? !

Another thing that Zheng Kaixuan learned about is Redcivir, which has always been high hopes. According to research, the effect of this special drug is not so good.

Everyone has been expecting that Remdesivir can perfectly treat the new pneumonia virus just like Tamiflu does to h1n1.

However, the recent news is getting worse, and Remdesivir has no obvious effect. If you have to say yes, it may also play a role in the combination medication.

Redcieve becomes another Duffy?


There is no special medicine, the RO value is super high, and the centralized isolation has to face the possibility of the new pneumonia virus transformation. All this makes Zheng Kaixuan feel helpless.

He became more and more aware of Guan Yi's feelings when he told the news media that he was powerless.

It's useless, all struggles are useless.

National fortune,


The Chinese nation fell on the road to rejuvenation because of a virus.

I don’t know how many young people will be in the next revival. In between, I don’t know how many people will sacrifice for cash] Follow the vx official account [Book Friends Base You can also get cash!

Sad from the heart, Zheng Kaixuan watched the winter rain outside and the gray sky outside, bursting into tears unconsciously.

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