Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 980: Sink into the sea

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

"Wu Mian!" Chen Lu jumped up after receiving Wu Mian's call.

"Are you okay in Tianhe!" Chen Lu's cool character did not conceal her excitement at all, she asked with a grin, "I didn't even dare to talk to you privately, for fear that you would say you are sick."

"It's okay." Wu Mian smiled, "I can't even get to the front line here. The principal was used as a substitute and arranged to go out of the clinic in a secondary hospital."

"Impossible! Who has a higher technical level than you." Chen Lu was surprised.

"All of us came from a professional team. We are all nurses in Cambridge who are critically ill. We don't have our own team." Wu Mian explained, and then said business affairs, "Da Lu, I need a medical nurse, can you come." "

Chen Lu was taken aback, and then asked in confusion, "Can pneumonia be treated with surgery? This is too advanced, right?"

"What do you want." Wu Mian said, "Tianhe City is mainly pneumonia patients, but there are definitely patients with appendicitis and cholecystitis."

"You mean…"

"Are you interested in coming to Tianhe? To be a member of the second batch of support medical teams?" Wu Mian asked, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to come, you are not a party member."

"I'll go." Chen Lu said without hesitation, "Who can I contact? Is it okay for the Mayuan."

"Don't rush to agree first. You can discuss with your Zhao Zhe. Tianhe's situation is quite special. I won't lie to you. There are dozens of medical staff infected here every day." Wu Mian told the truth.

"..." Chen Lu was startled.

"Come here, it’s one thing to feel not infected, but it’s definitely hard. The most important thing is whether you can go back or not, it doesn’t matter whether you really want it." Wu Mian said, "I said to Xue Yuan and Ma Yuan, don’t worry. , You think about it."

After Wu Mian hung up the phone, Chen Lu tilted her head for a moment.

The situation in Tianhe City is very severe, which is conceivable.

Since Wu Mian left, six infected patients have been found in the provincial capital, and the entire provincial capital and prefecture-level hospitals are like enemies.

All the staff are waiting, and Chen Lu can feel the atmosphere of killing every day when he goes to work and to the hospital.

More and more bad news came, and batches of medical teams went to Tianhe as if they were sinking into the sea.

Ordinarily it shouldn't, Chen Lu was a little puzzled.

Judging from her experience, whenever the country encounters a major event, the national support will soon hear good news.

But this time is different.

Except for the construction of the Huoshenshan and Leishenshan Hospitals day and night, and the live webcast, which will give everyone a boost, there is no good news that can shock people's spirits.

Zhao Zhe went to take a temperature measurement at a highway intersection.

Chen Lu sat on the sofa holding a pillow, watching TV blankly.

This year I thought that the relationship between the epidemic and the festive atmosphere were much weaker, especially after knowing that there are also pneumonia patients in the local area, panic is brewing.

The elderly still don't care, because they don't use the Internet and don't understand the situation in Tianhe City. But the young people can no longer sit still, and almost everyone is in danger.

Chen Lu remembered a Weibo blogger she followed.

He is from Tianhe. When the city was closed a few days ago, he said with outrage that other people had overreacted. As a Tianhe citizen, he didn't feel any strangeness. I was going to quit Weibo for a while, and it was too bad to see everyone's accusations.

Because it was a live broadcast by Tianhe people, Chen Lu also believed that there was nothing wrong with the situation on that side.

But just yesterday, the blogger appeared again and posted a Weibo request for help. His grandma is sick and cannot be admitted to the hospital.

The before and after comparison is so obvious, Chen Lu can even feel the helplessness of a young man giving up all his self-esteem and letting others laugh, just to find a hospital bed for his grandma.

Chen Lu didn't laugh at this young man. The so-called Peeping Leopard is like this.

Ordinary people will never know the truth of the matter, even if they experience it personally, they will only vaguely understand what they have experienced if they look back afterwards.

She remembered that on the twenty-ninth day of the New Year, Wu Mian returned in a uniform, and had not even returned home to inform everyone that something had happened at the art performance.

Looking back now, the singing of defending the Yellow River is still loud.

Defend your hometown, defend the Yellow River, defend North China, and defend all of China!

No, I have to go.

Chen Lu knew the danger on that side, but she made up her mind in a short time and was going to Tianhe City.

Matthew De was sitting in Xue Chunhe's office wearing a mask.

It was late at night, but the two of them were studying the next step of work sadly.

The infectious hospital is in a hurry!

This book is organized and produced by the public account. Follow vx [Book Friends Base Camp], read the book and receive cash red envelopes!

Infectious hospitals in provincial capitals mainly treat hepatitis B, supplemented by treatment of tuberculosis.

Hepatitis B, liver cirrhosis, liver cancer, this is the main scope of treatment in infectious hospitals.

Sudden pneumonia drove the infectious disease hospital directly, and it didn't matter what it wanted. If it weren't for the support of the various affiliated hospitals of the Provincial Medical University, it would have collapsed long ago.

What if there are more patients?

Infectious hospitals have such a large capacity for admission and treatment that they simply cannot accommodate more patients with acute and critical pneumonia.

Xue Chunhe and Matthew De are aware of the severe power.

It is unrealistic to expect the infectious hospital to be very powerful. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

How about Tianhe Jinyintan Hospital? The technical level, investment, environment, personnel quality, and various reserves of their families are countless higher than those of the provincial infectious disease hospitals.

But in the face of the new pneumonia virus, is it not directly on the verge of collapse?

Whenever they see the back of the head of Jinyintan Hospital appearing in short videos and news, Xue Chunhe and Matthew De are sad.

Dean Zhang diagnosed frostbite, and now his legs and feet are already inconvenient. It coincided with the pneumonia incident, and he couldn't rest at all, so he could only drag the sick to rush on the front line.

Had it not been for the first batch of critical, emergency, and respiratory medical teams supported by Magic City to directly settle in Jinyintan, I am afraid that the side would have collapsed long ago.

Defeated like a mountain, the word has flashed in the hearts of Xue Chunhe and Matthew De many times recently.

Provincial Infectious Hospital...

Can't hold it at all!

"Xue Yuan, let's send someone to support it." Matthew De said, "but we have sent away the intensive medical staff from Cambridge, our strength is a little weak."

Xue Chunhe knew this and nodded, "In principle, this is the case. Teacher Wu has been training for a period of time. I think our nurses can be severely ill. I guess Teacher Wu’s idea is to gradually replace, but the situation is critical now. , I don’t know the technical level, I’m worried that something will happen if I go directly in."

"Still in batches, together with other fraternal hospitals to support the infectious disease hospital."

"Director Zhang Zimo's report has been pressed for a long time with me, and he said he would go to support it." Xue Chunhe patted the table lightly. There is a pile of paper on it, some beautiful handwriting, some scribbled, and there is a signature underneath. There is a handprint on the signature.

Asking for a battle letter means that one after another medical staff are full of enthusiasm, requesting to go to the front line.

But the more so, the more inattentive Xue Chunhe and Matthew De were.

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