Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 982: Me, no difficulty

"Xue Yuan, I ask Ren Haitao to see if there is anything that needs help at home. Other people's homes will also call, so don't worry."

After hanging up the video, Matthew De said.

The two of them can judge from Wu Mian's expression and tone in the video that the situation is more serious than they thought.

However, their experience and knowledge limit their imagination. Even if it is the high-level existence in the medical industry, the two of them cannot imagine what kind of situation Tianhe City is facing now.

But in any case, the two can vaguely guess, it must be very dangerous.

Chen Lu was still young, but Ren Haitao was already old, and Matthew first thought of him.

"Where is Ren Haitao?" Xue Chunhe asked.

"Professor Barack performed several joint pancreaticoduodenectomy today. It seems that they have not been completed yet. I will go to the operating room to take a look."

"Okay, you can sort out other things, and we will hurry to implement it tomorrow morning." Xue Chunhe said, "I'm going to find Zhang Zimo, and I can't go out for dinner now. I really want to have a drink with him."

Matthew Dee came out of Xue Chunhe's dean's office, his chest groaning.

He has been in contact with Wu Mian in the WeChat group these days. After all, such a dangerous thing should always be concerned.

But never expected the situation in Tianhe City to be so severe.

Thinking about it the other way round, it seems to understand.

How about the provincial capital? A passenger who stopped at Tianhe International Airport was infected as soon as he went to the bathroom. Now the provincial and municipal medical systems are all in a state of confusion, and no one knows what to do.

Cast net search? Carpet-style investigation? Where is the kit? It is said that there are only a few hundred kits in the country every day, and the accuracy rate is not high.

After all, it was a brand new virus, and it was beyond Matthew's expectation that the kit appeared so soon.

Matthew De has no idea what to do.

Viruses are not criminals, they can be rewarded by expending huge manpower and material resources.

This is a virus! A brand new virus! !

There are patients who have been infected by the virus at home, and the people who came to look for it accidentally became the next pathogen and continued to spread unknowingly.

Simple logic can be understood by anyone.

Although it is only a border province with a large area and sparsely populated area, it is still a headache. Matthew De could not imagine what a tens of millions of provincial capital cities like Tianhe City would be like. No wonder there will be a medical run.

Things that hadn't been understood before gradually became clear, but these brought Matthew De to another world-even if he could survive this time, he would have to get rid of the skin. With internal and external troubles, the U.S. emperor is still fighting a sweater war.

Feeling heavy, Matthew did not know what he was thinking, anyway, countless thoughts flooded in his mind.

Frustration, sadness, grief, anger, etc.

As a veteran medical director who has experienced many battles, Matthew De has long been accustomed to his peace of mind, but this time even he was unknowingly dry.

Walking corpses usually walked to the operating room. Matthew saw that the light inside was still on, and the patient's family was waiting outside, so he changed clothes and went in.

A series of dense English in the surgery room seemed to be bullets, coming from far away.

Professor Barack... is really high, but he is really fucking.

Matthew De thought of the Massachusetts professor who only speaks English, but he could see that Mr. Wu speaks more Mandarin than himself, with an arc at the corner of his mouth, and the gloom in his heart diminished slightly.

He subconsciously diverted his attention, otherwise Matthew De felt that he was about to have a myocardial infarction in a short time.

It's too depressing. God doesn't have eyesight. Why does a perfect virus spread first on the land of China? It’s okay to appear first in any other country, at least there is a preparation. Unlike now, the whole is an encounter.

And in time for the Spring Festival, factories were shut down and millions of people were scattered across the country.

Unable to keep thinking about it, Matthew de controlled his emotions and walked into the operating room slowly listening to Professor Barack’s nagging.

"Mayuan!" Ren Haitao saw Matthew coming in and stood up immediately.

"Hai Tao, has Teacher Wu called you?" Matthew De asked.

When he said this, Matthew De noticed that Professor Barak’s nagging seemed to pause for a while, and his voice became much quieter.

"Yes, Ma Yuan." Ren Haitao said, "I still want to report to you after the operation."

"Mr. Wu told me about this in the video. Do you agree to go?" Matthew De said, "You are old, and I don't know how long you need to support this time in Tianhe. Are there any difficulties at home?"

"Difficulty..." Ren Haitao thought for a while, "No, Ma Yuan."

"If you have any difficulties, just say, not only the difficulties, but also the needs. Anything that the courtyard can help solve will be solved." Matthew De was sure to give Ren Haitao a "statement."

"Really not, Ma Yuan." Ren Haitao said, "I will go to Tianhe to support, so I will not shame our hospital."

"It's not ashamed..." Matthew De looked at Ren Haitao's honest and loyal face, and sighed deeply.

Lao Ren belonged to the kind of honest person who couldn't make a fart with three sticks.

He came to offer warmth and was rejected directly by him. Is this person stupid?

"Deanma..." Professor Belak asked Matthew Dean in English habitually.

As if he hadn't heard it, Matthew De, put Professor Barak aside, and continued to say to Ren Haitao, "I will call the drug administration bureau soon, and you will start subcutaneous injection of Zidaxian tonight."

"Dean Ma, is the anesthesiologist going to support?" Professor Barack asked in Mandarin.

Matthew was proud that Professor Barak was finally willing to speak Mandarin with people other than Teacher Wu.

"Yes." Matthew Dee replied.

"My god, has Boss already worked out a way to treat the virus with surgery! I knew he could do it!!! It must do it! There is nothing he can't do!!!" Professor Barak shouted loudly while holding the endoscope in his hand. .

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Without waiting for Matthew De to Another Professor Barak said, "I really doubt who taught your basic medicine. Viruses, that is a virus, not a tumor. How can it be removed with surgery!"

"If it can't be removed, what does Boss want the anesthesiologist to do? He must have found the latest and perfect cure for the virus."

"Impossible, you can know the operation as long as your IQ is not negative..."

Matthew was caught in endless sympathy.

He seemed to understand why Ren Haitao did not hesitate to agree to the request to go to Tianhe City for support.

If you change yourself and listen to Professor Barrac’s schizophrenic self-conversations every day, you probably won’t be able to stand it a long time ago.

No matter how dangerous Tianhe City is, Teacher Wu is there after all.

But now, they have to face a Professor Barak and a Professor Barak who came out of mitosis. The two Baraks not only chatted, but also quarreled.

It is really a torture to pair up with this kind of person.

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