Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 983: Mental illness that no one dares to provoke

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

"Hai Tao, how many operations have you had?" Matthew De asked, in response to Professor Barack's nagging.

"Four stations, Professor Barrac's level is very high, and the operation is completed quickly."

"Mr. Anesthesiologist, I regret your evaluation." Professor Barack suddenly stopped arguing with himself. While watching the pictures on the screen, he was proficient in dissociating the anatomy, and said, "I am a single-port endoscope in the world. As a doctor in the top ten of hile, how can you describe my operation as very high!"

"Stupid guy, you still have a little bit of knowledge. What the anesthesiologist said is really wrong." Another Professor Barak agreed rarely. "But your assessment of your level is still not comprehensive enough. It is not the top ten in the world. , Is the world’s top three, or even second! In addition to oss, you are the strongest surgeon in gastrointestinal surgery!"

Matthew Dee listened to the conversation between the two Professors Barack, and missed him when he spoke English in particular.

My hearing is not good, Professor Barack just feels noisy when he speaks English, but he doesn't need to think about it.

But once Professor Barak switched to Mandarin, Matthew would be brought into the context of schizophrenia without even thinking about it.

"To work hard, I feel only a little bit closer to the level of oss."

"Oh, my god, you shouldn't be serious. I just said that you are not that stupid, and you have to compare yourself with OSS. After so many years, haven't you had enough! Every time a new technique appears Whenever, oss will push the operation to a height that is hard to look up."

"But I think my level is indeed about the same as OSS."

"That's because the oss didn't do it seriously. Believe it or not, if you go to Tianhe City this time, you will see the most serious oss with all the skills?!"

"Impossible! One hile operation in 1 hour and 22 minutes, never going to the intensive care unit after the operation, isn't that enough! Barack, you already have a tendency to deify oss."

"That's you stupid, Barak." Professor Barak said to himself, "oss is a god, you must remember this!"

"I don't believe it! See how perfect this operation is? Five hile today took 11 hours and 33 minutes..."

"You haven't finished this hile operation."

"No, the operation is about to end. If it weren't for the **** assistant to hold the mirror, the operation would have ended perfectly."

The one who is supporting the mirror is an attending physician from the University of Medical Sciences, who is in his 30s. He has been looking at the screen very intently, and he is also very skilled in supporting the mirror. He listened to Professor Barak's words, he was slightly startled, and wanted to refute, but finally he suffocated.

Who would dare to provoke a mentally ill patient, he doesn't want to.

The truth is, two fists are hard to beat four hands.

"You are so arrogant! Go to Tianhe, oss will use his surgical skills to teach you how to behave. Barack, do you remember what oss did in Cleveland? That hile operation was used to beat those arrogant and ignorant people. The guy's face."

"Of course I remember that during the operation, I held the mirror and almost didn't keep up with the rhythm of the OSS. The eyes of the guys raised by the **** in Cleveland were straight. After that, the single-port endoscope was accepted by them for the hile operation. "

"Do you want to..."

Matthew De sighed.

With such an assistant, I really don't know how Mr. Wu has survived so many years.

Maybe Professor Barak can be quieter when he is operating on the same stage with Teacher Wu?

Ren Haitao also sighed, and he calmly said, "Mayuan, I really don't have any requests. When do you expect to leave?"

"Ms. Wu called Duan Fei, and I have to wait for protective equipment. It is said that there are no extra protective equipment in Tianhe City, and the team that needs support brings their own."

Ren Haitao nodded, not surprised, he should have known the situation in Tianhe City a long time ago.

"Haitao, don't worry about family affairs, you can always find me if you have any questions." Matthew Dee can't stand Professor Barak’s self-talk, especially in Mandarin. He thinks Barak’s self-talk. Teaching Putonghua is so good, it's all through dialogue with myself.


"Dean Ma!" Professor Barak said suddenly, "When will the medical team supporting Tianhe leave? I want to go too."

"..." Matthew De looked at Professor Barak's back in a daze, wondering if he was joking.

"Bellak, you idiot, that's the perfect virus! Do you want to die in Tianhe!"

"But I can feel the despair of OSS. I have a hunch that I can see the full strength of OSS when I go to Tianhe City this time. Don't you think this is a brand new perception? I believe that my level is between that of OSS. Just a little bit."

"You are as ignorant as a gangster in Brooklyn!" Another Professor Barack shouted, "Perfect virus. When the OSS is leaving, I have seen the shadow of death in his eyes. Although he didn't say anything. , But I think oss knows that he might not come back."

"The more you die, the more you can stimulate human potential. Don't you wonder what kind of monster the oss will transform into?"

Matthew lowered his head and looked at the ground. After hearing only a few words, he said, "Professor Barack, the list of people who will go to Tianhe to support is made by Teacher Wu... which is what you mean by OSS. . If you want to go, you need Teacher Wu’s consent."

"Pathological basin." Professor Barack said.

The instrument nurse did not respond, she had long since become numb in the language bombardment of Professor Barak.

"My God! Focus, focus! It's hard to imagine, this is a hospital created by oss. How can there be such unprofessional nurses? The aunts in the Mayo operating room react faster than you, I think yours The neural reflex arc is as long as a dinosaur! Dinosaur! Cretaceous!"

"..." The equipment nurse was taken aback, seeing that the forceps in Professor Barack's hand had begun to take out the pathological specimens, and quickly handed over the pathological basin.

She did not dare to refute.

No one dared to argue with the mentally ill. In Professor Barak's field, even Wu Mian could not defeat him.

"I'm leaving first, Haitao, and contact me at any time." Matthew De sighed, turned around and left in a hurry, at a speed many times faster than when he came.

Eleven minutes later, after the flushing was completed, Professor Barak turned and stepped down, "You send the patient to the critical illness, I will contact get the red envelope] Follow the public account [Book Friends Base draw up to 888 cash Red envelope!

"Professor Barak, is there anything I need to pay attention to?" the assistant asked.

"No, the operation is perfect, and tomorrow the patient will be able to return to severe illness." Professor Barack said, "I am an elite surgeon in the OSS medical team. If the patient lives in severe illness for more than 24 hours, OSS will force me to go upstairs. Jump down. You don't know. Once he gets fierce, his forehead looks like a pair of horns. The title of the big devil is really too appropriate."

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