Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 986: Without comparison, there is no harm

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When it comes to science and technology, it has to be Great America! This is what Mr. Louis thinks, and so is everything that the facts show.

A steady stream of masks, great boys and beautiful girls in positive pressure protective suits, and although the cargo plane cabin is rudimentary, there seems to be a high-tech isolation warehouse. All these are the best proof.

Even so, everyone was very nervous on the plane. Before boarding the plane, they heard some rumors, everyone felt a little gloomy in their hearts, fearing being abandoned by the city on the top of the mountain.

After nearly 13 hours of flying, they finally flew to the United States, came to Travis Air Force Base, and began a 14-day quarantine life.

As soon as they arrived at Travis Air Force Base, the staff held a "welcome ceremony" for them, giving them a detailed introduction to the isolation life and various precautions.

The sun, grass, and neatly dressed staff, everyone stood loosely around, just as usual. The only difference is wearing a mask, but there are no other mandatory measures.

Until this time all people let go of their hearts.

The rooms are family units. Families with children can stay in suites, in addition to double rooms and single rooms.

During the quarantine period, Travis Air Force Base distributed N95 masks, disposable gloves and thermometers free of charge.

Everyone needs to take their body temperature twice a day and report the results.

Everything is so perfect, Mr. Louis only occasionally wondered why not in a certain well-known hospital, but in Travis Air Force Base?

It seems that there is a similar tradition in the United States?

Mr. Louis didn't notice anything unusual, and the rumors disappeared.

The free distribution of N95 masks every 4 hours proves that Great America has a huge amount of storage, like their steaks, large houses, and air conditioners that are on in all seasons. They don’t care about consumption at all.

Waste is a kind of beauty.

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Mr. Louis has experienced the darkest moment in Tianhe City. He knows exactly what an N95 mask means in Tianhe City.

Compared with Tianhe City, Great America is a paradise, and it is truly a city on the top of a mountain.

This is not a metaphor, nor a description. The contrast within 24 hours is too great, and Mr. Louis feels that he has a dream.

Just like Private Ryan, he was also saved.

I hope that the quarantine will end and return to New York to go to work soon. Mr. Louis has infinite expectations for the future and is also worried about his relatives in Tianhe City.

It would be great if they also emigrated, Mr. Louis was a little sorry.

All this is perfect,

Perfect like a "carefully" arranged exhibition,

Perfect display of Great America's technology, tolerance and fraternity

Perfect as if it were a show, once again like the whole world to show the power and invincibility of Great America.

Two confirmed patients were taken to a ward full of science and technology for treatment. The specific circumstances of Mr. Louis are unknown.

But he is sure that the confirmed patient will get the best treatment and will be cured.

At this moment, Mr. Louis is full of confidence in Great America.

Soon, the commander held a press conference.

The palace that was once burnt down by the British and Canadian forces and painted white paint became the background.

The lush green lawn, the leader's unique and passionate speech made the viewers cheer for it. The yellow hair fluttered in the wind, like a banner.

The commander announced a video.

Unlike the construction of Leishenshan Hospital, it is not a 24-hour non-stop live broadcast. The general leader only announced a few relevant pictures.

At the General Commander’s press conference, the clean and tidy corridors of the ward were full of a sense of future technology, as often seen in movies, without a single person.

This is an unmanned ward!

Soon, the intelligent robot came to the door of the ward with a water cup, remdesivir and other therapeutic drugs.

The patient opened the door and started taking medication.

The intelligent robot politely said a word of blessings, as if it were a real nurse, with a slight buzzing sound from its tracks, "turning around" and leaving.

This scene spread quickly across the world.

Compared with countless Chinese medical staff in Tianhe City who wear protective clothing and become tired every day, and suffer from respiratory alkalosis during emergency rescue, intelligent robots are simply the perfect medium.

They are not afraid of viruses and will be disinfected as soon as they come into contact with patients. Moreover, they have no consciousness, no breathing, and only follow procedures.

This is the complete isolation method!

The Great America is like the Gulf War. From the very beginning, it showed unparalleled technology, technical strength, and delicate and cordial humanistic care.

It stands on the top of the mountain like a lighthouse, and countless people cheer for it.

At the same time, Wu Mian was performing an operation while occasionally scanning the news and watching the news.

This scene did not bring any shock to Wu Mian, but the light in his eyes was a little dim.

A series of combo punches revealed a taste of long-planned plans.

Those who have been lurking for a long time because of the absence of the Ford Fund and other foundation sponsorships were moved by the news. The Internet media is full of admiration, admiration, and even worship of the Great America.

There is no harm without comparison.

Compared with the situation in Tianhe City, the picture displayed by the leader is indeed heaven.

"Mr. the United States so advanced?" The moment the equipment nurse saw the robot, she was also shocked.

"It's okay, but the intelligent robot...this is more nonsense."

"I look really like a scene in a sci-fi movie." The equipment nurse's voice was a little faint, and her physical fitness had reached its limit by working in protective clothing for a long time.

"You're right, this is just a movie." Wu Mian said, "A movie carefully designed for the purpose of propaganda."



"..." The equipment nurse was dumb.

Wu Mian did not continue to say anything. Even if he was facing an advertisement, he knew what the real Great America was like, but this series of combined punches still caused Wu Mian to suffer 10,000 points of damage.

Even Wu Mian, who was already close to the truth, was broken, let alone other people.

Sometimes Wu Mian even suspects that countless top scientists in the military bases in Maryland have developed methods that can effectively control the ADE effect and mutation of the virus.

Although it seemed so incredible to Wu Mian, he couldn't accept this practice of burning jade and stone.

The United States has not yet rushed over the wall. They control the coinage and have the most powerful army in the world. There is no need for them to do so unless they are sure they can control the situation.

At this moment, Wu Mian was a little confused.

However, his movements, which had formed muscle memory, did not stop in the slightest. After cutting, freeing, and ligating, a swollen appendix was smoothly cut off.

Without endoscopic equipment, Wu Mian used surgical methods to perform operations, like a PLA soldier using his body to block the flood, and instinctively did not give up.



Note: It may be a memory error. I always remember that it started on the 26th. The actual data is the 29th, so...just like that~~~ Bow

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