Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 987: Things that ruin 3 views

"Look! My Great America!" Professor Barak was training to put on and take off protective clothing. When he saw the chief’s triumphant smile, his yellow hair was waving gently in the wind. , As if to greet people from all over the world, jumping up happily.

Matthew was sitting on the chair next to him in a dull mood, his mask getting more and more suffocated. He really wanted to go out and take a deep breath of the cold air outside minus 30 degrees.

"I knew that what Boss said was not quite right! The **** decides the head, this is what Boss often said. His wisdom is always aimed at the great America, I hope he can understand this time."

"Bellak, you have to be careful, you must never say these things in front of the boss."

"Of course, I am not stupid. If I tell the Boss that he is wrong, my license will be revoked the next day!"

The process of mitosis is very mysterious, as if it is going on in a quantum state. Unknowingly, Professor Barrac has completed the split and started to talk to himself.

Chen Lu and Ren Haitao didn't watch the news, they put on and took off protective clothing carefully.

There are still 6 hours before the plane takes off, this is the time of the final training.

The situation in Tianhe City is very serious, even critical.

Wu Mian said in the video no less than three times that if he could not do well in protection work, he would not be able to do anything when he came to Tianhe, but would cause trouble to the people of Tianhe.

"Artificial intelligence must have a new breakthrough. Redcivir must be a medicine for this pneumonia, just like Tamiflu!"

Professor Barak nagged, he was very excited, especially after seeing Redecive effective.

Being forced to Tianhe by the Boss, at least Belak thinks so, he is very worried.

However, the picture announced by the general leader and the New England Journal of Medicine are reviewing, and a paper to be published immediately makes Barack full of confidence.

On January 15, a 35-year-old man ended his family visit in Tianhe City and returned to his home in Washington State, USA.

After returning to the United States, he developed some symptoms of cough and fever.

On January 19, after Huaxia confirmed that there was a new type of pneumonia in Tianhe City, although he had no obvious symptoms, he still went to the hospital for treatment.

Influenza A, influenza B, parainfluenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and four common coronavirus strains known to cause human disease have all tested negative for pathogens.

At that time, no abnormality was found in the filming, but the medical staff did rRT-PcR for him because of the travel history of the epidemic area.

The result came out the next day,


In the first few days after admission, the patients received basically symptomatic treatment.

For example, acetaminophen and ibuprofen are used to reduce fever, ondansetron is used to suppress vomiting, and guaifenesin is used to relieve cough.

On January 24, on the 5th day of the patient's admission, the chest radiograph showed pneumonia in the left lower lobe, and the patient's blood oxygen saturation gradually decreased to 90%.

On January 25, on the 6th day of admission, the medical staff began to give the patient oxygen via a nasal catheter. Considering the possibility of hospital-acquired pneumonia, they gave the patient cefepime and vancomycin for antibacterial treatment.

However, the patient's condition did not improve. The patient continued to have high fever, fatigue and cough after admission.

On the evening of January 26, after careful consideration, medical staff decided to use a new drug that has not been officially approved-Remdesivir!

Before the outbreak of pneumonia in Tianhe City, Remdesivir appeared in the eyes of professionals. After the Tianhe epidemic broke out, Remdesivir was considered to be a special drug for the treatment of this pneumonia. As Professor Barack said, it is Tamiflu for h1n1!

The important task of saving the world falls on the new drug Remdesivir.

On the second day after the intravenous infusion of Redecivir, the patient's serious condition began to reverse.

On January 27, the patient’s respiratory symptoms improved a lot. He no longer needed oxygen, his blood oxygen saturation increased to 94%-96%, the rales in the lower lobes of both lungs disappeared, and his appetite began to recover.

Existing evidence shows that Remdesivir is effective!

"Gilead Company is worthy of being called the Apple Company in the pharmaceutical industry!" Professor Barak shouted excitedly, Wu Mian was not there, and the others did not exist like dust in his eyes.

"Yes, after its chairman became the Secretary of Defense of the United States, everything is under control! There is no problem, Gilead has long been prepared!"

"Ralph Barrick has been researching this son of a **** for nearly twenty years, and finally..."

Matthew De was stunned. He heard Professor Barrac’s self-talk after the split. He was going to clear it out of his mind, but what he said just now seemed to involve some sensitive issues.

Pricked his ears, Matthew De resisted Professor Barak's mental attack, and wanted to work hard to collect more relevant information.

However, Professor Barack also seemed to realize that he had said the wrong thing. The two of him instantly merged into one. At the beginning, there was a rare silence, and he concentrated on practicing putting on and taking off his protective clothing.

Matthew De frowned, took out his phone, and searched for Gilead.

On June 22, 1987, Gilead Science Company was registered and established. Hepatitis B drugs are patents of Gilead Company. Basically, they are generic drugs in China. Matthew knows this.

But when he continued searching according to Barak's statement, Matthew gradually began to wonder. A familiar name appeared in his eyes. If it weren't for Professor Barack to say something like the Secretary of Defense, Matthew Dessert would have thought it was just a duplicate name.

In 1988, Rumsfeld joined the board of directors of Gilead Sciences.

In January 1997, Rumsfeld became the chairman of Gilead Sciences.

In 2001, Rumsfeld became the US Secretary of Defense.

Matthew Dee didn't know until then that the Secretary of Defense of the United States was once the chairman of a Fortune 500 company.

This is so special!

In Matthew De's Three Views, this is simply impossible.

The Three Views were completely ruined, and the ground was broken.

Shouldn't it be professional soldiers to enter the Ministry of Defense? How could the chairman of a biopharmaceutical company command the military operations?

But other information about Gilead has become very plain, and Matthew does not think it has any value.

Professor Barack seems to have said a person's name, researching for twenty years or something.

According to the transliteration, Matthew tried hard to recall and search.

Professor Ralph Barrick, after several mistakes, he found the resume of this virologist.

Ralph Barrick is a coronavirus expert at the University of North Carolina.

As early as November 25, 2008, he compiled a paper, claiming that he could synthesize the s virus that had disappeared in nature.

In 2010, Ralph Barrick’s laboratory began to study how the coronavirus replicates and affects the host.

In September 2012, Ralph Barrick received US$21.4 million in funding from the American Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for research on life-threatening viral infections.

Next, Matthew De also searched for news that shocked him even more.

In 2013, Shi Zhengli's team successfully isolated a virus from a bat in a remote cave in Yunnan Province. It is closer to the origin than all the s-viruses found in the past and can infect humans.

Using the surface protein in the shc014-cov gene sequence of the S virus carried by bats discovered by Shi Zhengli's team, the viral gene editing master Ralph Barrick used gene editing technology to transform the S virus.

And what is certain is that Ralph Barrick’s newly edited virus can infect humans. This is what he said himself, and similar words appear in the literature.

Matthew De's eyes are straight. Is this really dying?

No, Rumsfeld... U.S. Secretary of Defense... Virus editor master Ralph Barrick...

This series of words appeared in Matthew De's mind.

He felt a little fever in his brain. Could it be that the virus in Tianhe City does not exist naturally? Matthew Dee knows that recent conclusions about the virus originating from bats have prevailed, and he himself is more disgusted with eating bats.

That thing looks terrifying, I really don't know how the diners make their mouths.

But Professor Barack missed his mouth during the mitosis process, allowing Matthew to find a flaw.

But he still didn't believe it.

Matthew De has the most basic conscience. Ralph Barrick’s approach is simply anti-human. Is it true that the world of science is crazy? No one condemned?

if it is real,

Is there any reason?

Is there a Wang Fa!

It took half an hour for Matthew to find another piece of information.

Simon Wayne Hobson, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, opposed this type of research by Ralph Barrick.

He told Nature: "This kind of research is not good. If the new virus escapes, no one can predict its trajectory."

And almost at the same time!

A study jointly conducted by researchers from the US Army Institute of Infectious Diseases and Gilead Sciences, published at the IDweek conference in San Diego in late October 2015, showed that the experimental new drug Remdesivir gs-5734 can effectively inhibit The spread and self-replication of Ebola virus.

Then Ralph Barrick and his team began to tout Remdesivir.

Three consecutive assists, until January 10 this year, Ralph Barrick also published a paper showing that Redecive has an effect on the possible occurrence of pneumonia caused by the coronavirus.

Matthew De does not understand professional papers, but as an old medical director, he understands people's minds.

One horrifying thought after another appeared in my mind.

He was a little confused, and started searching the Internet for the news just now, and played it in a loop.

The commander is very energetic, and the big white painted house is used as the background. He is the most powerful person in the world in name.

Matthew Dee watched the related video over and over again, and his mood was extremely complicated.

He didn't want his guess to be true.

But a series of data are derived from the world's top scientific journals, including objections.

Create a virus that can infect and then create an antidote... Is it really that shameless?

Although Matthew De had been rubbed by society for countless years, he was still rubbed in such departments as the medical department, but he was a doctor in any way.

Treating illness and saving people sounds like a joke, a tall slogan. But over the years, Matthew De has witnessed countless doctors doing this.

The United States, in the legend, will not give up anyone, how can they allow such absurd things to happen.

Matthew De could not accept all this.

I don't know why, the last scene of the art performance on the twenty-ninth day of the lunar calendar appeared in front of Matthew De's eyes.

Defend your hometown

Defend the Yellow River

Defend North China

Defend all of China

The singing was loud and passionate, and Matthew De felt his legs tremble with excitement.

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