Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 988: Farewell (Part 1)

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

Six hours later, the three-person team of Jianxie Hospital supporting Tianhe was ready to go.

Chen Lu's eyes were red, and tears were still rolling in her eyes.

She called Zhao Zhe nearly an hour ago, and it has been like this ever since.

Professor Belak, who was wearing a mask, was still muttering to himself, and no one could hear what he was talking about.

Matthew De thinks that Barack is fine without wearing a mask. The speed of his "spraying" makes the virus impossible to take advantage of, and it cannot be infected through the respiratory tract at all.

Even Matthew De speculated that Professor Barak would speak faster after he was asleep. After all, in deep sleep, maybe this guy will mitose more of himself.

How did this kind of person become a world-class surgeon? Is it true that only paranoia can survive?

"Be sure to pay attention to safety." Matthew De exhorted for the last time.

"Mayuan, don't worry, we will be careful." Chen Lu whispered.

"This is an incubator, and the temperature is 4 degrees Celsius. It was sent by the manufacturer of Ridaxian." Matthew De gave the key to the box to the youngest Chen Lu and exhorted him tirelessly. "There are 1160 Ridaxian in it. Go After that, regardless of whether Teacher Wu likes it or not, all the staff will get injections every day."


No matter whether it is useful or not, as long as it has a little effect, all means will be used.

Matthew De did not leave a single celestial celestial being. He wiped out the inventory of the dealers in Montenegro, put them all in the incubator, and sent them to the plane together with protective equipment.

Because the packaging box was too large, it was particularly troublesome to carry. Matthew De removed the packaging, and did not carry the water for injection in it. It was a pure box of Ridasen.

As for Montenegro, Matthew is not worried.

He has already contacted the manager of Jie Hongxia and told Jie Hongxia very seriously that he must send Ridaxian to the hospital in the shortest possible time.

There may not be benefits, but if Hongxia doesn't cooperate, Matthew has 10,000 ways to reduce the company's sales to zero.

As the director of a large tertiary hospital, there is absolutely no problem if he deliberately cuts the way for people and money. It's just that Matthew is usually reluctant and disdain to do so.

Now his eyes are red, and Hongxia is also very cooperative, saying that he has contacted the Italian headquarters. After all, it has long been fully acquired by Chinese capital. Like Volvo, Xiasheng Pharmaceutical's Zidaxian is a "domestic" product.

"Da Lu!"

Zhao Zhe hurriedly ran from a distance.

He was wearing a thick down jacket, his cheeks were pale, and he was a little thinner, and his heavy clothes looked a little awkward.

"You..." Chen Lu was startled.

She did not dare to tell Zhao Zhe to go to Tianhe City in advance, for fear that he would not let herself go.

Although Chen Lu said no two at home, Zhao Zhe became stubborn and Chen Lu was also afraid. Home, the two respect each other, but Chen Lu is a bit stronger.

When faced with life and death, Chen Lu was also a little confused. The moment she saw Zhao Zhe, she seemed to rely on her.

"Aren't you busy on that side?" Chen Lu began to change the subject, avoiding tears in a single sentence.

"Take a two-hour leave." Zhao Zhe said, "The leader knows that you are going to Tianhe, and specially approved me to send you off."

"Zhao Zhe, I'm sorry." Chen Lu was a little aggrieved.

"Oh." Zhao Zhe said a thousand words in his heart, but he didn't know where to start.

Chen Lu's head was shaved flat, and her long hair disappeared, looking very strange, Zhao Zhe felt a little strange.

It's just this strangeness that makes him sad.

He sighed, took off his gloves, and held Chen Lu's hand.

Zhao Zhe's hands were cold, already frozen. Chen Lu held her hands in front of her distressedly, breathing hard, trying to warm her cold hands.

"You must be careful after you go to Tianhe." Zhao Zhe put his hands on Chen Lu's cheeks and gently exhorted.

"Relax, you are also careful at home." Chen Lu lowered her head, not daring to look at Zhao Zhe's eyes.

"Your side is more dangerous, my side is okay." Zhao Zhe smiled honestly. He tried to hold back his tears, took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone as much as possible, "Take care."

Thousands of words, in the end, still become two words to take care.

"Yeah." Chen Lu buried her head lower, put her hands on Zhao Zhe's, reluctantly.

There was no more intimate words, and the two were silent.

The airport is empty, flights are getting fewer and fewer, and the crowds of the past have long since disappeared.

The deserted atmosphere exacerbated the panic in his heart. Zhao Zhe's hands gradually tightened, and he had bad thoughts in his heart, for fear of losing Chen Lu.

He didn't dare to think about the situation.

But no matter how he didn't want Chen Lu to go to Tianhe City, he couldn't say it at this moment.

As time passed, the sound of ground crew came from the horn.

Matthew De endured and endured, and finally said, "Chen Lu, let's go."

Chen Lu nodded, her head lowered again, and she buried her in front of Zhao Zhe's chest.

Zhao Zhe lowered his head and kissed Chen Lu's hair lightly.

I have kissed countless times, but now it feels a little weird. Chen Lu's hair has already been cut off The roots of her hair are a little bit sticky like needles.

"Be careful about that, no matter what happens, tell me immediately." Zhao Zhe murmured.

"Yeah." Chen Lu nodded slightly.

The tears in the eye sockets were finally "thrown out" with subtle movements, hung on the eyelashes, crystal clear.

Matthew Dee silently watched the parting soon, and no one knew if there was any goodbye from the returning couple.

The tears hanging on Chen Lu's eyelashes refracted the light, as if a rainbow appeared in front of Matthew De's eyes.

They looked very embarrassed and said goodbye in a hurry, without any sense of ritual.

Once you turn around, it may be eternal.

Matthew's already numb heart felt sour. He held back the sadness in his heart, pulled up Chen Lu's trolley box, and walked towards the entrance.

Leave them one second or two more.

Maybe this little time in life is not important, but for Chen Lu who is about to go on an expedition, it is very precious.

"Mayuan, I'll come." Chen Lu's voice came from behind his ears, and Matthew sighed slightly, seeing Chen Lu running over, tears flying in the air.

She didn't dare to turn her head, she didn't dare to let Zhao Zhe see her tears.

"Take care!" Chen Lu took the trolley case with her left hand, raised her right hand, and waved vigorously.

Chen Lu did not look back until the figure disappeared.



The same scene is happening in airports across the country.

Maybe the protagonist is different, but they regard death as home, although thousands of people have the same mood.

No matter how heavy the haze of Tianhe is, they firmly believe that their arms can dispel all that!

Do things that can do things, make a sound that can be vocal.

There is a bit of heat, and a bit of light.

Just make it like a firefly, you can also shine a little in the dark, without waiting for the torch.

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