Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 990: Mysterious number one hundred and thirty-seven

69, the fastest update of the doctor without sleep!

"District Chief Deng, documents." Shi Zhonghua walked in, said with a few pieces of paper in his hand.


Deng Ming took the file, and habitually quickly glanced at the key location after opening it.

[Composed of tertiary A general hospitals and infectious disease specialist hospitals that undertake the task of treating infectious diseases. Each province (city) will organize 3 batches of medical teams, (1 batch is carrying out treatment work, and the other 2 batches are on standby.)]

[2: Medical personnel organization and professional requirements: each province (city) requires 135 medical personnel for each batch of medical teams. The specific requirements for members are as follows...]

Deng Ming was stunned when he saw the words above, as if there was a sharp puff of air between the lines on the paper.

The official document system, which has always been called inefficient, is not actually understood by laymen.

Chinese characters are broad and profound, and some sentences that are exactly the same when translated into foreign languages ​​are actually quite different in the insider's opinion.

For example, the document supporting Tianhe this time was expected, but Deng Ming did not expect the wording to be so harsh.

Yes, what he saw in the plain statement was sternness and wind and fire.

For example, the writing of the most recent work meeting-our district has assigned certain (position) and certain (position) to set up a working group, and the list will be reported within 24 hours.

If you accidentally write "assigned" as "to be assigned", after seeing the document, you will definitely receive a call within 30 minutes asking "Are these two comrades having any difficulties?"

There is a huge difference between the proposed and the already, and the secretary who can do this kind of thing has long been eliminated.

However, the word "please" will be included in the official letter issued by the general country.

Even when on duty during the Spring Festival, the experienced program secretary saw that the official document used the word "invite" and would forward this letter to the leading comrade in charge of related work.

It is estimated that within 3 hours of receiving the document in the General Office, a certain leader has already instructed "please make financial arrangements for comrades in the financial department" and even encourage "comrades in a city" or something.

And the document in front of me is just a statement of facts, without negotiating and polite tone.

The usually entangled cost issue is not even mentioned. It is obvious that the secretary who wrote the document is stating something in a cold and stern tone.

Through the paper in front of him, Deng Ming could vaguely see the flames on the other side of Tianhe.

Then there is the number and batch of medical teams...

The 135 medical team members and the words "standby" are telling the first batch of support personnel in all provinces and cities across the country not to expand the scale.

Of course, the superiors must have considered that too many support personnel will cause trouble to Tianhe City, and they have tried their best to make overall arrangements.

In so many provinces across the country, the first batch of 135 first-line clinical medical staff will be sent, and the second and third batches of support staff will be formed.

Needless to say how far Tianhe's situation is, anyone with a little sensitivity knows it.

This file is almost a hundred thousand hurried, and then three chicken feathers are inserted.

"The fifth hospital of the Medical University in our district has not been completed. The opinion of the provinces and cities is to transfer people from the first to the fourth hospital of the medical university." Shi Zhonghua explained.

Deng Ming nodded, glanced, and after confirming the urgency of the document, he began to read the document carefully.

The more he watched, the more thrilling he became, and Deng Ming's brows wrinkled tightly.

Deng Ming rarely saw documents with such clear expressions, and even the personnel and titles were clearly marked in the documents.

The document clearly stated:

The general patient treatment medical team will be divided into 5 groups, 15 people in each group, a total of 75 people.

The medical team is composed of physicians and nursing staff. Each group of physicians needs to have 6 people, including: 4 people in the Department of Respiratory Medicine (2 people with a professional title of associate professor and above, 2 people in charge), 1 person in the Department of Infectious Diseases (Associate Chief Physician), 1 person in the Hospital Infection Management Department (deputy senior title); each group of nursing staff requires 9 people, including: 5 nursing staff in the respiratory department (including 1 professional title above intermediate), 4 nursing staff in the infectious disease department (of which 1 person with intermediate title or above).

There are 60 people in the critically ill treatment medical team, all of which are composed of physicians and nursing staff. Among them, there are 12 specialists in intensive care medicine or respiratory intensive medicine (4 associate professors and above, 8 attending), and 48 specialist nurses in intensive care medicine (4 with intermediate titles or above).

135 people, standard standards, neat and tidy.

Coupled with the dean and deputy dean leading the team, a team of 137 people should already be preparing.

"Call Xue Chunhe." Deng Ming said with a serious expression.

"Yes." Shi Zhonghua knew the seriousness of the matter, and he nodded and turned to call.

Deng Ming keenly felt that the matter was more serious than he expected, especially the official letter before him. He read it several times and tasted what the official letter did not say clearly.

I was afraid that the situation in Tianhe would not be able to sustain it. Deng Ming finally knew it clearly.

I am just a district governor of the provincial capital, and my main duty is to guard the land.

There are already infected patients in the provincial capital, so the next thing to do is definitely to guard the development of the new area through the Jianxie Hospital and the county hospital.

It is too much to ensure that the development of new areas will not be affected by the epidemic. The burning eyebrows are now-to avoid the spread of the epidemic in the new development There are medical teams across the country to support Tianhe. The news is public, and careful people find that the number 137 frequently appears in front of them.

137. The epidemic dissipated, and most people felt that it was a good word to please.

Is it really interesting just to please the lip service on this kind of issue? There have been countless discussions about the number 137 on the Internet.

[137 is a green auspicious number

Since the 19th century, scientists have begun to discuss the importance of the number "137". Some people believe that it is a clue to the grand unified theory that can unlock some of the most basic secrets in the universe.


137 is the divisor of the relative atomic mass of the chemical element a

The fine structure constant in physics is approximately equal to 1/137.

The fine structure constant α combines the three basic constants of nature, the speed of light, the charge carried by an electron, and the Planck constant.

The physicist Paul Davis explained that the theory of relativity, electromagnetism and quantum mechanics all converge here, reflecting the charm of 1137. 】

In a certain post, a great **** explained this.

137 even has something to do with the occult and quantum mechanics.

Some people even have their brains open, saying that 137 is anti-731, anti-biochemical warfare.

In the lively discussions on the Internet, there are many people who denounce the pandemic and are still engaged in superstition. Condemned for not doing business properly, and even the number of supporters is limited.

In the face of contrarian trends, no matter how you do it, it's all wrong.

Outside the lively network, members of the 135+n medical support teams from various provinces and cities quickly assembled and boarded a charter flight to Tianhe. At the same time, there are various protective materials squeezed out by the provinces and cities.

War mode

Turn it on!

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