Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 991: Bankruptcy support

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Watching the plane disappear, Zhao Zhecai used his cold hands to wipe away the ice crystals on his cheeks, and then rubbed hard to avoid making people laugh at the inspection port.

He rode the electric bike in the wind and snow blankly, all the way back to the testing station.

"Zhao Zhe, did your wife really go to Tianhe?" a police officer asked.

We didn't know each other before, but we got acquainted gradually after getting along for a while.

"Yeah." Zhao Zhe muffled and nodded.

"I hope it's okay." The police officer patted Zhao Zhe on the shoulder, and then realized that he had said something wrong, "It must be okay!"

"Sure!" Zhao Zhe nodded.

The work at the inspection station is boring and boring.

Especially in the wind and snow, the frozen people can't stand.

Zhao Zhe was dressed in thick clothes, but he could not withstand the cold for three or nine days. Shaking and jumping, heating basically depends on shaking. Had it not been for the hot treasure given to him by Chen Lu's dead Pistons, Zhao Zhe's life would be even more difficult.

After persisting for a few hours, Zhao Zhe saw that the time had come and was about to change the guard. Finally, I can go to the electric heater to warm my hands. The warm home is now a paradise in his dreams for Zhao Zhe.

Things that I don't usually care about, now seem so far away and precious.

Just about to call for someone, Zhao Zhe saw several 16-wheel heavy trucks approaching in the distance.

Is there a heavy truck on the road at this time? Zhao Zhe jumped twice and pressed the thermometer on his chest, not willing to take it out now.

Take a question and then try it back. It feels like a icy tuft, and it feels like the heart stops beating.

Don't worry, wait for the heavy truck to drive over.

The red heavy truck was particularly conspicuous on the snow. Zhao Zhe felt that if he looked down from the drone, it would look like snow with winter plums.

Its speed is not fast, the driver is quite experienced, the judgment of rain and snow weather is very accurate, brakes in advance, slid all the way.

Red banners hung on the side of heavy trucks-support Tianhe City and win the encounter!

Zhao Zhe was taken aback. This was a heavy truck sent by the provincial capital to support Tianhe City. It was full of cargo. I don't know what it was pulling.

But guessing can also be guessed.

Rice, white noodles, pork, and medical supplies should not be much.

Anyway, if you have anything at home, just look for the inventory and send it all. In a big city with tens of millions of people, the daily consumption of daily necessities is staggering.

At this time, the province must have no reservations, and the bankruptcy must also ensure the supply of materials in Tianhe.

Zhao Zhe politely came to the side of the heavy truck, "Master, go to Tianhe?"

"Yeah!" said the driver's master, "support supplies from our province."

"How to take road freight?"

"This is the rest, the province is in a hurry, for fear that it will be too late. The train skin has been sent early in the morning." The driver master said, poking his head out.

Zhao Zhe took out the temperature measuring gun from his arms and measured the temperature for the driver's master.

32.2 degrees Celsius.

Withdrawing the temperature measuring gun, Zhao Zhe stood at attention and paid a non-standard military salute to the driver's master.

"The snowy road is slippery, so be careful all the way." Zhao Zhe said.

One car after the other, Zhao Zhe repeated the same actions and said the same words.

The staff in the toll booth and the support staff from outside saluted all the way and watched the support team leave.

As if something was wrong, Zhao Zhe felt that his brain had been frozen into a big chunk of ice. After thinking hard, he realized that two drivers were not wearing masks.

I don't know if they are there, Zhao Zhe didn't hesitate, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait a moment!"

The convoy was moving slowly, and when someone yelled, the brakes stopped.

Zhao Zhe caught up with him, took out the mask Matthew De had given him from his arms, and gave him one mask by car.

It's just an ordinary medical surgical mask with Zhao Zhe's body temperature on it.

The driver's master was taken aback. Zhao Zhe gave each driver a mask, as if he was telling Chen Lu to take care.

It is difficult to go retrograde in the wind and snow across thousands of mountains and rivers.

Watching the convoy disappear into the wind and snow, Zhao Zhe was relieved and prepared to take a rest.



On the plane, Chen Lu stared blankly at the sea of ​​clouds and wept.

Ren Haitao is very bored and generally does not speak; Professor Barak is at the other extreme, even more extreme than Ren Haitao. He keeps splitting and talks to himself.

"Dalu, don't cry."

Pass a piece of tissue.

Chen Lu looked up and saw Ren Haitao's honest and honest face.

"Thank you." Chen Lu took the tissue, pulled down the mask, and whispered her nose out.

"Don't be afraid. I checked the information. As long as the protection is properly done, it will be fine." Ren Haitao said, "The protection conditions are much better now than in 2003. At that time, I was wearing cotton masks. I knew I couldn't protect against the virus, so I had to wear it. "

Ren Haitao comforted Chen Lu in his own way.

"Brother Ren, I'm either scared or homesick." Chen Lu wiped away her tears, but the tears in her eyes couldn't help streaming out again.

Cried to the girl, Ren Haitao's hands and feet were numb, and he didn't know what to do. What he just said was already his limit, and he couldn't do any more.

"Brother Ren, why didn't I see my sister-in-law come to see you off?" Chen Lu asked sobbing.

"What the old husband and wife are still tossing about." Ren Haitao smiled, "The people coming and going at the airport are infected again."

"There is no one at the airport."

"I didn't tell my family." Ren Haitao said grimly, "The one in my family is more fierce than you..."

"..." Chen Lu stared at Ren Haitao with wide eyes.

"Teacher Wu is going to sign up on the twenty-ninth day. After I signed up, I went home and told my daughter-in-law about it. She didn't want to do it." Ren Haitao said, "Even if I told her, she will take care of the money at home in the future, this won't work. "

"You are in charge of the money in your house?" Chen Lu's thoughts strayed.

"Yes, I take care of the money in my house."

Chen Lu looked at Ren Haitao for a while, as if recognizing this honest anesthetist.

"So, I can't let my wife know." Ren Haitao sighed.


"It's okay, I'll be outside. Jun's fate is different." Ren Haitao smiled, "I think, there are only two results. The worst is to die outside, but you can't do it at this time."

"Brother Ren, do you think you might not be able to come back?"

Ren Haitao honestly said: "How good Teacher Wu is, he will start calling for the next batch of support after only a few days. I think the situation in Tianhe City may exceed all of our expectations, better than..."


Ren Haitao's words were interrupted by Professor Barak.

"There shouldn't be any expectations! This is a perfect virus, unprecedented." Professor Barack said, "No one, including OSS, is sure, even if he is the devil..."

"No, Barack, you are so stupid!" Another Barack interrupted himself, "In the face of a perfect virus, the whole world will return to the Middle Ages. The Black Death! That's it!"

Chen Lu shuddered.

"If it weren't for this virus to only infect yellow people, it would be really bad." Professor Barack continued to nag.

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