Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 992: I want to see the big devil who failed for the first time

"Professor Barack, are you talking alarmist?" Ren Haitao asked.

"Absolutely not." Professor Barack said, "you don't know the magic of Boss. On the day of the chorus, what did you see Boss say on stage? He took the extinct smallpox as an example. I know him too well. Don't scare people."

"This is China's Chernobyl!" Another Professor Barak said, "Boss is very sad, very sad, he knows that the danger is going to go, and sometimes he really doesn't know what is in his mind."

"Boss is tired of the beaches of Miami, the beauties of Brazil, the snow of the Alps..."

"What does the Brazilian beauty mean?" Chen Lu asked for the first time.

Ren Haitao also pricked his ears and listened carefully to Professor Barack's explanation.

"..." Professor Barack shrugged, "It's just a metaphor, don't you think that speaking like this is very imposing?"

"It's all metaphors, boring." Chen Lu said contemptuously.

"Except for beautiful women, everything else is true. The Boss has a small island in Miami. He invited us to play." Barack felt that he was insulted, and immediately said: "An island, very big, with manors, yachts, beautiful women... …"

"..." Chen Lu was speechless.

"Ms. Wu is so rich?" Ren Haitao asked suspiciously.

"As long as he thinks, money is not a problem, and money and dollars have no special meaning to him." Barack said triumphantly.

"Then why did he come back? Wouldn't it be better to take his parents?"

"I don't understand the idea of ​​Boss. It's like the epidemic in Tianhe City. He should be a brain, not a hand!"

"There is the highest expert group in China." Ren Haitao said.

"Apart from age, I don’t think that Boss is worse than any expert. The scene of his quarrel with Dr. Anthony at that time, I still can’t forget it, it’s terrifying! I can feel that Boss definitely has the ability to lift the table, even if it is. Face Dr. Anthony."

Ren Haitao and Chen Lu didn't know what lifting a table was, and they didn't know who Dr. Anthony was. They looked at each other, and both expressed certain doubts about the words of a patient with a fine grade.

"Do you know?" Professor Barack said mysteriously, "People in Massachusetts are thinking about the source of the virus. Guess, what do you think is the most promising source?"

"Professor Barack, I remember you said that you have been studying virus grafting..."

"No, he should just be involved." Professor Barak said, "This epidemic virus is of perfect level, and he should not be able to do it."

Ren Haitao shook his head.

"It's God's punishment!" Professor Barak said: "The reason why it happened in China is also because the city on the top of the mountain specified by the gods was challenged, so the gods descended the perfect virus!"

"Bats? I think people recently said that bats are more likely to carry the virus." Chen Lu didn't understand what Barack was talking about, so she retorted in a low voice.

"Impossible! Bats are amazing. The assets of bats transformed into humans have spread all over the world, but they do not have this ability. Sir, please note that I am talking about perfect viruses, perfect!"

Ren Haitao sneered at Professor Barak's babble. He believed in science, not theology.

And what Professor Barack meant was that the old nobles in Europe were all vampires. Isn't that impossible?

"I have a hunch that Boss will not be able to solve this perfect virus. In this world, no one can solve it. But fortunately, my Great America is on the World Island. As long as the flight to China is cut off, the spread of the virus can be avoided."

"Doesn't you even stop trading?" Chen Lu asked suspiciously.

"I don't know, this matter is already related to human survival or death. The last time a similar incident occurred was the plague of the Middle Ages. By the way, I heard from Boss that you had a once powerful dynasty that was finally kicked by the plague. , Which led to the change of Wang Chao."

"Professor Barack, if it's so dangerous, why are you going?" Ren Haitao asked suspiciously.

"Boss will show his incomparable skills. My surgery stands on a threshold. This threshold is called the wall between gods and humans. But the **** Boss is afraid of my talents. After reaching this wall of sigh, he refused to give me tips. Moreover, I will not be infected."

"Bellak, please pay attention to your words." Another Professor Barak said grimly, "You are saying bad things about Boss, are you not afraid of him hearing it?"

"But... I'm telling the truth."

"Boss cares about your surgical skills? How old are you? 42 years old! In the words of Boss, you are now at the peak of your life. Body, technique, and energy are the best. Some skills are not taught by Boss, but You can't learn it."

"The most important thing is that this virus will only infect yellow people, and Barack must be fine."

Ren Haitao and Chen Lu subconsciously want to buy earplugs. Professor Barack is not like ordinary people chatting at all. Everyone sits together and talks. If you have something to say, I have to say something.

As long as he is there, the chat will definitely turn into a conversation between Professor Barak and him after mitosis.

And this kind of dialogue is almost endless. If it is not for the physical limitations of Barack, he can talk to himself about the end of the universe.

The cabin is full of cargo, and most of them are protective equipment, which is also helpless.

After all, shipping is the fastest. In recent days, there has been a shortage of cargo planes. It is unknown how many flights filled with protective materials and living materials are sent to Tianhe City every day across the country and even the world.

In Chen Lu's ears were Professor Barak's meaningful or meaningless words. She looked out the window and felt a little homesick. Zhao Zhe didn't know what he was doing, and the hot treasure he brought to him didn't know whether he was using it or not.

After flying in the air for 3 hours, the beautiful Tianhe City appeared in front of us.

The plane hovered and landed in the god, I really can't see how many cars there are. It's hard to imagine such a big city so empty. "Professor Barack attached to the plane glass and looked down, and said in surprise.

"Motor vehicles will be restricted from the 26th." Ren Haitao said, "It seems to be that everyone is advised to stay at home."

"It's useless." Professor Barack said affirmatively, "I sometimes even wonder whether this perfect virus will also infect cars. In the future, objects and the environment will spread the virus, not humans themselves."

"..." Ren Haitao really couldn't figure out how a Massachusetts professor could say such words with no common sense at all.

How can the environment transmit viruses to humans?

Maybe it's just a joke.

"I will see the Boss soon!" Professor Barak was particularly excited, "I want to see with my own eyes how the legendary invincible big devil faces defeat!"

He was so overwhelmed that he spoke his own thoughts at the last moment before the plane landed.

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